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Why, I've just done this now! This is my 71st completed goal so far, and I have 433 days left to go.

I'll update this list with more notes as I complete more goals.
Before I wrote this list of goals, I'd tried to write a song with my husband once before. It didn't go very well. I'd been in a vulnerable emotional state at the time, and felt very insecure about my ability at, well, everything, so I kept feeling like I was too untalented in comparison, which made me too miserable to continue.

Fortunately, by the time we tried again, I was in a much better state, and this went quite well. The song we wrote together was quite short, but involved very little friction - and it served a practical purpose as a video soundtrack. Goal complete.
'Let's Plays' are YouTube videos of people playing a particular game, usually a computer game. Some of them are a bit like walkthroughs, but more often they're just fun videos of people experiencing regular gameplay.

My husband and I, being fans of Magic: the Gathering, wanted to do one for Magic. And we did, several. In fact, we even started up our own YouTube channel for them.

We also crossed off this goal during our Two Weeks of Fun in November 2015, where we hosted a different event every day for 14 days straight. We filmed ourselves and about 10 other guests reacting to a short ho (...more)
Planescape: Torment is a game I regretted not playing when it was new. Renowned for its complex story and de-emphasis on violence, it sounded fantastic. But by the time I saw it, the interface was so dated and unwieldy that it was horrible to play, despite the brilliant story.

So when I saw the Kickstarter campaign for a spiritual sequel to Torment, I knew I wanted to play it. It was coming out during my goals period, so it was added to the list.

The game was due to be released in June 2016, but I actually got my hands on it earlier as part of the beta test. This did make it very buggy (...more)
It's amazing to think this goal was on my original list, because I have done so many escape rooms since I wrote it! The idea behind escape rooms is that you are locked in a room for 45 minutes and have to solve puzzles to find your way out before the timer runs out.

The goal was first crossed off in Melbourne, during our honeymoon. It turned out that Melbourne was full of escape rooms, unlike Perth. The first one we went to was a place called Trapt, which combined the rooms with a good-quality cocktail bar, and we enjoyed it so much that we went back and did all their other escape roo (...more)
The 'custom cube' is a set of custom cards myself, my husband, and two of our friends were making based on the game Magic: the Gathering. We put quite a lot of effort into it, but it had stalled for a long time when I created the goals list, so I added it as a goal to get back on track.

We briefly got back into it for a while leading up to the wedding, when one of the people involved would be travelling into the city, and managed to even play a test game (during which we discovered many issues with various cards). It has since stalled again, but we did indeed continue work on it and s (...more)
Adding this goal to my list was a little risky, as it relied on someone else being motivated enough to do something. However, a friend of ours had been talking about a new RPG system he was developing and I was eager to help him test it out.

It took about a year and a half before he was ready, but eventually the test game happened. I was very impressed by the system and only had positive feedback to give, and I had a lot of fun playing it. My friend was also an excellent storyteller. The only downside is that we didn't get to finish the story, so perhaps this goal is not quite done ye (...more)
This goal was something my husband and I had done several times before, but the reason it made it onto my goals list was because we had missed the last few prerelease events due to needing to save money. Prereleases did cost a fair bit of money.

(A prerelease is an event for the Magic: the Gathering card game where cards go on sale immediately before the official launch of a new set. There are usually particular types of games to play during the event which are a lot of fun, so we both enjoy them greatly.)

I've since exceeded this goal by attending several prereleases, but I first cros (...more)
My husband had hired a spa once before I wrote this list, but I knew it was something he wanted to do again, and I wasn't averse to it, either. So onto my list it went.

We hired it early on for a week, just before our wedding, as part our combined 'stags and hens' night. Unfortunately, it spectacularly backfired due to my husband forgetting to turn it on to warm up during the day, and though our guests waited for many hours, it just wouldn't warm up to a comfortable temperature in time. (Which says to me it's a pretty dodgy spa, taking that long to heat up.)

On the upside, my husband a (...more)
When I wrote this goal, I had no particular road trip in mind.

