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🏛 Go to 5 different museums / 🖼 Visit the Metropolitan Museum of Art NEW YORK / 🏛️ Visit the British Museum LONDON / Visit an art gallery / Visit 5 museums / 🏛️ Visit the Museum of Modern Art NEW YORK / 🏛️ Visit the Rijksmuseum NETHERLANDS / Visit 3 museums / Visit 10 different museums / Go to the Smithsonian / Go to five different museums / 🏛️ Visit the Smithsonian Institution WASHINGTON, D.C. / Go to the Louvre / Visit 5 different museums / Go to 3 different museums / Visit five museums / 🚶♀️ Walk around the Musee du Louvre FRANCE / 🏛️ Visit the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao SPAIN / 🦕 Visit the Natural History Museum in London ENGLAND / Go to 5 different museums in 5 different cities / Visit the Library of Congress WASHINGTON, D.C. / Visit the National Gallery, London ENGLAND / Visit 10 Museums I have never been before / Go to 10 different museums / Visit Tokyo National Museum JAPAN / 🖼️ Visit the Van Gogh Museum NETHERLANDS / Attend SXSW TEXAS / 🖼️ Visit the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston MASSACHUSETTS / Visit the National Portrait Gallery (DC) WASHINGTON, D.C. / Visit the Musee d'Orsay FRANCE / Visit Frankfurt GERMANY / Visit the Art Institute of Chicago ILLINOIS / 🕰️ Visit the Doctor Who museum in Cardiff WALES / Go to the MOMA / Visit the American Museum of Natural History NEW YORK / Visit the Guggenheim Museum NEW YORK / Visit five different museums / Visit the Louvre Museum FRANCE / 🏛️ Visit the Seattle Art Museum WASHINGTON / Visit Centre Pompidou FRANCE / Visit every museum at my city / See the Louvre FRANCE / Attend South by Southwest in Austin, TX TEXAS / Spend a day at the Louvre FRANCE / Visit the National Portrait Gallery (London) LONDON / Visit the Getty Museum LOS ANGELES / Visit every museum in my city / Visit LACMA LOS ANGELES / 🏛️ Visit the National Museum of Scotland SCOTLAND / Visit the Denver Art Museum COLORADO / Visit the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art MISSOURI / 🎞️ Visit the National Media Museum ENGLAND / Visit Somerset House LONDON / Visit the Milwaukee Art Museum WISCONSIN / Visit Te Papa (the Museum of New Zealand) NEW ZEALAND / Visit the Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art ARKANSAS / Visit Museu Picasso SPAIN / Visit Montreal's Planetarium and Biodome CANADA / Visit the Royal Ontario Museum CANADA / Stroll through the Comic Strip Museum in Brussels BELGIUM / Visit the Museum of Science and Industry ILLINOIS / Spot mummies and dinosaurs at the Royal Ontario Museum CANADA / 🖼️ See the Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum SCOTLAND / 🏛️ Visit the Grand Palais FRANCE / 🖼️ Explore the art paradise at The Prado in Madrid SPAIN / Visit the Pergamon Museum GERMANY / Visit the Titanic museum in Branson MISSOURI / Visit the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco SAN FRANCISCO / 🖼️ Visit the Walker Art Center MINNESOTA / 🖼️ Visit the BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art ENGLAND / Visit the Detroit Institute of Arts MICHIGAN / Visit the Philadelphia Museum of Art PHILADELPHIA / Learn about ancient Greek history at the New Acropolis Museum in Athens GREECE / Visit the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden WASHINGTON, D.C. / Visit the National Folk Museum of Korea SOUTH KOREA / Visit the New Orleans Museum of Art LOUISIANA / Visit the Georgia Museum of Art GEORGIA / Visit the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam NETHERLANDS / Visit MoMa NEW YORK / 🖼️ Visit Nottingham Contemporary ENGLAND / Visit the Royal Academy