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Erin Behan
I'm starting a new chater in my life, so what better way to do it than with some short and long term goals that I can track and share with others as I check them off my list. I found this site because a friend is doing one and I couldn't wait to do my own
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It's tough definitely sore but well worth it. Still workin on my 6 pack that has been in hibernation for the past 25 years
I feel like I do this a lot. It's just what you're supposed to do. Ex. Clean up a mess when you can tell the worker is busy helping customers.
I've been saving money every week since Dec. increasing by $1 so I'm about half way done with a little over $300. By the end I'll have over $1500.
I don't know what P Diddy feels like waking up but I did drink citrone and he sponsors that drink so I'm assuming it's something like that. Not a very fun morning--- hungover
The Amana Colinies has this and I did it in oct of 2012
I went to Octoberfest last October with Jordan at the Amana Colonies. I left!
I've gone to pikes peak the past 3 falls. I'm gonna count the strawberry in strawberry point it's very big and that's what everyone knows it for. 2 more to go!
I made scalloped potatoes and ham in the crockpot, cheese tortilini,and chicken enchiladas. 4 more to go!,
I did this many times last fall with Josie and Leighton!
I read Divergent. I saw a lot of fb friends that read that and liked it. I read The Fault In Our Stars also very good Macy Koch read it. I read A Bend In the Road a Nicholas Sparks book Erica suggested.
I started one in Aug. I need to finish
sept 17- my brother got his letter. I wrote Jordan one as we'll. I wrote a paper for school about coach sheckel and sent it to him, so that counts too. Mom and dad are next!
I really don't eat fast food that much anymore now that I don't live at home.
8-25-12 After a wedding danced to the car in the rain with Jordan!
I call it a captain sandwich. I pour a drink with captain at the bottom some mixer (coke) then another pour of captain at the top!
I don't remember what it was called but I played with Jordan's family at Xmas. There were animals in a barn. You had to make the other persons animal noise before they made yours if you drew matching cards. Pretty fun!
I'm doing 1 good thing a week for lent. This was one of them! Felt good and it was also nice to see how many people volunteer and help out there.
Madison Rummel created one last night! I'm excited to follow her journey!
I actually do this a lot! It's amazing to think of how much is out there we have no clue about or how stars are light years away!
Jordan suggested I read "the strangers"
I did a sprint triathlon back in July in New Hampton with my boyfriend, Jordan. Nobody's saying who won that one! Haha
I try to eat a banana everyday for breakfast. I have everyday but one I ran so I had a plum!
I've been babysitting a 4 year old and 2year old, so many books get read!
Well I moved, so that counts. My closet in my apartment now is clean for the time being. I'm also lucky I have a couple spare ones which are also clean...for now!
Well I visited las Vegas back in march, then in June ran from storm lake to the town called marathon, and last December I went to what cheer what learned why the town is named that
At the end of April I went to a Kenny Chesney and Eli Young Band concert in Des Moine. It was really good!
I went to Las Vegas Nevada for an ACSM conference in March.
My friend from uppwr iowa started teaching zumba so I went to a couple of her classes its amazing how you can burn so many calories by dancing. Very fun!.
Since I broke mt nose 2 weeks prior to des moines marathon. I wadnt able to do that one. However, on June 8, 2013 I ran the marathon to marathon which started in storm lake. I got a time of 3:26:43 about tge same time as my last ine I did. It was the best I felt out if the 3 I h ave completed. I think I will do the quad cities marathon in September!
I ran everyday fot a month starting on May 3 2013 when it was snowing/icy 30 degrees and efinished June 3 2013 with it sunny and 85 degrees. Crazy weather for the month but got in at least 2 miles everyday. Longest run was 14 miles.
May- I bought flowers for Erica she had her gallbladder out Doing well though!
I tear out recipes and workouts from various fitness magazines its my way of scrap booking
10-12-12 got them all done
9/28 Skipped lunch to help janitor put away tables/ chairs from an event in the rec center
10/4/12 I had my teacher pick a topic for me and it was very interesting and was glad I didnt pick something. It got me out of my comfort zone, and I learned alot about Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES)
I actually do this quite often...its a good way to meet people/make connections
9-11-12 to 10-11-12 it was hard at first and alot of people actually noticed but then it didnt bother me
8-14-12 I went to the Iowa State Fair. I havent been since I was little and it was pretty fun. I saw the biggest boar 1,300 somethin lbs. I was a little disappointed it wasnt from Iowa. I also went on a ride that takes you 165 feet i the air and goes 70mph. It was neat seeing the capitol building at night from that high.