It ended up being a short one, driving down to Margaret River for a long weekend. I ended up staying with my husband's family, driving around to wineries and mazes and generally having fun. It was a very relaxed weekend, but embodied the road trip atmosphere well. Good fun was had by all.
I assume when I wrote this list that I knew I needed another rhizotomy (I can't remember), or this would have been a risky item to include. This must have been about the time I started having a relapse of the sharp, stabbing pains in my back. The first rhizotomy only lasted about 12 months before the pains came back. It wasn't long after writing this list before I had the second one.

It's been over a year since the second rhizotomy, and the sharp stabs haven't come back this time, so I'm hoping it did the trick this time. Apparently 80% of rhizotomy patients don't need another, so hop (...more)
Although I frequently eat vegetarian food, I've never been a vegetarian before. I'm conscious that it's a better decision for the environment, so it was something I was interested in experimenting with - thus one of my goals was to go vegetarian for a month. My husband did it with me, as it also aligned with his views.

I found it to be harder than I expected. The main problem was with work lunches. Buying vegetarian groceries for myself was easy, but when I had to go out for lunch at cafes, my options were severely limited. I discovered that most cafes typically had only one token sav (...more)
The original idea was to put $1000 into superannuation over the 1001 days, but then I realised I had to put $1000 in each year anyway to be eligible for the $500 government co-contribution.

So in practice, I've put $1000 in each year in June as it makes the most financial sense in the long term. It has meant I've struggled for money in the short term, especially during the first year when it coincided with expensive medical bills and, well, normal bills, but it was easier this year. Goal exceeded, regardless.
This is something I'd wanted to do for many years before I came up with the idea for the goals list. I'd planned on having a room in the house filled with beautiful lights.

Most of this goal was filled with trying to find suitable lights. It was surprisingly difficult to find anything I liked - which was mainly along the lines of intricate patterns. The first light I found turned out to be very cheap and nasty (even cheaper and nastier than I thought possible), to the point where I had to assemble it by hand and found it impossible due to the poor quality of materials, instructions, (...more)
This goal wasn't on the original list of goals, but I added it as a high priority after going through a particularly bad bout of back pain (whilst removing a goal I knew I didn't want to do anymore and was no longer relevant). It wasn't simply remembering to do my physio exercises every day - it was to do *all* my physio exercises every day, without missing a day.

On a good day, it would take me 40 minutes to do them all, and on a bad day it could take over an hour, so this was actually a very challenging goal. I got through it by writing up a chart listing all the days versus the exe (...more)
I 'accidentally' crossed off this goal while writing the music for the backing track of my Kickstarter promo video (also another goal). I hadn't realised it until after I was done, but it belonged to the Chillstep genre, which was a genre I hadn't written in before.

I also arguably crossed this off while writing music for the game Dead End Alley, where I attempted to write a Drum and Bass song (I don't think it was the best example of the genre, but I tried).
One of the most important goals on my list, though a little easier than my goal of securing a $60,000 salary or more, this was one of the most difficult goals to achieve on my list. Thanks to a very lengthy run of misfortune in relation to career goals, I was extremely disillusioned about jobs and lacked any form of self-esteem.

While applying for jobs, I was frequently tempted not to strive for this job, as it would make it harder to find a job. However, I knew that finding another entry-level job would not help my situation, as my whole emotionally-fragile state rested on my lack o (...more)
My original plan for this task had been to design the card graphics for a card game my husband was working on. However, after creating my list of goals, he decided he wasn't interested in pursuing his game any longer.

However, I was still able to complete this goal thanks to the Game Jam I participated in as one of my other goals. My husband and I entered as a team and created a card game together - which I made the graphics for, thus completing the goal.
I had originally planned to work on this idea at GovHack, but was disappointed to find that, although I'd had the idea years ago and nobody had done it at the time, someone had since made their own sustainable fishing app for Australia. My GovHack plans shattered, I decided to do these designs earlier than planned and use them for a portfolio piece instead.

