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🚢 Go on a cruise / 🌍 Make a list of 50 places I would like to visit in my lifetime / 📚 Find a new hobby / 🚶♂️ Spend a day exploring my city / 🏰 Visit St Peter's Basilica VATICAN CITY / 🌊 Visit the Dead Sea ISRAEL / 🌲 Visit Banff National Park CANADA / Act like a tourist in my own town / Visit Boston / Write a list of 101 things I've already achieved / 🛫 Visit Budapest HUNGARY / Explore London on foot ENGLAND / 💰 Throw a coin in the Trevi Fountain ROME / Take a belly dancing class / 🦁 Go on a safari / Be a tourist in my own city / 🎈 Attend the Albuquerque International Balloon Festival NEW MEXICO / 🛷 Go dog sledding / 💰 Throw a coin at the Trevi Fountain ITALY / Visit 10 different museums / 🍣 Eat sushi in Japan / 📷 Take a photo at the Leaning Tower of Pisa ITALY / Visit London and take a picture with Big Ben / 🍆 Visit the sex museum in Amsterdam NETHERLANDS / Take the Lord of the Rings Tour in New Zealand NEW ZEALAND / Vacation in Hawaii / Attend a hot air ballon festival / Watch acrobats, storytellers and snake-charmers at the Djemaa el Fna in Marrakech MOROCCO / 🏂 Attend the Winter Olympics / Collect 101 postcards / Visit Red Square RUSSIA / Try bubble tea / Visit 10 museums / Study 6 different cultures per year; have a themed weekend for each with food, music, culture and geographical info / See Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janiero BRAZIL / 🇻🇳 Travel to Vietnam / Visit Big Ben ENGLAND / Participate in a Chinese fire drill / Visit a tourist attraction in my own town / Visit Maui HAWAII / Go to the Calgary Stampede CANADA / 🇪🇸 Eat tapas in Spain / Go on a romantic getaway / Attend the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival LOUISIANA / Photograph local sights / 🏔️ Visit Queenstown NEW ZEALAND / Take a Lord of the Rings tour in New Zealand NEW ZEALAND / Take a dip in the Roman baths of the limestone-clad Bath ENGLAND / Visit Kauai HAWAII / Go to the Parthenon in Nashville TENNESSEE / 🥢 Try using chopsticks / Visit Lake Bled SLOVENIA / Go sightseeing / Stand at the Tiananmen Square CHINA / Visit Krabi THAILAND / Go on a Contiki tour / Go to a Sumo Wrestling Tournament JAPAN / 🍫 Eat Belgian chocolate in Belgium BELGIUM / Visit Stone Mountain Park GEORGIA / Visit Shark Bay, Western Australia AUSTRALIA / Drink a cup of Greek Coffee GREECE / Explore the music scene in the alleyways of Paris FRANCE / Visit the Zocalo MEXICO / Belt out some Karaoke tunes at a local bar JAPAN / Visit a traditional Korean Folk Village SOUTH KOREA / Take a warm mud bath believed by Fijians to have healing properties FIJI / 🎫 See an event at Tokyo Dome JAPAN / Attend the Pingxi Lantern Festival in Taiwan TAIWAN / 🍗 Taste Jerk chicken at a local bar JAMAICA / 💦 Visit Dunn's River Falls JAMAICA / 🏰 Visit Aarhus DENMARK / Visit Nemrut Dagi TURKEY / Drink a cup of Kava FIJI / Feel the passion of flamenco, in music, dance and song throughout Andalucia SPAIN / 🇳🇿 Take a family holiday to New Zealand / Visit Newgrange IRELAND / Visit Quang Binh VIETNAM / 🍣 Eat sushi in Japan JAPAN / Visit Noosa Heads AUSTRALIA / Explore the Winelands in Cape Town SOUTH AFRICA / Visit Whistler CANADA / 🥾 Hike the Mountains of the Moon UGANDA / Listen to the melancholic Fado music at a local bar PORTUGAL / 🍸 Try a glass of Jenever (Dutch gin) NETHERLANDS / Taste a glass of glühwein (mulled wine) at the Christkindlmarkt AUSTRIA / 🏰 Visit Rothenburg ob der Tauber GERMANY / Walk the streets of downtown Savannah GEORGIA / Visit Singapore Botanic Gardens SINGAPORE / Eat kimchi in Korea SOUTH KOREA / 🐟 Eat fish and chips in London ENGLAND / Raft the Navua River - Fiji / Vacation in the Bahamas BAHAMAS / Visit the Mud Volcanoes in Azerbaijan AZERBAIJAN / Stand in the Piazza del Campo in Siena ITALY / Sip a steaming cup of Chai at a local tea shop lining the Himalayan Trekking path NEPAL / Visit Orlando FLORIDA / Visit Lake Placid NEW YORK / Participate in the Battle of the Oranges in Ivrea ITALY / Visit Lake Garda ITALY / Visit the Eureka Springs Downtown Historic District ARKANSAS / 🍶 Drink sake in Japan JAPAN / Visit Norfolk VIRGINIA / Eat a croissant at a cafe in Paris FRANCE / Visit Viñales CUBA / Travel across America / Visit Berggasthaus Aescher-Wildkirchli SWITZERLAND / Visit Kaikoura NEW ZEALAND / Trawl Melbourne's laneways AUSTRALIA / Ride the Rocky Mountaineer CANADA / Watch gem cutters and polishers at work in the Diamant Museum in Antwerp BELGIUM / Taste Riga's Black Balsam LATVIA / Visit St. George's GRENADA / Eat churassco in Brazil BRAZIL / Visit Pyeongchang SOUTH KOREA / 🍷 Attend the Epcot International Food & Wine Festival FLORIDA / 🧀 Eat brunost NORWAY / Visit the Big Buddha in Phuket THAILAND / Visit Pike Place Market WASHINGTON / Take a local boat along the canals of St. Petersburg RUSSIA / Visit the deer in Nara Park JAPAN / Enjoy a cup of spiced-coffee at Zanzibar TANZANIA / Visit Daylesford AUSTRALIA / Watch a sunset from the dunes of Valle de la Luna CHILE / Watch traditional displays of Fijian fire-walking FIJI / Sample a glass of Yerba Mate at a local bar ARGENTINA / Look for souvenirs in the markets in Bay Street in Nassau BAHAMAS / Drive the Trans-Canada Highway CANADA / 🍽️ Eat haggis in Scotland SCOTLAND / Visit Christmas Island AUSTRALIA / Visit Hyde Park, Sydney AUSTRALIA / Visit the C. W. Parker Carousel Museum KANSAS / Drink a shot of Medovača, a locally brewed spirit CROATIA / 🏞️ Visit Baños ECUADOR / Visit Saint Helena Island UNITED KINGDOM / Hike in the Dolomites on the Swiss border ITALY / Shop at the road side bazaars and chichi boutiques in Delhi INDIA / Visit Dartmoor ENGLAND / Go to a samba club in Lapa BRAZIL / Stand at the feet of Hercules in Kassel GERMANY / Visit Toledo OHIO / Visit Port Arthur AUSTRALIA / Visit Castries SAINT LUCIA / Enjoy classical music at one of Prague's concert halls or outdoor theatres CZECH REPUBLIC / Have a plate of Bacalhau a bras at a local restaurant PORTUGAL / Savour a plate of Pullat with coffee, a local tea-time tradition FINLAND / Visit Tivoli ITALY / Attend the traditional French Pig Festival of La pourcailhade FRANCE / Eat antipasto in Italy ITALY / Try the local liquer, Nassau Royal, served in coffee BAHAMAS / Watch the Hyena Men feed hyenas with their mouth ETHIOPIA / Drive Cape route 62 SOUTH AFRICA / Visit the Gretna Green village SCOTLAND / Visit the parks in Medellin COLOMBIA / Visit Honiara SOLOMON ISLANDS / Make a list of places I want to travel to / Visit a real blues bar in Chicago ILLINOIS / Sample some of Armernia's brandies, a favourite of Winston Churchill ARMENIA / Explore the limestone caverns of the Batu Caves MALAYSIA / Eat a plate of palusami at the Old