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🌅 Watch the sunrise and sunset in the same day / 🚙 Go on a road trip / 🍿 Watch 26 movies I've never seen starting with each letter of the alphabet / 🤗 Identify 100 things that make me happy / 🌍 Visit all 7 continents / 🏛 Go to 5 different museums / 🍾 Send a message in a bottle / 📚 Find a new hobby / Identify 100 things that makes me happy / 🔍 Learn 50 new things by clicking the random articles button on Wikipedia / 🏯 Visit the Great Wall of China CHINA / 🚗 Visit all 50 states / Visit a museum / 🧭 Go Geocaching / Go to Europe / 🧭 Try Geocaching / 📝 Write a list of 101 things to do in 1001 days! / 🕌 Visit Petra JORDAN / 🔍 Create a scavenger hunt / Go on a road trip without a pre-set destination / Go to a museum / 🛫 Visit every country in Europe / Go on a spontaneous road trip / Throw a dart on a map and go to where it lands / Visit a country I've never been to before / 🎉 Spend New Year's Eve in another country / Complete the 100 Snapshots Challenge / Visit a new state / Listen to 26 songs I've never listened to starting with each letter of the alphabet / Make a playlist of 26 songs (each starting with a different letter of the alphabet) and listen to them in alphabetical order on a road trip / Create or go on a scavenger hunt / Visit another continent / Visit a state I've never been to before / Take a spontaneous road trip / 🙈 Go to the library, close my eyes and pick a random book that I have to read / 🍀 Find a four leaf clover / Visit three states I have never been to before / Visit a country I haven't been to yet / Go to a museum I have never visited before / Take a random road trip / Listen to 10 albums by artists I've not listened to before / Throw a message in a bottle into the ocean / 🏙 Visit 10 new cities / Watch the sun rise and set on the same day / Get another stamp in my passport / Identify 101 things that make me happy / Go on a road trip with no predetermined destination / 🛫 Visit a new continent / Go on a road trip with no preset destination in mind / Travel to 10 new cities / Go on a scavenger hunt / Walk the Great Wall of China CHINA / Travel to another continent / Throw a dart at a map and go where it lands / Have an all-day bus adventure / Watch the sun rise and set in the same day / Make a list of 100 things I want to do before I die / Take a class in something new / Visit at least one new country / Read a nonfiction book / Visit a state I've never been to / Visit China / Get a new hobby / 🚴♂️ Go for an all day bike ride / Travel the world / 🚀 Visit the National Air and Space Museum WASHINGTON, D.C. / Drive across the country / Release a message in a bottle / Take a road trip by myself / Visit 5 new cities / See the sun rise and set in the same day / List 100 things that make me happy / Visit 3 museums / 🍿 Watch 50 films I've never seen before / Send a card/gift/flowers to Mum just because / Do the 30 day song challenge / Visit three new countries / Visit 5 different countries / Listen to 26 bands I've never listened to starting with each letter of the alphabet / Invent something / Visit 5 new countries / Do one thing a month I have never done / Go to China / Visit five cities I have never visited / Go on an unplanned flight / Visit at least 5 states I haven't been to before / Visit one new state / 🔦 Visit a cave / Visit a different continent / Visit 3 new cities / Read a book set somewhere I have always wanted to visit / Take a road trip with no set destination / Go to all 50 states / Visit all seven continents / Set foot on all seven continents / 🌍 Fill every page of my passport / Travel to a different continent / Listen to every song in my iTunes library at least once / Visit three countries I have never been to before / Travel alone / Identify 100 things that make me happy (besides money) / Make a list of the 101 best experiences of my life / Visit 3 different continents / Bring in the New Year in another country / Listen to a new artist a month for