It was about 3-4 solid days of work, but I got the app designs done fairly quickly and included them on my resume. They were in the portfolio that helped me land my new job, so I'd say this goal was successfully completed!
This was intended as a single, stand-alone goal, but ended up crossing off three of my goals in a single weekend. To complete this one, I and my husband participated in the 2016 Global Game Jam as a team. We had to make a game to the theme of 'ritual', which was unveiled at the start of the event.

Most of the other teams were working on computer games, but since we lacked programming skills, we put together a physical card game. We came up with a good idea fairly quickly, though it took a lot of hashing out. Over half of the event was spent refining the idea before we began on any pro (...more)
When I made this list of goals, I'd already done most of the work I needed to on my RPG adventure I planned on Kickstarting. The only thing left to do before beginning the campaign was the promo video, which would help boost the chances of the campaign's success.

Despite that, it took me nearly a year to get around to doing the video. This was primarily because setting up the cameras and reading scripts took a lot of effort and time, and could only be filmed during the day (we didn't have a great lighting situation). This was mostly procrastination on my part - though I was very eage (...more)
When I created this goal, I had no plans for what the big party would be. I just knew I wanted to host something large that a lot of people attended. This had been a personal goal of mine since, well, forever.

As a child, I was very unpopular, and I was never OK with that, always wanting to host just one party that lots of people would want to attend ('lots' being more than thirty, which was the best I'd ever been able to pull off except for once in Japan).

It turned out that this party was the wedding. There was a satisfyingly large turnout, and despite all the problems that plagued (...more)
I finished this goal only a month or two after starting the list, which surprised me as it wasn't a small task and I hadn't expected it to be done so quickly.

At the time, though, I was looking for jobs and felt it was pretty important that my website be redone to focus more on my assets as an employee than my services as a business (which was now defunct) - so I had quite a lot of motivation to get it done.

The new website wasn't amazing, but it was well-coded and showed off the design and coding skills I felt were most relevant to the jobs I was applying for, so it did the job. It ca (...more)
The scavenger hunt was our big-ticket item during our Two Weeks of Fun (an event where we hosted a different event every day for 14 days straight), and a lot of preparation went into it.

The first half comprised the scavenger hunt, where we gave people semi-cryptic ideas to hunt for, and the second half took the form of a car rally, where they had to travel all over the city and complete tasks. We worked hard to ensure nobody could simply get the answers off Google - they had to be there in person.

A few weeks' worth of preparation went into it, but we had trouble drumming up interest (...more)
The original plan had been for my husband and I to take amateur photos of each other, but when his birthday approached and I was lacking a plan, I changed my mind and decided to purchase him a glamour photography session as a present.

This turned out to be very expensive, but worth it (provided neither of us have another one done at any point in the next ten years), and the photos of Jonathan look fantastic.
I'd expected I'd need to sit down and make a concerted effort in my own time to complete this goal, but I was actually able to cross it off at work. I had been working on an official booklet announcing some statistics and was able to put some of them across in an infographic style, thus completing this goal.

It did take a couple of weeks of solid work to complete the booklet though, so no small amount of effort went into it.
The person in question ended up being my husband, and I ended up helping him achieve not one, but many of his goals.

While we were on our honeymoon, I told him about my list and encouraged him to make one of his own. He did, and since then I helped him achieved multiple goals ranging from going to a game jam (also one of my goals) and creating a card game to helping him with some MTG-related goals. (MTG, or Magic, is a card game both I and my husband enjoy.)
Initially this would have been in the 'Easy' category, but as it turned out it was very time-consuming to get through all fifteen audiobooks. Where I could have finished fifteen physical books in a couple of weeks (or less), audiobooks were much slower than my reading speed.

Like physical books, they also required me to have most of my attention on them while listening, which meant I couldn't simply work on a project or play a game while listening. I went through a brief period at work where I conducted various repetitive tasks and was able to listen then, but mostly I listened at ho (...more)
Another very tough goal, this one involved my husband and I bringing to life our plan to run a soup kitchen at the local Blazing Swan festival (an official offshoot of the infamous US Burning Man festival) in 2016.

