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Do a 30 day photography challenge
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On 47 lists and 4 people have done it.
Start Goal: August 2022
She accomplished this but accidentally deleted all the photos. I started it about 7 times and now I realize I don't even have 30 days to get it done. 50% credit!
MODIFY AS YOU WANT: 30 Day photography challenge. Day 1: Anything goes Day 2: Self-portrait Day 3: Your camera in the photo Day 4: Alphabetography Day 5: Number photography Day 6: Mother nature Day 7: Portrait shot of a friend/family/pet Day 8: Broken Day 9: Out of focus Day 10: Gluttony Day 11: Love Day 12: Reflection Day 13: Fool perspective Day 14: On the floor Day 15: Freestyle Day 16: A picture of a picture Day 17: Close up Day 18: Backlighting Day 19: Time Day 20: Stranger Day 21: Sweet Day 22: Highlight of the day Day 23: Movement Day 24: Shadows Day 25: Colour Day 26: There’s something odd about the picture … Day 27: Your favourite…? Day 28: Light Day 29: Surprise! Day 30: Your choice
30 Day photography challenge.

Day 1: Anything goes

Day 2: Self-portrait

Day 3: Your camera in the photo

Day 4: Alphabetography

Day 5: Number photography

Day 6: Mother nature

Day 7: Portrait shot of a friend/family/pet

Day 8: Broken

Day 9: Out of focus

Day 10: Gluttony

Day 11: Love

Day 12: Reflection

Day 13: Fool perspective

Day 14: On the floor

Day 15: Freestyle

Day 16: A picture of a picture

Day 17: Close up

Day 18: Backlighting

Day 19: Time

Day 20: Stranger

Day 21: Sweet

Day 22: Highlight of the day

Day 23: Movement

Day 24: Shadows

Day 25: Colour

Day 26: There’s something odd about the picture …

Day 27: Your favourite…?

Day 28: Light

Day 29: Surprise!

Day 30: Your choice