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Drink more water
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On 620 lists and 123 people have done it.
“If your goal is to drink 64 ounces (8 cups) of water per day,” says UH registered dietitian Jennifer Kerner, “consider dividing the goal between three periods of the day, which would amount to about 2 to 3 cups in the morning, 2 to 3 cups during the afternoon, and 2 to 3 cups in the evening.”
I’ve been drinking mostly water the past four months and haven’t had soda in two.

Marking complete bc it is now a habit!
Well I'm drinking it; I'm not sure it's any more though except for a few hot weather days but mostly and most certainly I'm sure it isn't enough ..

Drink 2.5 lt water every day

Buy a 2.5 lt bottle to complete your target

I drink at least 2lt every day now
Starting Jan. 6, 2020 - try to drink at least two bottles(32 oz.) per day
1 Eylül: 2 litre

2 Eylül: 2 litre

3 Eylül: 2 litre

4 Eylül: 1.5 litre

5 Eylül: 0.5 litre

6 Eylül: -

7 Eylül: 2 litre

8 Eylül: 0.75 litre

9 Eylül: 1.5 litre

10 Eylül: 2 litre

11 Eylül: 2 litre

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Eylül total:
I'm drinking crazy amounts of water right now, like 4L a day!
I am definitely marking this done. My water is with me most of the day now, it's the first thing I reach for when I get up or when I get to work, and-- most importantly for this goal-- I'm feeling a big difference in my energy levels and seeing a big difference in my skin. Today I'm picking up an infusion pitcher so I can continue to do infused water like cucumber-lemon without the pain in the ass straining and funneling.
Literally as I type this, even! This goal is going really well. I have a water bottle at home and a water bottle I keep at work now, and it's becoming more of a habit to keep both at hand.

My original idea for this goal was to slowly progress how many glasses a day I drank, but I was finding this really difficult and too much of a chore. Focusing on just increasing my overall intake, on noticing when I have the bottle with me and when I don't and how actively I'm having to refill it, is working way better. So I think this will count as done as long as I can keep this up through September.

I do still kinda want to try that crazy gallon challenge at the end, though.
Started today....