of Arts LONDON / Visit the National Art Center, Tokyo JAPAN / Visit the National Galleries of Scotland / 🏛️ Visit the Canadian Museum of Civilization in Quebec CANADA / Visit the New York Public Library NEW YORK / Visit the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum NEW YORK / Visit the Salvador Dali Museum FLORIDA / 🖼️ Visit the Saatchi Gallery LONDON / Visit MOTAT (Museum of Transport & Technology) NEW ZEALAND / Stroll through the NEMO Museum on the banks of the IJ NETHERLANDS / Stroll around the The Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia SPAIN / Visit Huntington Library LOS ANGELES / Visit the Ashmolean Museum UNITED KINGDOM / Visit Melbourne Museum AUSTRALIA / Go to the Ohio State Fair UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / See the 'Springtime of the Renaissance' exhibition in Florence ITALY / Visit the San Antonio Museum of Art (SAMA) TEXAS / 🔭 Visit the Royal Observatory in Greenwich ENGLAND / Visit the Birmingham Museum of Art ALABAMA / Visit the Bata Shoe Museum CANADA / Visit the Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya SPAIN / 🛳️ Visit Titanic Belfast UNITED KINGDOM / Visit the Freer and Sackler Galleries WASHINGTON, D.C. / 🖼️ Visit the Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art SPAIN / 🖼️ Visit the Serpentine Gallery LONDON / Vist the Shanghai Museum CHINA / Visit the Dakota Dinosaur Museum NORTH DAKOTA / Explore numerous finds at the Delphi Archaeological Museum GREECE / Attend the Cambridge Science Festival ENGLAND / Revel in dinosaur history in the Royal Tyrrell Museum CANADA / Visit the Akron Art Museum OHIO / Visit the South Carolina State Museum SOUTH CAROLINA / Visit Centro Cultural Banco Do Brasil (Rio de Janeiro) BRAZIL / Visit the National Gallery of Ireland IRELAND / Visit the Paris Museum of Modern Art PARIS / Visit the Renwick Gallery WASHINGTON, D.C. / Visit the Australian Centre for the Moving Image AUSTRALIA / Visit the Winterthur Museum DELAWARE / Learn about Costa Rican history at the National Museum in San Jose COSTA RICA / Visit the Egyptian Museum of Berlin GERMANY / Visit the Museum of Sex NEW YORK / Visit the Frederik Meijer Gardens and Sculpture Park MICHIGAN / Visit the Shelburne Museum VERMONT / Visit Ashmolean Museum ENGLAND / Visit the Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts ENGLAND / Visit the Museum of Broken Relationships CROATIA / Visit the Senckenberg Museum GERMANY / Visit the Hermitage Amsterdam museum NETHERLANDS / See the Foire de Paris (Paris Fair) FRANCE / Visit the Art Gallery of Ontario CANADA / Visit the Asheville Art Museum NORTH CAROLINA / Visit the Cleveland Museum of Art OHIO / 🖼️ Visit the Whitney Museum of American Art NEW YORK / Visit the Wichita Art Museum KANSAS / Visit Delaware Art Museum DELAWARE / See the artistry of objects at Dresden's Grunes Gewolbe GERMANY / Attend the Galway Arts Festival IRELAND / Attend the Perth Royal Show AUSTRALIA / Visit the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston TEXAS / Visit the Israel Museum ISRAEL / Visit the Hunter Museum of American Art TENNESSEE / Visit the Oklahoma City Museum of Art OKLAHOMA / Visit the Museum of the Plains Indian MONTANA / 🏛️ Visit the Story of Berlin Museum GERMANY / Go to the Portland Art Museum OREGON / Attend the Floriade Festival AUSTRALIA / Visit CaixaForum Barcelona SPAIN / 🖼️ Visit the Art Gallery of New South Wales AUSTRALIA / Visit Duxford Imperial War Museum ENGLAND / Visit Auckland War Memorial Museum NEW ZEALAND / Pay a visit to the Archaeological Museum in Iraklio GREECE / Visit the Art museums and galleries in Stuttgart