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Sydney, Australia
An average 17 year old.
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Went to drive in's with Monty at the start of 2013 in Blacktown. We watched This is 40 and Pitch (fuckking) Perfect which was perfect. It was the third time watching Pitch Perfect at the cinemas.
Went camping instead of Schoolies' in 2012 with the best friend. So much fun at Toowoon Bay, sleeping beside the beach all day, every day. Much love for salty water and sand.
So this may not count but I've dyed the bottom of my hair brown countless times, the first time being in 2012 and continually up until now, July 2013.
After HSC, we went on a road trip. We went camping at Toowoon Bay to which got up to quite a few interesting things. It was lovely.
Done again in 2012. Learnt our lesson from the first time and actually had a quick snack and ate before but ended up spending almost three times the time as everyone else after almost fainting after donating blood. Then i skipped Chemistry to sleep on the grass and played frisbee at lunch then walked home to which i almost fainted again.
On ANZAC Eve 2013, stayed out all night dancing at Kings Cross and don't regret a thing. It was so nice and fun, packed and interesting.
Got a job with Lisa at F&G. It was fun, working with so many pretty dresses and helping people find the right dress for them. It was a casual work for only two days.
On Valentines Day 14/02/2012, Monty and i stole a handful of heart chocolates from Officeworks and using the paper from the Maccas toy we got that day wrote cute love messages anonymously and glued them to the chocolate then went around our neighbourhood posting them in random people's mailboxes.
My first DSLR camera is a Sony A200. It's not high tech and is second hand but i am thankful for it. I love it dearly and cost $200. Got it officially on 28/03/2012.
Okay so maybe i didn't turn it off but i did lose it and didn't have a replacement phone for three weeks. Lost my beloved Samsung Galaxy S2 on 16/05/2012.
Felt so good, done on New Years Eve so i could enter the New Year without any bad memories of the previous year.
At Mac Square, singing with Monty in the summer of sixteen.
Had Maccas for breakfast then went to Mac Square and had Red Rooster then at home for dinner, had a Maccas Dinner Box.
It's HSC year now so i have to sorta know how to do this in my sleep. I've written four in a month, i'm pretty proud.
I don't remember my first 3D movie but the earliest i remember is Sp Kids 3D. I remember it being pretty shit, compared to Avatar or something cool.
I got a passport in 2001, when i was in year 1 but being realistic for this list, i recently got one in 2010 to visit Laos.
The first time i went was in 2005 for my (then) best friend's birthday. I wasn't that graet but now, i think i'm pretty good.
The first time i went was in 2006 with my cousin to Taronga Zoo in Sydney. It was so fun. The lion was amazing.
In Thailand, when i was 15 for dinner, once. It was nice and refreshing. The food wasn't that great and we have pictures.
Done on 5/12/11, at school. Donated the total 460mL. Was sent back out for not drinking or eating enough before having done so.