The original plan was to make just our chickpea soup, but as we involved more friends in the project to help make it a reality, so too did our ambitions grow until we ended up making six soups - a new one for every meal.

This one was a lot of hard work, but great fun to pull off. Even the preparations were enjoyable, including soup tastings, corrugated iron sign-making with (...more)
An immense amount of work went into this goal, making it easily one of the hardest on the list. After my Kickstarter campaign (another goal) was a success, literal weeks of work went into producing the materials, which took me about seven months in total, working around my full-time job, ending in July 2016 as originally planned.

I didn't get compensated for this work monetarily, but that was expected - the Kickstarter was only to cover the project's base printing costs. As I write this now, I have only the last finishing touches to add before the book gets sent out to printers - very exciting!
Another very difficult goal, this one required a lot of work. It was held up by another goal (creating the Kickstarter promo video), but once that was done I was able to launch this one into action quickly.

The goal was only to run the campaign, not to succeed (I was very skeptical of its success after failing once before), but I worked hard at preparations and promotion, and just managed to push it past the line on the last day. It even managed to score a review on a local games blog. It was a very unambitious Kickstarter goal at just $3,500, but it meant all my printing costs were c (...more)
When I created this goal, I thought there was a very good chance I wouldn't be able to achieve it. I'd had a very poor success rate with previous job applications, and resultant self-esteem that was equally as poor. I'd been very tempted to set the bar lower at a lower salary, and had to fight against that temptation the whole way. I had to keep telling myself that $60,000 was reasonable and that I deserved no less - but it was a genuine struggle.

When I achieved this goal, I was over the moon, as I'd seen it as being easily one of the hardest goals on the list - and the most importan (...more)
I crossed this one off about 3-4 weeks after creating the list of goals.

Triangle is a fantastic movie my husband and I saw a couple of years ago and wanted to share with people. We'd been planning to host a movie night for it for a while, but hadn't gotten around to it. This goal proved to be the motivation I needed to make it happen.

As it turned out, quite a few people (about 12, I think) showed up and our tiny living room was packed out. But the night was a huge success, with everybody talking about the movie for days afterwards and recommending it on to their friends.
This goal was crossed off as part of our Two Weeks of Fun (a fortnight where we hosted a different event every day for 14 days straight). It was the last event of the fortnight, where we hosted an evening picnic in Kings Park.

Everyone brought a plate of nibbles to share. Unfortunately it was just a little too cold that night, so it was a little uncomfortable, but the goal was still complete.
A very simple yet extremely lengthy goal, I started on this one straightaway... but it took about one and a half years to complete.

Basically, we had a lot of tea. People kept giving us tea as presents, more tea than we knew what to do with. This goal was limited to just the T2 tea, because that was the majority of it, but also because I think I realised I didn't want to make the goal so difficult to achieve that I started hating tea on principle.

I served up tea every chance we got, whenever we had visitors, and often between just my husband and I. And it still took over a year - tha (...more)
This was one of the very first goals crossed off the list. I sent Dad an email shortly after creating the goals list with a link to the music video for 'Path', my favourite Apocalyptica song. He did seem to quite like it.
This goal was crossed off in Melbourne, where my husband and I both went out for a professional hot stone massage on our honeymoon. It was very relaxing, if a little expensive, and was a nice addition to the holiday.
A very easy goal, this made it onto my list purely because I knew I needed some sort of motivation to convince me to sit down and passively watch a TV show. While I used to do a lot of this, in recent years I've largely stopped watching TV and so even my favourite shows needed a little incentive to get me to watch them.

It took me the better part of a year, but I did eventually get around to watching this.
A very straightforward goal, all this was was a motivator to get me to clear out all the useless material taking up space in my filing cabinet.

I believe it took me an hour or two to get through, but at the end of it I had quite a large pile of outdated or useless files ready for recycling, and was able to sort out the rest of it into more logical folders.