Mill Cottage FIJI / Walk around the Monserrate gardens in Sintra PORTUGAL / Travel the Road of the Seven Lakes ARGENTINA / Eat a Cornish pasty in Cornwall ENGLAND / Experience Mt Isa AUSTRALIA / Pootle down the Murray on a paddleboat AUSTRALIA / Visit Monte Carlo's Place du Palais MONACO / Sip a cup of Naranjilla, a traditional fruit juice ECUADOR / Go Ice Skating at Somerset House LONDON / Savour a glass of Kecskemet's famous fruit brandy, palinka HUNGARY / Visit The Burren IRELAND / Visit Grand Portage State Park MINNESOTA / Go to the Dali Museum FLORIDA / Visit Battery Park NEW YORK / Visit Caddo Lake TEXAS / Have an authentic Cornish pasty in Cornwall ENGLAND / Visit Mount Nebo JORDAN / Witness the Cooper's Hill Cheese Rolling Festival ENGLAND / Visit Wollongong AUSTRALIA / Visit Sunshine Coast AUSTRALIA / Ice-skate in open air at the Plaisirs d'Hiver festival BELGIUM / Have a Pisco Sour in Pisco (the town) – Valle del Elqui CHILE / Eat perogies and halopchies in Vegreville CANADA / Go horse-riding in any of the beaches in Tonga TONGA / Stroll through the white sandy beaches of Langkawi Island MALAYSIA / Visit Half Moon Bay ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA / Taste a glass of Ting and Wadadli, locally brewed drinks ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA / Get involved in one of Bhutan's numerous Buddhist festivals BHUTAN / Climb Mount Alvernia on Cat Island BAHAMAS / Visit the Southern Gulf Islands CANADA / Visit Kigali RWANDA / Participate in the Batalla del Vino (Wine Battle) in La Rioja SPAIN / Travel on the Royal Scotsman SCOTLAND / Take a vacation to Florida / Visit Meiji Shrine JAPAN / Visit Texel NETHERLANDS / Ride a luxury train SOUTH AFRICA / Try fermented banana & millet beer called Mbege at the Chagga region TANZANIA / Visit Bamako MALI / Take a vacation to Chicago / Taste Datse, Bhutanese cheese BHUTAN / Stroll around the Alter Markt in Vienna AUSTRIA / Be dazzled by flamingoes on the Makgadikgadi Plains BOTSWANA / Enjoy the scenic route of Fig Tree Drive ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA / Hike in Albania Alps in the north ALBANIA / Catch some traditional folk music & dancing at a local restaurant or hotel ROMANIA / Explore Chinatown in Kuala Lumpur MALAYSIA / Discover the heart of Latvia's rock ‘n' roll scene in Liepaja LATVIA / Tour Melecon in a classic 50's car CUBA / Visit Fremantle AUSTRALIA / Visit the Barossa Valley AUSTRALIA / Visit the Vulcan Tourism CANADA / Visit Big Island HAWAII / See a sunset over the Colosseum in Rome ITALY / Visit the Bazaruto Archipelago MOZAMBIQUE / Try Haggis in Scotland / Honeymoon in Hawaii / Drink a shot of Slivovica, local plum brandy KOSOVO / Eat at the legendary Subterranean Chinese Restaurant under Plaza de España SPAIN / Visit the Door to Hell TURKMENISTAN / Cycle round the Anillo Verde Ciclista SPAIN / Visit the Terme di Saturnia ITALY / Visit Le Jardin du Roi Spice Garden SEYCHELLES / Take the St Kitts Scenic Railway Tour SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS / Visit Dennis Severs' House LONDON / Visit Coffs Harbour AUSTRALIA / Taste hakarl and wash it down with a shot of Brennivin, local specialities ICELAND / Attend a Camel Race in Abu Dhabi UNITED ARAB EMIRATES / Tour Maine Islands MAINE / Visit the Salt and Pepper Shaker Museum TENNESSEE / Drive Idaho's