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Stay up all night
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On 439 lists and 383 people have done it.
Stayed up from Monday morning, July 22, 2013, to Tuesday evening, July 23, 2013. *yawn*
Woke up at 4 am in Detroit, went to bed at 4am in Las Vegas (7am EST)
16-17/12/12 editing video (Critical Thinking)
Went to o2 academy and got the first train home at 5. Got into bed as my alarm from yesterday went off
Stayed up all night with my bestie on the phone.
Gick iofs och lade mig 5 och 6, men ändå!
THE MAY DIP! At St. Andrews university, it is tradition to 'cleanse' yourself of your academic sins on May Day morning at dawn by jumping into the North sea. A lot just wake up and go do he dip but most use it as an excuse to stay out all night partying and doing fun things. It was AWESOME!
I'm conditioning myself as best as possible to do this. Yesterday night, I was up until 4 typing away on Yahoo answers. Then, I lay down and fell asleep. I should probably do this on a Saturday when I attempt it for real though, or a day with a school holiday.
That was stupid.
It wasn't that hard I watched tv and watched youtube and washed dishes and ate leftovers (:
GAB sleepover 2012, BABY! (: I was so tired at church the next day. :p
Christmas night out - getting back at 7
Bens house party - 1 hour sleep. BARE
Iceland trip 2011 - 6 hour delay getting home at 7
After Calvin Harris all nighter to get geography report in. UNCOOL TO THE MAX
Driving home from Virginia 5/15/10
6AM, still awake and this task shows up :D
East St send off August 2011