It was a boring job, but long overdue.
The only reason I hadn't completed this goal earlier was that it was essentially a dull chore. It only took me about 10 minutes to set it up when I actually got around to doing it (which, to be fair, was only a couple of weeks after creating the list). The hard part was simply overcoming the associated boredom.

As easy as it was, I needed this goal to provide me with enough motivation to get the task done.
This was a surprisingly difficult goal for the 'easy' list, mainly because its entire premise rested on me being able to persuade my husband to do something he had no motivation for.

It took many months of me presenting him with various books and reminders (which progressed to downright pestering) before he finally read one. But it's done, and I've learnt my lesson; I won't try to make him read another one.
In hindsight, this goal was far too easy, because $1010 dollars is not a big ask for savings, and that's assuming I managed to complete every goal on the list. It seemed like a lot of money at the time, but of course I failed to account for the fact I'd need to save up far more than this to be able to afford many other goals on my list.

Still, it's well and truly crossed off now.
'Tsudoku' is a Japanese word we came across from a Facebook meme, meaning 'a pile of books you're meaning to read'. Since that was highly appropriate to me at the time, we kept referring to my ever-increasing tsundoku pile. This goal was the motivation I needed to finally get through it.

By the time I got around to starting this goal, I think there were about 11 books in the pile. It didn't take me long to finish once I'd started, however, only taking me a few weeks to get through it. Some of the books were horrendously boring, but most were OK reading. None were particularly good fro (...more)
Back when I was running my own business, I bought a Wordpress book under the belief it would teach me the difficult end of Wordpress - such as the coding, for example, or how to create custom themes.

Unfortunately, it turned out to be a guide for the obvious details about operating a blog that most people would be able to figure out just by using Wordpress. There were still some quite useful tips in it, but not really what I was after.

However, without this goal, I probably wouldn't have found the motivation to read what was an uninspiring book otherwise, and I would never have known.
True to this goal, I looked into stem cell treatment for back pain by making an appointment with the sole doctor who dealt with it locally. He seemed to be very competent, but unfortunately couldn't treat me without first locating the source of the pain (my eternal problem is that nobody can pinpoint it).

He referred me onto an osteopath, which I was a little skeptical about given its bad scientific reputation, but the particular person I was referred to apparently had a very good reputation. He was quite confident he'd fixed my problem when I first saw him... but he hadn't, which he (...more)
Though $300 was a lot of money to me when I started this list, the hardest part of this goal was dealing with the guilt I felt at not making it a bigger amount. To be fair, $300 is more money than I've donated to charity before, but when I directly compared it to the $1000 I was planning to put into superannuation and shares, each, not to mention the money I was putting into savings, it seemed stingy and heartless.

I had to mentally justify it by saying to myself - look, I'm a low-income earner. It makes sense for me to prepare for my own financial wellbeing because I can't trust anyo (...more)
A very easy goal to complete, this was done within mere weeks of beginning the list. Essentially, I looked up the best UX and UI design blogs I could find, and then followed the best five on Facebook (of the ones which had Facebook pages, which not all did).

It's been very useful so far as I've since been privy to many interesting design articles I would otherwise never have heard about.
This was one of three 'cheat' goals I added to the list, so named because I would have done them regardless of whether they were on the list or not. They were mainly included as a reminder or to-do list of the most important preparations that needed doing in the lead-up.

As it turned out, I needn't have bothered with this one, because although I put the playlist on during the night, it came out so softly that you couldn't hear it at all from the far end of the room. It was only at the end of the night that I realised the cable wasn't plugged in far enough, and by then it was too late. (...more)
If you've read my notes on some of the other goals on this list, you may notice a theme whereby I was quite poor at the start of this list. Not the poorest I've been, certainly, but nevertheless on a low income.

Because of this, and because I'd been even poorer previously, most of my work clothes were quite old (some were 10 or more years old!) and a bit too casual. I'd bought three nice pieces when I'd first secured my current job at the time, but it wasn't enough for a full work wardrobe.

So, a month or two after creating this list, I purchased a few new tops and dresses online. Some (...more)
The original idea behind this goal was to sit down and draw a single detailed illustration by hand (whether on paper or by drawing tablet), then colour it. What actually happened was quite different, and it ended up being one of several goals I completed 'by accident'.