GERMANY / Visit New Britain Museum of American Art CONNECTICUT / Visit the Cypress Museum in Nicosia CYPRUS / Visit the National Museum in Phnom Penh CAMBODIA / Attend the Kieler Woche in Kiel GERMANY / Stroll around the Museum of Pre-Columbian Gold in San Jose COSTA RICA / Explore the Bastogne Historical Centre BELGIUM / Visit the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes CHILE / 🖼️ Visit the Art Gallery of Alberta CANADA / Visit the Peabody Essex Museum MASSACHUSETTS / Visit the Queensland Art Gallery (GoMA) AUSTRALIA / Visit the Musee du quai Branly FRANCE / Visit CaixaForum Madrid MADRID / Visit Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen NETHERLANDS / Visit the National Gallery of Australia AUSTRALIA / Visit Centro Cultural Banco Do Brasil (Brasilia) BRAZIL / Visit the Musee Oceanographique de Monaco MONACO / 🖼️ Visit the Auckland Art Gallery NEW ZEALAND / Visit the Soumaya Museum MEXICO / Visit the Swiss Museum of Transport SWITZERLAND / Attend the Great New York State Fair NEW YORK / Go to the Dali Museum FLORIDA / Visit the Museum für Naturkunde (Museum of Natural History) GERMANY / Visit Ringling Brothers Museum FLORIDA / Visit Tate Modern Art Museum ENGLAND / Visit the Museum of Contemporary Art Australia AUSTRALIA / Visit Kilkenny Castle IRELAND / Tour the National Museum of the American Indian WASHINGTON, D.C. / Visit the Brussels Underpants Museum BELGIUM / Spend an afternoon at the British Museum ENGLAND / Visit Centro Cultural Banco Do Brasil (São Paulo) BRAZIL / 🏛️ Visit MuseumsQuartier AUSTRIA / Visit Musee du Louvre-Lens FRANCE / Visit the Tel Aviv Museum of Art ISRAEL / Visit the Istanbul Modern Art Museum TURKEY / Visit the National Building Museum WASHINGTON, D.C. / Visit the National Museum of American History WASHINGTON, D.C. / Visit the Mori Art Museum JAPAN / Visit the Royal Tyrrell Museum CANADA / Visit the High Museum GEORGIA / Visit the Museo de Arte Contemporaneo (MAC) CHILE / Attend the Feria Internacional del Libro de Buenos Aires ARGENTINA / Visit Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum MASSACHUSETTS / Visit the National Museum Cardiff WALES / Visit the Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum CONNECTICUT / Visit Fort Wayne Museum of Art INDIANA / Visit the Dubuque Museum of Art IOWA / Visit Superstition Mountain Museum ARIZONA / Visit the Joslyn Art Museum NEBRASKA / Visit the Explorium of Lexington KENTUCKY / Visit the Museum of World Treasures in Wichita KANSAS / Learn about Dubrovnik's turbulent history at the Rector's Palace CROATIA / Stroll around the Thessaloniki Book Fair GREECE / Attend the Kilkenny Arts Festival IRELAND / Visit the Minneapolis Institute of Arts MINNESOTA / Visit London Science Museum ENGLAND / Visit the Madison Museum of Contemporary Art WISCONSIN / Visit the Royal Alberta Museum CANADA / Visit the Winnipeg Art Gallery CANADA / Visit the Museum of European and Mediterranean Civilisations (MuCEM) / Visit the 798 Art District CHINA / Visit Kröller-Müller Museum NETHERLANDS / Visit Allard Pierson Museum NETHERLANDS / Visit the Crime and Punishment Museum WASHINGTON, D.C. / Explore the Museum of Natural History NEW YORK / Visit the Country Music Hall of Fame TENNESSEE / Visit the Oakland Museum of California CALIFORNIA / Visit the Horniman Museum and Gardens ENGLAND / Visit the Canadian Museum of Nature CANADA / Visit the new Deryneia Folkloric Museum CYPRUS / 🏛️ Visit the Bauhaus Archive Museum of Design GERMANY / Visit Katara Cultural Village QATAR / Visit the Käthe Kollwitz Gallery GERMANY / Visit the Hermitage TENNESSEE / Attend the Alaska State Fair