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On 362 lists and 72 people have done it.
Helped Martha replace her tv stand -up a flight of stairs!
I helped Adel achieve a goal 😍
Helped hubby to donate blood regularly!
Kel - cupcake tour
Friday, August 29, 2014

Task#14. Help a friend attain a goal.

A couple of weeks ago, one of my classmates approached me regarding her demonstration teaching. I asked her about it. She said "I need a powerpoint presentation about digestive system".

I remembered that I have a presentation about that before. I hurriedly checked if I still have a copy of it and luckily I found it. "You can use mine", I replied while handing her my laptop. She answered back saying "Thank you Tin, I will not have hard time making one, can you also help me think of what motivation will I use to make the discussion interesting". I agreed and helped her plan. It only took short time for us to organize everything and she is indeed ready.

The day of the demo is up. I cheered her "YOU CAN DO IT! YOU CAN DO IT". I was hoping and praying that she can execute it well. After an hour, I watched her get out from the room and I saw her wide open smile and she just said "DI AKO INABUTAN, NEXT WEEK PA DAW!!!!!".


Friday, August 29, 2014

Task#14. Help a friend attain a goal.

A couple of weeks ago, one of my classmates approached me regarding her demonstration teaching. I asked her about it. She said "I need a powerpoint presentation about digestive system".

I remembered that I have a presentation about that before. I hurriedly checked if I still have a copy of it and luckily I found it. "You can use mine", I replied while handing her my laptop. She answered back saying "Thank you Tin, I will not have hard time making one, can you also help me think of what motivation will I use to make the discussion interesting". I agreed and helped her plan. It only took short time for us to organize everything and she is indeed ready.

The day of the demo is up. I cheered her "YOU CAN DO IT! YOU CAN DO IT". I was hoping and praying that she can execute it well. After an hour, I watched her get out from the room and I saw her wide open smile and she just said "DI AKO INABUTAN, NEXT WEEK PA DAW!!!!!".


I helped John with his goal "pass my exam".
I helped Chris quit smoking, just as much as he helped me!
01/13/2014 Helped someone get into & start college.
August 16, 2013 Wascana park, Regina, SK Went paddle boarding with first timer Kim ;) one of the favorite things I have done this summer
Went paddle boarding with first timer Kim ;)
Helped one of my best friends, Randa, with her wedding (& was honored to be her matron of honor) <3
Helped Elizabeth with her goal of kissing in the rain
Helped Hebe tick off "See Becky and Jenny" off her list