This was completed while doing the game jam goal. I went into the game having no idea what I was going to do, but we came out of it with a card game. As part of the event, I spent about 16 solid hours creating not one but many small card illustrations for said game. Some were better than others, but overall I was fairly (...more)
I always knew this would be an easy goal. I completed this one about four or five months after setting the list. The hardest part was getting started, because I don't watch TV much anymore and find it hard to sit passively by without doing something more active.

Of course, Game of Thrones was so riveting that not only was it easy to finish once we started, but we watched the whole thing in just two or three nights.
Around my old job, I kept hearing people refer to 'Agile', and didn't fully understand what it was. It wasn't directly relevant to my job, but, being dissatisfied with my employment situation, I decided it was in my best interests to find out to help give me an edge in improving said situation.

This one was crossed off early. As it turned out, Agile was a system of management processes, and I spent a few very dull but enlightening hours reading up on its ins and outs. This was a goal that turned out to be easier than I expected, as I thought I would need to do much more in-depth study (...more)
This was one of three 'cheat' goals I created (so named because I would have completed them regardless of whether I had a goals list or not). All three were incredibly boring wedding-related goals that nevertheless had to be done, and this was my way of reminding myself of their importance and urgency.

It was successfully crossed off prior to the wedding as expected - although the original plan ended up falling apart when one of the bridesmaids decided she didn't like the dress we'd decided on. In the end, I just got everyone to wear a black dress of their own choosing, consistency be damned.
It's no secret that my husband is the better cook between us. Not only am I not as good, but I have a knack for making meals that are literally inedible. Even as recently as a couple of weeks ago, my attempt to make spaghetti turned out as a starchy lump of fused mush. I often blame this on the recipes in which I place my complete trust - they shouldn't assume that people already know they're supposed to do things like remove starch, they should say so (and also how to do it)!

At any rate, the list of recipes I know I can cook well is very small. When I made this list, it had only one (...more)
This was a bit of a 'cheat' goal, because I would have done it regardless of whether or not I wrote it down. I had three different wedding goals like this, and their purpose in the list was as more of a to-do or reminder list of the most important aspects of wedding preparation rather than anything else.

That said, I crossed it off and didn't have to worry about it anymore.
Simply writing a song would have been too ordinary for this list, as it's something I've done plenty of before. The key difference here was to write a song for somebody else as a commission (whether paid or not).

I crossed it off by writing two songs for a game called 'Dead End Alley', which actually ended up being a paid commission. Or was meant to be. It turned out that the client who was paying the game developer failed to come through with his payment, which meant I didn't end up being paid. A bit disappointing, but I didn't mind too much as I would have written the music for free (...more)
This was a very easy goal, but it didn't get completed until our honeymoon in March 2015. This was entirely due to financial expense, or I would have organised it much sooner.

Nobu is easily one of the most expensive (and also best) restaurants around, and I'd been to a couple of its branches before. I'd wanted to introduce my husband to it since we started going out, but because of going through an extended phase of being very poor, I'd been unable to.

This goal was made possible a little sooner than expected thanks to my dad treating us to a Nobu dinner for a wedding present. My husb (...more)
I'm glad I didn't specify making a *good* smoothie, or this goal would have been failed.

I gave it two attempts. The first was a monument to cooking failure. The blueberries reacted with the milk to congeal the entire thing into a solid pile of mush that wouldn't exit the cup even when you turned it upside-down. This happened after leaving it alone for as little as thirty seconds. You can imagine I refused to drink (or, rather, eat) it after that.

The second smoothie went a little better in that it just thickened to the point of being unappetising rather than turning into a solid. I a (...more)
Seeing as I made this list of goals on December 14 2014, this was the very first goal I crossed off my list. For the life of me, though, I can't remember what the present was.