a year / Visit 5 states I've never been to / Go to 5 different museums in 5 different cities / Try to do one creative project every month / Visit at least five different countries / 🧭 Get lost in a different country / 🛫 Travel to 5 new countries / Visit a European country I've never visited / Visit another state / Visit a new museum / Listen to a new song every day for a year / Do a scavenger hunt / Host a scavenger hunt / Watch the sunrise and sunset in one day / Go to a music festival in another country / Visit 10 Museums I have never been before / Make a trip around the world / Complete a photo scavenger hunt / Take a solo trip / Visit a state I have never been to / Walk along the Great Wall of China / Watch a documentary every month / See at least 7 UNESCO World Heritage sites / Read a non fiction book about science / Travel around the world / Travel to all 7 continents / Visit a museum on a free day / Look up something new on Wikipedia every day for a year / Visit a city I've never been to / Visit five different museums / Set foot on all 7 continents / Find something to be passionate about / Try something new / Ride a Boat Through Glowworm Cave in Waitomo NEW ZEALAND / Eat something new every week / Visit every state in the US / Go to a UNESCO World Heritage site / Watch the sunrise & sunset in one day / Visit at least 5 different cities / Visit 5 new restaurants / Create a new Spotify playlist each month for a year / Visit 6 continents / Watch a documentary / Write a list of 101 things to do in 1001 days / Listen to a new album each week for one month / Visit 10 new countries / Travel to state I've never been to / Visit a country I haven't been to before / Visit all UK and Ireland capitals / Do a 30 day photography challenge / Find a new favorite band / Step foot on all 7 continents / Visit the London Science Museum ENGLAND / Visit the Bibliotheca Alexandrina EGYPT / Take a cruise to Alaska / Participate in a scavenger hunt / Follow in the footsteps of my favorite travel book / Visit every country in South America / Find a new passion / Walk the West Highland Way / Get lost in a maze / Visit a new UNESCO World Heritage Site / Go on an archaeological dig / Visit 10 countries / Visit five UNESCO World Heritage Sites / Be more open to new experiences / Listen to a new album every month / Visit the Royal Ontario Museum CANADA / Teach a child something I wish I knew at that age / Visit the Museum of Science and Industry ILLINOIS / Explore a new hiking trail / Visit every county in England / Meet the Mythbusters / Visit 26 places in UK staring with each letter of alphabet / Take part in an archaeological dig / Learn a new skill or hobby / Visit Cape Verde / Sail around the world / Go on a photo excursion once every month / Listen to a podcast on an unfamiliar topic / Develop a soundtrack for every month for an entire year / Wander through 22 hectares of flowers at Butchart Gardens in Victoria CANADA / Find happiness / 🌍 Travel to every continent on Earth / Go shark cage diving / Walk to an East Frisian island across the seabed at low tide GERMANY / Try new food / Visit Suzhou CHINA / Visit the National Inventors Hall of Fame Museum OHIO / Visit the Omniplex OKLAHOMA / Try a new restaurant every month for a year / Bike across America UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Visit Antananarivo MADAGASCAR / Take a bush plane ride into Africa's interior / Listen to a new album each month / Visit the National Radio Astronomy Observatory WEST VIRGINIA / Visit the Dakota Dinosaur Museum NORTH DAKOTA / Take a gap year to travel and reflect / Attend the Cambridge Science Festival ENGLAND / Visit 12 UNESCO World Heritage Sites / Find my muse / Visit the Houston Zoo TEXAS / Explore the World War II tunnels under Dover Castle ENGLAND / 🗝️ Visit Historic Jamestowne VIRGINIA / Visit the University of Cambridge ENGLAND / 🔍 Make a list for a scavenger hunt / 📚 Pick a random book off a library shelf and read it / Read an entire