ALASKA / Visit the Cornish Colony Museum VERMONT / Visit the Morgan Library and Museum NEW YORK / Visit the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam NETHERLANDS / Visit the Legion of Honor CALIFORNIA / Visit FOAM NETHERLANDS / Visit Kunsthal NETHERLANDS / Visit Tropenmuseum NETHERLANDS / Visit the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis MINNESOTA / Visit Natuurhistorisch Museum Rotterdam NETHERLANDS / Visit the Getty Centre in Los Angeles CALIFORNIA / Visit the Art Gallery of South Australia AUSTRALIA / Visit the Philadelphia Art Museum PHILADELPHIA / Visit the Archaeological Museum in Antalya TURKEY / Visit the Museo de la Solidaridad Salvador Allende CHILE / Explore the Fiji Museum FIJI / Visit Cholamandalam, an artist village in Chennai INDIA / Visit the Mimara Museum in Zagreb CROATIA / Visit the Chicago History Museum ILLINOIS / Visit Fitts Museum NEW HAMPSHIRE / Visit the Great Plains Art Museum NEBRASKA / Visit the Morris Museum of Art GEORGIA / Visit the KattenKabinet (Cat Art Museum) / Visit the Museum of Miniatures in Prague CZECH REPUBLIC / Visit Boise Art Museum IDAHO / Visit the Corning Museum of Glass NEW YORK / Visit the Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts NEBRASKA / Visit the Ulrich Museum of Art KANSAS / Visit the Memphis Brooks Museum of Art TENNESSEE / Visit the Bronx Museum of the Arts NEW YORK / See the Konopiště castle CZECH REPUBLIC / See the Daut Pasha Baths and art gallery NORTH MACEDONIA / Visit the Boston Public Library MASSACHUSETTS / Visit Dostoevsky Museum RUSSIA / Visit Algoma Art Gallery CANADA / Visit Lao National Museum LAOS / Visit Luxembourg City History Museum LUXEMBOURG / Visit Luxembourg's Modern Art Museum LUXEMBOURG / Visit the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes in Buenos Aires ARGENTINA / Visit the Parque das Nacoes museum in Lisbon PORTUGAL / Explore the Turaida Museum Reserve LATVIA / Visit the Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino CHILE / Visit the Centro Cultural De Hidalgo in Pachuca MEXICO / Attend the Eigse Carlow Arts Festival IRELAND / Visit the Iziko South African Museum SOUTH AFRICA / Visit Chazen Museum of Art WISCONSIN / Visit the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts VIRGINIA / Visit Vancouver Art Gallery CANADA / Visit the Columbus Museum of Art OHIO / Visit the National Portrait Gallery, Canberra AUSTRALIA / Visit the Ullens Center for Contemporary Art CHINA / Visit the Carnegie Museum of Art PENNSYLVANIA / Visit the Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney AUSTRALIA / Visit Alden Biesen BELGIUM / Visit the Technik Museum in Sinsheim GERMANY / Visit the Deutsches Museum GERMANY / Visit the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art CALIFORNIA / Attend Silicon Valley Comic Con CALIFORNIA / Visit the Hermitage RUSSIA / Visit the Los Angeles Central Library CALIFORNIA / Visit Cincinnati Union Terminal OHIO / Visit Amsterdam Museum NETHERLANDS / Visit the Hunterian Museum SCOTLAND / Visit the American Visionary Art Museum MARYLAND / Visit the Albuquerque Museum NEW MEXICO / Visit Peabody Essex Museum MASSACHUSETTS / Visit the Pitt Rivers museum UNITED KINGDOM / Visit El Museo del Barrio NEW YORK / Visit the Rhode Island School of Design Museum of Art RHODE ISLAND / Attend the New Mexico State Fair NEW MEXICO / Visit the Meridian Museum of Art MISSISSIPPI / Visit the Frederick R. Weisman Art Museum MINNESOTA / Visit the Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture WASHINGTON / Visit the Worcester Art Museum MASSACHUSETTS / Visit the Seattle Art Museum Downtown WASHINGTON /