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🏕️ Sleep under the stars / 🏕 Go camping / 🚙 Go on a road trip / 🍿 Watch 26 movies I've never seen starting with each letter of the alphabet / 🧺 Go on a picnic / 🚢 Go on a cruise / 👓 See a movie in 3D / 🌍 Make a list of 50 places I would like to visit in my lifetime / 🎶 Go to a music festival / 💤 Build a blanket fort and sleep in it / 📚 Spend an afternoon reading at the park / 🥾 Go for a hike in the woods / 🌙 Take a moonlit walk on the beach / Spend one weekend with only my music, art and books. "Unplug" / 🥾 Go hiking / 🏁 Finish a book in a day / 🏕️ Go camping with a group of friends / Go on a hike / 🚗 Go on a road trip with friends / 🛁 Take a bubble bath / 🏄♂️ Try surfing / 👭 Go on holiday with friends / ⛵ Go sailing / 🏕️ Sleep in a tent / Go on a road trip without a pre-set destination / 🏕️ Go camping with friends / Go camping for a weekend / Go on a spontaneous road trip / 💑 Spend a romantic night in a hotel for no reason / Take a train somewhere / 🎉 Spend New Year's Eve in another country / Sleep in a treehouse / Stay at a bed & breakfast / 🍕 Eat a meal inside a blanket fort / Send my parents on a vacation / Build a blanket fort / Go for a walk in a forest / 💦 Swim in an infinity pool / Go on a vacation / Spend a whole day in bed / Ride on a motorcycle / Take a spontaneous road trip / Go on a hot air balloon ride / 🌴 Spend New Year's Eve in an exotic location / Take a random road trip / Go to Mexico / Spend an afternoon reading in the park / 🏕️ Go on an overnight hiking trip / Ride on the back of a motorcycle / Make a blanket fort / Throw a message in a bottle into the ocean / Go on a romantic picnic / Go on a roadtrip with my best friends / Go on a road trip with no preset destination in mind / Go on a road trip with no predetermined destination / 🌌 Fall asleep under the stars / Travel to another continent / Go on a vacation by myself / Have a picnic in a forest / Bathe under a waterfall / Stay in a bed and breakfast / Sleep in a blanket fort / Take a nap in a hammock / 🚴♂️ Go for an all day bike ride / Travel the world / Release a message in a bottle / Take a road trip by myself / Sleep in a hammock for one night / 🛁 Have a bubble bath with candles and my favourite book / Spend an afternoon reading at a park / Go to Austrailia / Make a list of 101 things that I don't ever want to do again / Swim in the ocean at night / 💆♀️ Go on a spa weekend / Spend an entire day reading by the ocean / 💦 Go to a natural hot springs / Go skinny dipping in the ocean / Go on an unplanned flight / Go bike riding for a day / Take a tour of Alcatraz Island CALIFORNIA / Spend an entire day in bed / Go on a retreat / Go to the movies once a month for a year / Visit a different continent / Go to Prague / Read a book set somewhere I have always wanted to visit / Take a road trip with no set destination / Go to the Caribbean / Wear a bathing suit in public / 🏕️ Go camping in my backyard / Go for a ride on a motorbike / Go stargazing away from the city / 🛶 Go on a canoe trip / Travel to a different continent / Go on a weekend alone / Travel alone / Sleep under the stars for a night / Go on a day trip to a nearby state / Visit 5 states I've never been to / 🧭 Get lost in a different country / 🚣♂️ Go river rafting / Visit another state / Wake up in a tent to a phenomenal view / Spend a night in a blanket fort / Spend a weekend unplugged / Explore a hedge maze / Take a bubble bath by candlelight / Visit Warsaw POLAND / Go on a weekend road trip / Spend New Year's Eve in a different State / Have a midnight picnic / Travel out of state / Take my kids camping / Go to Ibiza / Spend the whole day by myself / Read at least one book every month / Take a vacation to somewhere new / Vacation solo / Spend the day at a resort spa / Float in a sensory deprivation tank / Go to Martha's Vineyard / Visit a country I haven't been to before / Go cliff diving / Take a vacation to anywhere / Go to the train station and get on the first train leaving / Go on holiday on my own / 🎣 Go fly fishing / Have a movie marathon all day / Unwind on a one-week sailing trip around Greece GREECE / Read an entire book in a tree / Go to Malta / Try sleeping under the stars / Make a blanket fort and sleep in it / Go on a photo excursion once every month / Drink a pina colada while getting caught in the rain / Visit Foxwoods Casino CONNECTICUT / Go camping and make s'mores around the campfire / Take a year off and drive around Australia AUSTRALIA / Visit Cartmel ENGLAND / Rejuvenate in Victoria's Spa Country AUSTRALIA / Lay in a hammock / Slip across the border in Tijuana MEXICO / Have a movie marathon night / Spend a whole day reading a great novel / Skip school / Visit the Grand Bahama Island BAHAMAS / Date night once a month / Spend an entire day alone / Sit under the Tree of Life BAHRAIN / Unwind in the golden sands of Koukounaries on Skiathos GREECE / Take a vacation to the Carribean / Spend the weekend at a cabin in the woods / Treat myself to a full spa day / Go on a Mediterranean cruise / Go to Santa Fe / Visit a country in Europe / Watch Shawshank Redemption / Visit Kerry IRELAND / Visit Viñales Valley CUBA / Take a vacation to anywhere! / Spend a