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🏛 Go to 5 different museums / 🖼 Visit the Metropolitan Museum of Art NEW YORK / Visit 5 museums / Go to a museum I have never visited before / Visit 3 museums / Visit 10 different museums / Go to five different museums / Visit 5 different museums / Go to 3 different museums / Visit five museums / Go to 5 different museums in 5 different cities / Visit a new museum / Visit the National Gallery, London ENGLAND / Visit 10 Museums I have never been before / Go to 10 different museums / Visit 10 museums / 🖼️ Visit the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston MASSACHUSETTS / Visit the Art Institute of Chicago ILLINOIS / Visit five different museums / Visit the Victoria and Albert Museum ENGLAND / Visit every museum at my city / Visit every museum in my city / 🏛️ Visit the National Museum of Scotland SCOTLAND / 🎞️ Visit the National Media Museum ENGLAND / Visit the Milwaukee Art Museum WISCONSIN / Visit the Royal Ontario Museum CANADA / Visit the Museum of Science and Industry ILLINOIS / 🖼️ See the Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum SCOTLAND / Visit the Detroit Institute of Arts MICHIGAN / Visit the New Orleans Museum of Art LOUISIANA / Visit MoMa NEW YORK / Visit the National Galleries of Scotland / Visit the Ashmolean Museum UNITED KINGDOM / Visit Huntington Library LOS ANGELES / Visit Melbourne Museum AUSTRALIA / Visit the San Antonio Museum of Art (SAMA) TEXAS / Visit the Birmingham Museum of Art ALABAMA / Visit the House on the Rock WISCONSIN / Visit the South Carolina State Museum SOUTH CAROLINA / Visit the National Gallery of Ireland IRELAND / Visit the Shelburne Museum VERMONT / Visit Ashmolean Museum ENGLAND / Visit the Asheville Art Museum NORTH CAROLINA / Visit the Cleveland Museum of Art OHIO / 🛩️ Visit the National Museum of the United States Air Force OHIO / Visit the Oklahoma City Museum of Art OKLAHOMA / Visit the Museum of Nature and Science COLORADO / Visit the Wichita Art Museum KANSAS / Visit Delaware Art Museum DELAWARE / See the artistry of objects at Dresden's Grunes Gewolbe GERMANY / Visit the Israel Museum ISRAEL / Visit the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston TEXAS / Visit the Art museums and galleries in Stuttgart GERMANY / Go to the Portland Art Museum OREGON / Visit the Peabody Essex Museum MASSACHUSETTS / Visit the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes CHILE / Visit the National Museum in Phnom Penh CAMBODIA / Visit Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum MASSACHUSETTS / Visit the National Museum Cardiff WALES / Visit Fort Wayne Museum of Art INDIANA / Visit the Museum für Naturkunde (Museum of Natural History) GERMANY / Visit the Charleston Museum SOUTH CAROLINA / Visit the Cleveland Museum of Natural History OHIO / Visit the Walters Art Museum MARYLAND / Visit the Oakland Museum of California CALIFORNIA / Visit the Dubuque Museum of Art IOWA / Visit the Museum of World Treasures in Wichita KANSAS / Visit the Winnipeg Art Gallery CANADA / Visit the Museum of European and Mediterranean Civilisations (MuCEM) / Visit the Saskatchewan Railway Museum CANADA / Visit the Philadelphia Art Museum PHILADELPHIA / Visit the Chicago History Museum ILLINOIS / Visit the Legion of Honor CALIFORNIA / Visit the Morgan Library and Museum NEW YORK / Visit the Getty Centre in Los Angeles CALIFORNIA / Visit the Great Plains Art Museum NEBRASKA / Visit Fitts Museum NEW HAMPSHIRE / Visit the Hermitage TENNESSEE / Visit the Worcester Art Museum MASSACHUSETTS / Visit the Rhode Island School of Design Museum of Art RHODE ISLAND / Visit the Frederick R. Weisman Art Museum MINNESOTA / Visit the Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture WASHINGTON / Visit the Albuquerque Museum of Art and History NEW MEXICO / Visit