8-16-12 I made a better than sex cake for everyone at he pool. There is still the debate if the cake lives up to its name.
8-14-12 I caught up with one of my good friends from High School named Kelsey. I haven't seen her more than handful times since High School, but she's a really great person to hang out and talk with. I hope we don't wait as long to catch up again.
8-16-12 I made lasagna, bread sticks, and better than sex cake for 10 people..a lot of work but well worth it.
I went to Jason Aldean/ Luke Bryan at the UNI dome.
A couple weeks ago I went to Dierks Bently concert. This is my second time seeing him...very good! It was fun going with good friends I don't get to see all that often (Erin, Andy, and Jordan)
I just finished "One For The Money". It was pretty good and funny. There are 18 in the series we will see if I get to all of them. There's also the movie which I may have to see now just to place characters, even though like usual I'm sure the book is better.
THe past 2 years my dad and I have gone to the cubs vs. pirates game. Hopefully we can continue this.. Its a great time no matte who's team wins
I recently read the book "The Stranger" It was interesting I didn't like the ending, but it really made me think about judging people.
Started this list about a month ago...some are materialistic others are kind of deep the document is saved under "100 things that make me happy- zero day project " This was a good list to do because I have alot of amazing people/ things going for me in my life I have no reason not to be happy, but if I need I can look at it.
I usually would rather do something else than go fishing, but Jordan took me fishing and it was really fun, so we went again.
I recently went to a radio stations 50th bday bash! Joe Nichols, Alan Jackson, Craig Campbell, and Phil Vassar were there. I touched Phil Vassar pretty exciting. I originally forgot the tickets at home, only something I'd do, but it all worked out.
I signed up for the Des Moines Marathon in Oct and got a running garmin! Excited to train
I learned about and played La Crosse. It was interesting, but not too fun.
I made chicken fried rice from scratch from my Eat THis Not that Book. It was pretty good.
Im looking at doing an olumpic one in Aug! Gotta start training
Workin on it have about 70!!
I tried Salmon I dont like it lol
I finished the first book of "The Hunger Games" trilogy and I enjoyed the read. It's similar to "The Lottery" Im excited for the movie to come out although I dont think it will be as good.
I made like 10 friends remind me to this since i only had 2 chances. I missed 11:11am but made my wish on 11:11pm, so i'm excited to see if it happens
I carved a ghost into my pumpkin! I'm a terrible carver. I better start practicing for the next holiday craft... ginger bread house!!!
My mom and I took 4 boxes of clothes to Good Will. I hope they help someone in need get through the winter
1. I recently went to Mac Miller was a a VIP, so I got my picture with him and I was in the front row the entire time...pretty cool!
I have taken/learned how to teach it. Its pretty fun and a great workout.
I read Big Boned by Meg Cabot. It was pretty funny and an easy read. I would reccommend it to anyone who likes comedy/romantic/ mystery books. It had a good combination of the three.
On Sunday I went skydiving in Brooklyn IA. It was awesome, I would tell anyone to do it. It's an undescribable feeling!
Last weekend I hiked 9 miles with my friend Erica. We had quite an adventure getting there. We think we drove on a walking/bike path but my lil bug fit on it. We parked and saw a sign that said "3.6 miles to Pikes Peak" We started our hike. As we thought we were geting near signs kept saying .3 to Pikes Peak. Erica gave up, but I had to see it. It was pretty cool, but come to find out we could have driven right up to it. We went for the hike though that ended up to being around 9 miles. It was pretty fun though.
I''m becoming more flexible by stretching and I can now touch my toes! I'm learning the importance of stretching for everyone not just athletes.
No one has made a project zero list but I did inspire someone to make a list of things they want to do before graduation
I attempted to...i got to 22 so I'll try again after I get plenty of sleep!
I started going to Upper Iowa University andhave mde many new friends!
I am helping coach a middle school cross country team