Scenic Route 31 IDAHO / See the world's best art in Paris FRANCE / Visit Waterlooplein NETHERLANDS / Take my kids on a dream vacation / Drink banana gin in Uganda UGANDA / Drink kava in Fiji FIJI / Drink airag in Mongolia MONGOLIA / Visit the Mauna Kea Beach Hotel HAWAII / Visit Birmingham ALABAMA / Visit Drakensburg Amphitheatre SOUTH AFRICA / Visit Charleroi BELGIUM / Explore Pacific Harbour's Arts Village FIJI / Take river cruises at The Forks in Winnipeg CANADA / Stroll through the malls and markets during the annual Malaysian Shopping Festival MALAYSIA / Go to the top of Cerro Santa Lucia CHILE / Witness the Blow Holes along the Mapu ‘a Vaea coastline of Houma TONGA / Watch for mummified bears in the caves of Baisuntau UZBEKISTAN / See the Puila Cave Pool SAMOA / Visit the vineyards of the Bekaa Valley LEBANON / Climb the doramant Baru Volcano on horseback PANAMA / Shop for souvenirs at the Handicraft Emporium in Thimpu BHUTAN / Visit the Andaman Coast THAILAND / Eat spaghetti in Italy / Spend a day being a tourist in my own town / Visit Arlington TEXAS / Attend Taunggyi's balloon festival MYANMAR / Go to a salsa club in Cali COLOMBIA / Gaze at the largest Buddha at Leshan, Chengde CHINA / Get your head shaved at the Tirumala Temple in Andhra Pradesh INDIA / Visit Tasman Peninsula AUSTRALIA / Visit Hurghada EGYPT / Visit Vernon Parish LOUISIANA / Visit Veliko Turnovo BULGARIA / Visit East Haddam CONNECTICUT / Visit Cafe Des Deux Moulins FRANCE / Attend the Istanbul Music Festival TURKEY / Sample cachacas (sugarcane rum) at Ouro Preto BRAZIL / See the Grand Cascade fountains at Pertodvorets RUSSIA / Join an Indonesian line dance (Poco Poco) at a Maluku village disco INDONESIA / Eat balut / Try local ham at Extremadura SPAIN / Try Nazi, local coconut wine, at Pemba TANZANIA / Make the shortest flight in the world from Westray to Papa Westray SCOTLAND / See the Folk Park on the grounds of the Bunratty Castle IRELAND / Visit Nouakchott MAURITANIA / Eat a plate of Bandera and Chicharrones at a local restaurant DOMINICAN REPUBLIC / Try a crispy fried spider in Northern Cambodia CAMBODIA / Visit the port towns of Playas Posoria and Salinas ECUADOR / Watch a shadow puppet play at Kota Bharu MALAYSIA / Taste home brewed Palm wine GHANA / Watch traditional Nepali Folk Dance NEPAL / Savour a plate of Arepas and Pabellon Criollo at a local restaurant VENEZUELA / Taste a glass of Chicha and Papelon con limon VENEZUELA / Drink a cup of chai in the mountain teashops near Kabul AFGHANISTAN / Taste a glass of Toddy and Arrack, traditionally brewed liquor SRI LANKA / See the Zambesi River in Sofala MOZAMBIQUE / Eat a plate of Gallopinto and Picadillo at a local restaurant NICARAGUA / Scuba dive off the Mediterranean coast of Syria SYRIA / Check out the exhibits at Shaw Park Botanical Gardens in Ocho Rios JAMAICA / Eat at India's oldest restaurant, Karim, in old Delhi INDIA / Treat yourself with Kvass, a Latvian summer drink LATVIA / Visit the Naihehe Sacred Caves in the Sigatoka Valley FIJI / Watch a Chilean Rodeo CHILE / See the hot springs at Bundibugyo UGANDA / Share a plate of Matoke with friends UGANDA / Honeymoon in Maldives / Visit Thunder Bay CANADA / Visit Bendigo AUSTRALIA / Visit Liverpool AUSTRALIA / Visit Graz AUSTRIA / Visit the Yasawa Islands FIJI / Stay in a cave hotel in Cappadocia, Turkey /