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Write a letter to myself to open at the end of 1001 days

By the end of this challenge you'll be almost 30. I hope you got your shit together and stopped sucking so much at everything. All because you lack dedication and discipline.
By the end of this challenge you must have:
1. Renovated your parents' home.
2. Found a steady job with good income.
3. Learnt to manage money: budgeting, saving, passive income
4. Learnt the way of minimalist life and frugal living for the sake of spending money on travelling.
5. Travelled somewhere with mom and separetedly with friends.
6. Partook in language exchange programme (you know which one).
7. Active life (don't stop doing yoga, take up other activities, fitness)/
8. Took care of your health, esp teeth.
9. Visited your friend (in her city and travelled together to St. Petersburg).
10. Took some language courses (remember how much joy learning languages brought you!).
11. Volunteer.
12. Start you translation gig.
13. Keep in touch with your cute little cousins and neices/nephews despite toxic influense of some(I don't need to spell out who to you) people.
14. Start and don't stop your blog.
15. Pick up drawing/painting and practice, practice, practice!
16. Take those "ideas" you have saved in word and start writing! No more excuses! Rome wasn't built in one day.
17. Don't stop self-education and self-awareness.
By the end of this challenge you must have:
1. Renovated your parents' home.
2. Found a steady job with good income.
3. Learnt to manage money: budgeting, saving, passive income
4. Learnt the way of minimalist life and frugal living for the sake of spending money on travelling.
5. Travelled somewhere with mom and separetedly with friends.
6. Partook in language exchange programme (you know which one).
7. Active life (don't stop doing yoga, take up other activities, fitness)/
8. Took care of your health, esp teeth.
9. Visited your friend (in her city and travelled together to St. Petersburg).
10. Took some language courses (remember how much joy learning languages brought you!).
11. Volunteer.
12. Start you translation gig.
13. Keep in touch with your cute little cousins and neices/nephews despite toxic influense of some(I don't need to spell out who to you) people.
14. Start and don't stop your blog.
15. Pick up drawing/painting and practice, practice, practice!
16. Take those "ideas" you have saved in word and start writing! No more excuses! Rome wasn't built in one day.
17. Don't stop self-education and self-awareness.

Wrote a letter to myself to read Nov 30 2020!

Saving paper by writing it online because I will lose it way before 2014.

Find out where I put that note...
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