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Write 5 letters to 5 people who changed my life
Cindy O'Keefe (My mom) written and mailed 6/12/2015
one to mason
1 done to Maggie
#1 of 5: Wrote a letter to Carmen Z., Florida
emil - done
adina -
daddy -
Hojda -
adina -
daddy -
Hojda -
1. Mind opener April 2013
5 people
Andrew DONE
Cameron DONE
Andrew DONE
Cameron DONE
Cassie Malgieri... Check
1. my brother (the easiest one is done.. boy that's a long one and I didn't even say everything I wanted to say.)
* I won't post any of the letters here and I probably won't give them to the people I write them too it's too deeply personal.
* I won't post any of the letters here and I probably won't give them to the people I write them too it's too deeply personal.
Alix Wedlake
1. Lyza
2. Karen
3. Nelly
4. Wendy
5. Grandpop Patrick
2. Karen
3. Nelly
4. Wendy
5. Grandpop Patrick
Write 5 letters to 5 people who have changed my life (0/5)
1. Mom
2. Dad
3. Karen
4. SOS
5 Shonda
2. Dad
3. Karen
4. SOS
5 Shonda
Steve B
Alex W
Melissa H
Karen S
Chet H
Alex W
Melissa H
Karen S
Chet H
1) Opa Father's day 2011
2) Fr. David Bechill (FB) January 31 2012
2) Fr. David Bechill (FB) January 31 2012
Two letters down. I finally completed a letter to one of my favorite teachers. It meant a lot to me to do that.
One letter down..4 to go. First letter, email written to my daughter. Looking forward to the rest.
I'm glad actually sending the letters isn't part of this task. Because that's not happening.
Joshua Morgan -- 07.Novembre.2011
Lorissa Pietruszka -- 31.Octobre.2011
1 out of 5
Mary Jacobs -- 15Octobre2011
Barbara Weber -- 15Octobre2011
3 down... 2 to go!
1 down, 4 to go!
Kelly Turkevich -- 04Octobre2011
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