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Finish a book in a day

Started and finished Crimson Climb by EK Johnson today

The Inconvenient Indian by Thomas King

Discipline Equals Freedom by Jocko Willink. Not exactly the hardest read in the world, round about 185 pages. Larger print. Not a whole lot of coverage on the page.
Count it.
Count it.

Release - Patrick Ness (9/5/17)

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying - Marie Kondo

Read Denial by Peter James on 02/10/15

I read "The Memory Book" by Rowan Coleman. A sad, funny, touching, beautiful book about a woman in her forties with familial early onset Alzheimer's Disease. It's a beautiful portrayal of family life, memories and love. A great way to spend an overcast Saturday.

finished hepta by mohammed sadeq

Melissa Nathan "Nanny"

The carrie diaries, sunday 13th of januari

The Screwtape Letters (17.09.11)

Hunger Games 8/20/11

Catching Fire (02/18/2011)

The Prince of Midst - Carlos Ruiz Zafon

Strange Case of Origami Yoda

Animal Farm - George Orwell ^^

The Game by Diana Wynne Jones

O Principezinho

Something Blue by Emily Giffin - 07.19.10

Completed as of August 23rd 2010.

El viol? d'Auschwitz (30/09/10)

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban!!!

El collar de esmeraldas, jghhg gffhggj

It was Agota Kristof's "Hier". I read it on the 5th of June.
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