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🏛 Go to 5 different museums / 🖼 Visit the Metropolitan Museum of Art NEW YORK / 🍀 Visit Dublin IRELAND / 🖼️ Go to an art museum / 🖼️ Visit an art museum / Visit 5 museums / 🏛️ Visit the Museum of Modern Art NEW YORK / Visit 3 museums / Visit 10 different museums / Go to five different museums / Visit 5 different museums / Go to 3 different museums / Visit five museums / 🎶 Visit Liverpool ENGLAND / 🚶♀️ Walk around the Musee du Louvre FRANCE / 🇲🇽 Travel to Mexico / Go to 5 different museums in 5 different cities / Visit a new museum / Visit 10 Museums I have never been before / Go to 10 different museums / 🖼️ Visit the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston MASSACHUSETTS / Visit Santa Fe NEW MEXICO / Go to the MOMA / Visit five different museums / Spend a day in St. Augustine FLORIDA / Visit and explore Washington / Visit the Victoria and Albert Museum ENGLAND / Visit every museum at my city / Explore Antwerp BELGIUM / Visit Kurfürstendamm GERMANY / Visit Manchester ENGLAND / Spend a day at the Louvre FRANCE / Visit the National Portrait Gallery (London) LONDON / Write a list of 101 things to do in 1001 days / Visit Canberra AUSTRALIA / Visit every museum in my city / 🏛️ Visit the National Museum of Scotland SCOTLAND / Visit the Denver Art Museum COLORADO / Visit the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art MISSOURI / Visit Somerset House LONDON / Visit the Milwaukee Art Museum WISCONSIN / Visit the Historic District of Quebec CANADA / Visit the Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art ARKANSAS / Visit the Royal Ontario Museum CANADA / 🖼️ See the Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum SCOTLAND / 🏛️ Visit the Grand Palais FRANCE / 🖼️ Explore the art paradise at The Prado in Madrid SPAIN / Visit the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco SAN FRANCISCO / Visit the Detroit Institute of Arts MICHIGAN / Visit the New Orleans Museum of Art LOUISIANA / Visit the Indianapolis Museum of Art INDIANA / Visit MoMa NEW YORK / Visit the National Galleries of Scotland / Visit St. Ives ENGLAND / Visit the Salvador Dali Museum FLORIDA / Visit Bristol ENGLAND / Visit Huntington Library LOS ANGELES / Visit Dusseldorf GERMANY / Visit the San Antonio Museum of Art (SAMA) TEXAS / Visit the Birmingham Museum of Art ALABAMA / Visit the Akron Art Museum OHIO / Visit Mostar BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA / Visit Brick Lane ENGLAND / Visit the Historic Town of St George BERMUDA / Visit the Shelburne Museum VERMONT / Visit Ashmolean Museum ENGLAND / Visit the Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts ENGLAND / Visit Napier NEW ZEALAND / Visit the Wichita Art Museum KANSAS / 🖼️ Visit the Whitney Museum of American Art NEW YORK / Visit the Cleveland Museum of Art OHIO / Visit the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston TEXAS / Visit the Oklahoma City Museum of Art OKLAHOMA / Go to Santa Fe / Visit Delaware Art Museum DELAWARE / Visit Auckland War Memorial Museum NEW ZEALAND / Visit the Art museums and galleries in Stuttgart GERMANY / Visit Mannheim GERMANY / Go to the Portland Art Museum OREGON / Visit Milton Keynes ENGLAND / Visit Perth SCOTLAND / Explore Graz on foot AUSTRIA / Visit the National Museum Cardiff WALES / Visit Fort Wayne Museum of Art INDIANA / Visit Tate Modern Art Museum ENGLAND / Visit Margate ENGLAND / Visit the Istanbul Modern Art Museum TURKEY / Visit Linz AUSTRIA / 🏛️ Visit MuseumsQuartier AUSTRIA / Visit Ballarat AUSTRALIA / Visit the Walters Art Museum MARYLAND / Visit the Oakland Museum of California CALIFORNIA / Visit the Joslyn Art Museum NEBRASKA / Go to Brussels / Visit the Morris Museum of Art GEORGIA / Visit Coffs Harbour AUSTRALIA / Visit the Philadelphia Art Museum PHILADELPHIA / Visit Naoshima JAPAN / Visit the Columbus Museum of Art OHIO / Explore the Walled City of Baku AZERBAIJAN / Visit Luxembourg City History Museum LUXEMBOURG / Visit the Worcester Art Museum MASSACHUSETTS / Visit the Meridian Museum of Art MISSISSIPPI / Visit Denver's Museum of Contemporary Art COLORADO / Visit Guelph CANADA / Visit the City of Verona ITALY / Visit the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art CALIFORNIA / 🏛️ Visit Portland Art Museum OREGON / Visit the Hermitage RUSSIA / Visit Franschhoek SOUTH AFRICA / Visit St. Louis Contemporary Art Museum MISSOURI / Visit Hamilton NEW ZEALAND / Visit the Zimmerli Art Museum NEW JERSEY / Visit the Historic Areas of Istanbul TURKEY / Visit Goulburn AUSTRALIA / Visit Allentown Art Museum PENNSYLVANIA / Visit Minneapolis Institute of Art MINNESOTA / Visit the Nicolaysen Art Museum WYOMING / Visit the Honolulu Museum of Art HAWAII / Visit the Dayton Art Institute OHIO / Visit the Gibbes Museum of Art SOUTH CAROLINA / Visit the Knoxville Museum of Art TENNESSEE / Visit Columbus Museum of Art OHIO / Visit the Museum of Islamic Art EGYPT / Visit the museums of Caracas VENEZUELA / Visit the Ludwig Museum of Contemporary Art HUNGARY / Visit National Museum of History and Art LUXEMBOURG / Visit the Art Museum of Greater Lafayette INDIANA / Visit the Mulvane Art Museum KANSAS / Visit the Sheldon Museum of Art NEBRASKA / Visit Mississippi Museum of Art MISSISSIPPI / Visit the Cahoon Museum of American Art MASSACHUSETTS / Visit the Austin Museum of Art (AMOA) - Downtown TEXAS / Visit the Russian Museum RUSSIA / Visit the Mint Museum Uptown NORTH CAROLINA / Visit the Bristol Museum UNITED KINGDOM / Visit Queanbeyan AUSTRALIA / Visit Fredericton CANADA / Visit Brest BELARUS / Visit Bethnal Green LONDON / Visit Norwich City ENGLAND / Visit Springfield Art Museum MISSOURI / Visit Torquay, Devon UNITED KINGDOM / Visit the Kimbell Art Museum TEXAS / Visit the Dallas Museum of Art TEXAS / Visit Derry UNITED KINGDOM / Visit a museum on a rainy day / Visit Brunswick St, Melbourne AUSTRALIA / 🌈 Explore the colorful La Boca neighborhood ARGENTINA / Visit historic district (Colorado springs) / Visit Chelyabinsk RUSSIA / Visit the Crocker Art Museum CALIFORNIA / Visit Margate, Kent UNITED KINGDOM / Visit Santa Fe ARGENTINA / Visit Artashat ARMENIA / Visit Artik ARMENIA / Visit Livorno ITALY / Visit Krems AUSTRIA / Visit Feldkirchen AUSTRIA /