Technically, I suppose I've exceeded this goal as I've now bought him a second Christmas present for the subsequent year, and will have exceeded it again by the time I reach the end date of this list.
This goal has been exceeded, since I've been to several very nice restaurants with my parents since setting the goal. However, the one that crossed it off initially was a trip to Galileo's restaurant in Shenton Park for Father's Day 2015.

I can't remember what all the others were, but they were all very pleasant evenings.
I managed to slightly exceed this goal by dying my hair interesting colours twice.

The first time was just before my wedding, where I had large bright red chunks put in my hair, contrasting with a dark brown base. The hairdresser did a fantastic job.

The second time was a couple of weeks before Blazing Swan 2016, when I had green, blue and purple streaks added to my hair in preparation for the festival. This hairdresser did an even better job than the previous one. The blue lasted only a week and was almost invisible by the time of the festival, but it turned out we were doused in so m (...more)
The figurines in question were Warhammer figurines (you know, those expensive modelled war games sold at Games Workshop), but we used them to provide miniatures for our Dungeons and Dragons game sessions instead.

My fiance had tried to teach me figurine painting once before, but I'd been so bad at it that I'd quickly become disheartened and wanted to give up too soon. At that time, I'd also been in a vulnerable emotional state due to ongoing distress and low self-esteem regarding my employment situation. This goal was an acknowledgement that I needed to try again when I was in a calme (...more)
This was the second goal I crossed off my list, less than a fortnight after creating it. My fiance and I had been saying for a while that we should host another board game night, but hadn't been putting in the effort to actually do it.

So, while easy, this goal was the motivation I needed to get my act together and pull together what ended up being a very successful and popular evening.
I have extensive job application experience, so this goal was easy and quick for me to cross off almost immediately. However, I was mostly taking it in conjunction with my two other employment goals, which were to secure a non-entry level job and a salary of at least $60,000, which were significantly more difficult.

I therefore far exceeded this goal with about 20 or 30 job applications under my belt by the time I found a new job. It might seem like this goal was too easy, but it was a very important step towards achieving some of the hardest goals on my list, and well worthwhile.
This was an easy goal in that it required little effort (I'd consider any amount of practice a win), but tough in that I had almost zero motivation to accomplish it. I find poi and fire-dancing beautiful to watch, but have little inclination to add it to my already huge list of hobbies I barely have time for. It serves no professional or practical purpose, there are other hobbies I'd rather spend my time on, and it requires an outdoor area to practice in, which was more effort than I really wanted to put in for something I had such little investment in.

It thus made it onto the list f (...more)
I've known for some years that my digestive system doesn't like coffee very much, but the real reason for this goal was to see if cutting it out of my diet completely would affect my back pain in any way. At this point, I had begun to suspect (following some vague indications) that perhaps my back pain was related to diet in some way.

As it turned out, it wasn't anything to do with coffee. This was a blessing, since I very much enjoy coffee and wouldn't want to give it up forever. It was a worthwhile experiment to run, however.
I was gearing up to plan a Kickstarter project for my tabletop RPG adventure when I started this list, and had already run several test groups by this point. However, it wasn't really enough, and I knew I should run at least one more before Kickstarting the game.

Turns out I was able to exceed this goal by running another three test groups prior to starting the Kickstarter campaign - two through work, and another one among my friends.
When I created my list of goals, my fiance and I had a ton of excess kitchen supplies lying around the house, a result of the double-up of belongings when we moved in together.

We got rid of some items through selling them at a flea market, others by donating them to friends, and the rest we donated to charity.

It didn't take long to cross this one off the list.
This goal was never high up on my list of priorities, but I figured I should listen to a podcast at least once, just so I could say I'd done it. These days I don't have much patience for sitting down and passively observing, and feel the need to be doing at least something else to keep myself occupied simultaneously.

The podcast I chose was 'Welcome to Nightvale', a surreal and dark radio show from the fictional town of Nightvale. It's often compared to the Twilight Zone in tone, although I found it to be more comedic in nature. I listened to about 14 episodes (there are many more), w (...more)
Considering this was an easy goal, it took me a very long time to complete. The five desig (...more)