Encyclopedia / Visit Russia's 'Gateway to Hell' RUSSIA / Hike the Bruce Trail in the ancient Niagara Escarpment CANADA / Go book-store hopping in Brigade Road in Bangalore INDIA / Try a new restaurant every month / Visit three states in India I have never been to before / Visit the Museum of Nature and Science COLORADO / Visit all states of Australia AUSTRALIA / Visit Doubtful Sound NEW ZEALAND / Canyoneer Grand Staircase-Escalante UTAH / Visit the Montshire Museum of Science VERMONT / Throw a dart at a map and travel to wherever it lands / Visit CERN SWITZERLAND / Explore the 18th century forts and Georgian architecture of Nassau Old Town BAHAMAS / Look for fragments of Noah's Ark on the slopes of Mount Ararat TURKEY / Take a vacation to somewhere I never thought I would go / Take a vacation to anywhere but here! / Take a vacation to Mexico / Travel to 10 new countries / Walk around a city with no plans and nothing but a camera / Visit five new countries / Visit Djibouti / Visit Fatehpur Sikri INDIA / Go spelunking in the caves around Sagada PHILIPPINES / 🗺️ Visit the Columbus Lighthouse, a monument to Christopher Columbus DOMINICAN REPUBLIC / Explore Denmark via cycle DENMARK / Find hidden caves and shipwrecks BARBADOS / Visit Teotihuacan MEXICO / Visit a city I've never visited before / Wander through the streets of Meknes MOROCCO / Visit Gramado BRAZIL / Travel to a state I haven't visited before / Visit a friend in another country / Ride the Trans-Siberian Express across Asia / Take a weekend trip alone / Go on a full day hike / Visit the Franklin Institute PHILADELPHIA / Visit every province and territory in Canada / Tie a letter to a balloon and let it go / Go on a spontaneous day trip / Stand at the landing place of Columbus' ‘New World' trip at San Salvador BAHAMAS / Spend a month in Europe / Discover the 3000 year old meteorite crate on Saaremaa Island ESTONIA / Join a day-long archaeological dig for dinosaur bones at the T.Rex Discovery Centre in Saskatchewan CANADA / Visit the Seven Wonders of Portugal PORTUGAL / Visit the Archimedes Science Museum in Limassol CYPRUS / Visit the Liberty Science Center NEW JERSEY / Visit the Museum of World Treasures in Wichita KANSAS / Visit California Science Center LOS ANGELES / Get lost in a foreign country / Visit the Boonshoft Museum of Discovery OHIO / Visit the Evergreen Aviation & Space Museum OREGON / Travel alone to a foreign country / Visit the Saskatchewan Railway Museum CANADA / Listen to 100 albums that I've not heard before / Read books from five genres I usually don't like / Visit the Museum of Everyday Life VERMONT / Visit the Museum of the Weird TEXAS / Visit the Connecticut Science Center CONNECTICUT / See the Ta Prohm CAMBODIA / Visit Western Sahara / Visit the Field Museum of Natural History ILLINOIS / Explore the mystical warren of caves in Chiang Dao THAILAND / Visit the ancient city of Hatra IRAQ / Celebrate New Year's Eve in a foreign country / Visit a friend in a different city / Visit my birthplace / Go on a road trip across the USA / Visit Lao National Museum LAOS / Visit the Science and Technology Museum in Shanghai CHINA / Ride a jeep through a jungle / Explore the Jeita Caverns LEBANON / Visit the pre-Incan ruins at Santa Rosa de Tastil ARGENTINA / Rev yourself up on the Outback Trailblazer AUSTRALIA / Discover the underground submarine base at Sevastopol UKRAINE / Retrace the footsteps of Alexander the Great in Erbil IRAQ / Go on a long distance bike ride / Visit Coral Castle FLORIDA / Visit the Deutsches Museum GERMANY / Take a photo on every continent / Visit the Tellus Science Museum, Cartersville GEORGIA / Visit the Science Museum of Minnesota MINNESOTA / Visit Perot Museum TEXAS / Walk all the Auckland Regional Park trails NEW ZEALAND / Visit Läckö Castle SWEDEN / Visit Peabody Essex Museum MASSACHUSETTS / Spend a whole day taking random pictures / Walk through caves / Buy a plane ticket for the first flight out, and go wherever it takes me /