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Member since July 2011
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10.8. - 10.9.
1. I was born.
2. Learnt how to ride a horse.
3. Learnt how to ride a bike.
4.Lerant how to ride a car.
5. Learnt how to skate.
6. Finished primary school.
7 Finished high school on dean's list.
8. I was accepted to vet school.
9.I acheived aknowledgements for my drawings.
10. i won over 10 conpetitions in writing esseys.
11. I won a silver "medal" in math.
12. I acheived a silver dolphin in my swiming abillities.
13.I kicked the shit out of a boy in my kindergarten group and he was hospitalized for ingvinal hernia.
14. i leanrt english.
15. I learnt Ljubljanščina.
16. I learnt spanish.
17. I learnt to play guitar.
18.I learnt to sing solo.
19. I sang in choir.
20. I work at theatre for modern dance.
21. I worked with vet for 8 years.
22. I passed pathophysiology in first try.
23. I survived my childhood.
24. I quit smoking.
25. I quit clubbing.
26. I've been to USA.
27. I know how to ski.
28. i know how to dance.
29. I know gymnastics.
30. I was always the first on running
60 or 100m.
1. I'm grateful.
2. I'm easy to talk to.
3. I'm sporty.
4. I love animals.
5. I like my studies.
6. I know how to take care of myself.
7. I'm an easy learner.
8. I'm knowledgeable about medicine.
9. I know how to ride a horse.
10. I enjoy my own company.
11. I love to dance.
12. I like to help others.
13. I love to read.
14. I'm caring.
15. I like to sing.
16. I enjoy playing guitar.
17. I'm simple.
18. I like to hang out with just about anyone. I'm not sexist,rasist or anything like it.
19. I enjoy driving my car.
20.I like to smile.
21. i love my hair.
21. I like my style.
22. I love to try out new things.
23. I like my way of doing things.
24. I like my body type.
25. I like my flexibility.
Passed major exam for the 4th year and on september 6th I'll sign into 5th year..Then just 1,5years to go.
Almost there...
Today I started on a cold turkey... So basically a week from today I can click DONE.
Y-your majesty
C-captain america
I may be moving out in September/October...Yoo-Woo-Hoo!
4 to go..Fosters..
August will be the D month..
5 to go...
Reduced from 100mg to 75mg...
Tommorrow I will reduce to 65...etc..
7 to go...
Will do it tomorrow, 22.7.11. after i come home from exam.
Make something special for his b-day!
Have 2 flowers, 8 to go...
starting in october...when school starts.
Already doing it since 18th of july.
Doing it better and better...One of next days i'll take to go to an empty parking lot and practise.
worked through 2 books by now.
Friday 22. till friday 29th! july of course
Starting in september.
starting on 1st of august.
starting today, 21st of july.
Already planned it with a friend, just need to fina time and a perfect day.
Already gave away most of my clothes...now i need to see to my teddy bear collection,etc...and books..
Thinking about paying Aleš 50eur after I sign into 5th year or give him the rest that is left off my july's paycheck.
Looking for some place,where i would have my own,cute room; and the apartment would have a balcony or terase; nice neat kitchen and maybe 2-3roomies (nice girlz/boyz. Bathroom should have a bath and shower and a nice new toilet. Kitchen should have a common room. And it should be in range of less than 150eur altogether per month.
Trying to get rid of all the sweets and junk food from my apartment...
Started on 18th of July...so no FB till 18thn of august...Actually I deleted it till then...
I'm starting to notice in which situations i use bad words. I noticed i use it even in easy convo..God, please help me to substitute ugly words with publically acceptable ones.
Getting drops for easier titration of the doseage and hopefully by august I'll off, otherwise i go cold turkey on august 15th.
Pauliner pšenični, Tajsko pivo
Laško,Union,pauliner,Aston neki, Judas, Bernard, Bud light, corrona, chauffe.

11 to go