weekend alone / Pack a breakfast picnic and watch the sun rise at Cape Sear CANADA / Pamper yourself at the Caldea spa ANDORRA / Take a vacation to anywhere but here! / Take a vacation to somewhere I never thought I would go / Take a vacation to Mexico / Take a vacation to Hawaii / Go to a spa for a weekend / Spend a week at sea / Spend a day watching movies / Spend New Year's in an exotic location / Nap in a hammock / Live offline for a weekend / Spend a night in a hotel for no reason / Pamper your senses at a floating lodge at a B.C. resort CANADA / Have a spontaneous weekend away / Spend a week alone by the edge of the sea on the coast of Mull SCOTLAND / Rejuvenate in Victoria's Spa Country AUSTRALIA / Visit Pitcairn Islands / Take a vacation to anywhere on a cruise ship / Take a vacation to somewhere warm / Visit Wollongong AUSTRALIA / Visit the spa resort of Karlovy Vary CZECH REPUBLIC / Have a shower in a waterfall / Have a weekend away by myself / Visit Caddo Lake TEXAS / Sleep in a camper van / Go on a breakfast picnic / Take a weekend trip alone / Go for a ride on a motorcycle / Have a picnic in the mountains / Go up in a hot-air balloon / Go fishing with a friend / Go hiking in the trails of Kaledonia CYPRUS / Get lost in a foreign country / Own a camper van / Take a vacation to a different state / Go on a spontaneous day trip / Slow down in the old fortified Byzantine town of Monemvasia GREECE / 🛀 Have a bubble bath with candles and a book / Take a vacation to an island / Night Swimming / Visit Matjiesfontein SOUTH AFRICA / Have a picnic on Sheikh Said Island ERITREA / Drink champagne in a jacuzzi / Spend 24 hours alone in the jungle / Lie on a hill and cloud watch / Sleep under the stars in a hammock / Spend a weekend in Vegas / 🏔️ Go on a hike in the mountains / Make love on a forest floor / Drive a convertible with the top down and music blaring / Have a Picnic at Golden Gate Park / Make a roadtrip playlist / Go horse-riding at the mountain resort of Bakuriani GEORGIA / Visit Cape Palliser NEW ZEALAND / Visit the Moroccan Steam Spa OHIO / Escape to the cooling heights of Thailand's highest peak, Doi Inthanon THAILAND / Spend time in the deserted shores near the Oued Massa National Park MOROCCO / Go for a bush safari in Barbuda ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA / Relax in the Riviera Beach Lodge in Beirut LEBANON / Spend the weekend at the Cerro Punta mountain resort PANAMA / Relax at the banks of the mountain lakes found in the Fagaras and Retezat ranges ROMANIA / Spend the day at Mamaia Beach ROMANIA / Catch a sunrise at Ha'atafu beach TONGA / Sunbathe in Monotapu beach TONGA / Relax on the beaches of the coastal resort of Latakia SYRIA / Lounge all day on the Doctor's Cave Beach JAMAICA / Have a picnic at one of the parks in Pyongyang NORTH KOREA / Sail in the Arabian see off Yemen's coast YEMEN / Laze in the sun at Malugane beach MOZAMBIQUE / Laze in the sun at the Galawa Beach on Grande Comore COMOROS / Take a day trip to Maheskali Island BANGLADESH / Escape by bike to Hel Peninsula POLAND / Visit Mountain Resort and its Outlying Temples in Chengde, Hebei CHINA / Do a yoga retreat in Essaouira MOROCCO / Visit Necker Island BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS / 🧚♀️ Visit Tumblestone Hollow ENGLAND / Revisit my childhood vacation spot as an adult / Take a vacation to somewhere sunny / Have a picnic at Fourgasse Falls FRENCH GUIANA / Discover Devil's Island FRENCH GUIANA / Build a treehouse with a hammock bed / Have a picnic on the banks of the Kolsai Lakes KAZAKHSTAN / Have a picnic in a new park / Sleep on a sailboat for a night / Hike Palouse Falls WASHINGTON / Buy a plane ticket for the first flight out, and go wherever it takes me / Close my eyes and point to a place on the map and just travel to it / Have a picnic in the woods / Spend an entire rainy day in my pajamas watching movies and drinking hot cocoa / Create a mancave / Go on a major cruise / Go camping in the Smokey Mountains / Hike in Logarska Dolina SLOVENIA / Pamper yourself at the Sari Agach and Mujaldi spas KAZAKHSTAN / Visit the Rockview Nature Resort GUYANA / Take a vacation to someplace exotic / Relax at Anibore Bay NAURU / Go hiking in the Zemplen, Bükk and Matra ranges northeast of Budapest HUNGARY / Visit the Bellunesi Dolomites ITALY / Trip to a warm place / Watch television for twenty-four hours uninterrupted / Ride a horse off into the desert sunset / Visit the Causses and Cevennes FRANCE / Visit Northern Cyprus / Find my version of “The Beach" / Visit Vila ANDORRA / Visit Erts ANDORRA / Visit Cacuso ANGOLA / Visit Calucinga ANGOLA / Visit Savate ANGOLA / Visit Cedar Grove ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA / Visit Goris ARMENIA / Visit Armidale AUSTRALIA / Horseback ride in the Andes Mountains ARGENTINA / Own a private island / Own a private island with a private airstrip / Go on a road trip that lasts at least a week / Surf in the Mentawai Islands of Sumatra INDONESIA / Picnic on the banks of Laguna de Xiloa NICARAGUA / Relax in Parque Morazan COSTA RICA / Indulge in an aromatherapy massage at Jurmala LATVIA / Visit Nuku'alofa TONGA / Dance in the rain with someone special somewhere special ;) /