the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art CALIFORNIA / Visit the Albuquerque Museum NEW MEXICO / Visit Amsterdam Museum NETHERLANDS / Visit Peabody Essex Museum MASSACHUSETTS / Visit the Hunterian Museum SCOTLAND / Visit Boise Art Museum IDAHO / Visit Luxembourg City History Museum LUXEMBOURG / Visit the Corning Museum of Glass NEW YORK / Visit Vancouver Art Gallery CANADA / Visit the Boston Public Library MASSACHUSETTS / Visit the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes in Buenos Aires ARGENTINA / Visit the Mystetskyi Arsenal, a museum of arts and science UKRAINE / Visit the National Museum of Fine Arts ALGERIA / Seek out the Museum of Anatolian Civilisations in Ankara TURKEY / Visit Columbus Museum of Art OHIO / Visit the Yale Center for British Art CONNECTICUT / Visit the Kansas Museum of History KANSAS / Visit Minneapolis Institute of Art MINNESOTA / Visit Archives Canada CANADA / Visit the Chazen Museum of Art WISCONSIN / Visit Abingdon Museum ENGLAND / Visit the University of New Mexico Art Museum NEW MEXICO / Visit the University of New Mexico Maxwell Museum of Anthropology NEW MEXICO / Visit the Jewish Museum on Fifth Avenue NEW YORK / Visit the Gibbes Museum of Art SOUTH CAROLINA / Visit the Blanton Museum of Art TEXAS / Visit the Frye Art Museum WASHINGTON / Visit the Fairbanks Museum and Planetarium VERMONT / Visit Museo di Stato (State Museum) SAN MARINO / Visit the Dog Collar Museum ENGLAND / Visit the Cooper-Hewitt Museum NEW YORK / Visit Helsinki National Library FINLAND / Visit the Academy Museum of Motion Pictures, Los Angeles CALIFORNIA / Visit the New York Historical Society NEW YORK / Visit a museum on a rainy day / Visit the Nevada Historical Society, Reno NEVADA / Visit the Qatar Museum Of Islamic Art QATAR / Visit the Museum of the Rockies in Bozeman MONTANA / Visit the Cahoon Museum of American Art MASSACHUSETTS / 🗡️ Visit the Higgins Armory Museum MASSACHUSETTS / Visit the Austin Museum of Art (AMOA) - Downtown TEXAS / Visit the Sheldon Museum of Art NEBRASKA / Visit Newberry Library ILLINOIS / Visit Museo Lazaro Galdiano SPAIN / Visit the City Reliquary Museum, Brooklyn NEW YORK / Visit the Milwaukee Public Library WISCONSIN / Visit the Kimbell Art Museum TEXAS / Visit the M. H. de Young Memorial Museum SAN FRANCISCO / Visit the Dallas Museum of Art TEXAS / Visit the Museo Egizio, Turin ITALY / Visit the Corning Glass Museum, Corning / Visit the Stedelijk Museum NETHERLANDS / Visit Trowbridge museum ENGLAND / Visit the Milwaukee Public Museum WISCONSIN / Visit the Sotira Museum CYPRUS / Visit the Hillwood Estate WASHINGTON, D.C. / Visit the Philbrook Museum OKLAHOMA / Visit the Museum of South Texas History TEXAS / Visit the Sternberg Museum of Natural History KANSAS / Visit the Portland Museum of Art MAINE / Visit Dexter Area Historical Society and Museum MICHIGAN / Visit the Bily Clocks Museum IOWA / Visit the National Museum at Managua NICARAGUA / Visit the museums of Caracas VENEZUELA / Visit the World Museum at Columbus Lighthouse DOMINICAN REPUBLIC / See murals, plaster carvings and other artefacts at the Archaeological Museum MYANMAR / Visit the Museum and Gallery of the Community of Schaan LIECHTENSTEIN / Visit Atyrau History Museum KAZAKHSTAN / Visit Submarine Force Library and Museum CONNECTICUT / Find out about Moldova's history in the History and Regional Lore Museum in Chisinau MOLDOVA / Visit the National Museum in Windhoek NAMIBIA / Visit the Carnegie Museum of Montgomery County INDIANA / Visit the Georgia Museum of Natural History GEORGIA / Visit the Kauffman Museum KANSAS / Visit St Francis' Museum SAN MARINO / Visit the Phillips Exeter Academy Library NEW HAMPSHIRE / Visit the Museum of Bags and Purses NETHERLANDS / Visit the South County Museum RHODE ISLAND / Visit St Francis Museum SAN MARINO /