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Hi, my name is Alieke, 20 years old, and I'm a student in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Originally I'm from a very small town and still go there every weekend to stay with my parents for 1 or 2 days to prevent them from having the empty nest syndrome, since I'm their only child. I really want to complete goal no 1 and think Day Zero is a great opportunity to finally pursue that goal -and other goals.
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Gave Robert a drone just because I could!
A. About Time (2013)
B. Big Hero 6 (2014)
C. Chef (2014)
D. Divergent (2014)
E. Easy A (2010)
F. Fault in Our Stars, The (2014)
G. Gone Girl (2014)
H. Host, The (2013)
I. If I Stay (2014)
J. Jump Street, 22 (2014)
K. Knocked Up (2007)
L. Léon
M. Million Ways to Die in the West, A (2014)
N. Now You See Me (2013)
O. Other Woman, The (2014)
P. Perks of Being a Wallflower, The (2012)
Q. Quiz (2012)
S. Sessions, The (2012)
T. Two Night Stand (2014)
V. Vita è Bella, La (1997)
W. What If (2013)
Y. Years a Slave, 12 (2013)
Went to the Efteling with my best friends from my hometown!
Bought a year agenda to use as a daily diary, a sort of whitebook: write down all the nice things that happened that day. Been keeping it up so far!
Today finished a 5K without much training, so I had to rely on my basic stamina and I set quite a neat time. Yay!
You can do it!
Land sailing was great! Not scary at all and I felt like I was pretty talented! Hihi
Soon gonna go land sailing and try out the casino!
1. Léon (1994)
2. Toy Story (1995)
3. El Laberinto del fauno (2006)
4. Forrest Gump (1994)
5. The Matrix (1999)
6. La Vita è Bella (1997)
7. Saving Private Ryan (1998)
8. The Notebook (2004)
9. Bridget Jones's Diary (2001)
10. Legally Blonde (2001)
1. The Godfather (1972)
2. Schindler's List (1993)
3. Star Wars IV (1980)
4. The Silence of the Lambs (1991)
5. Psycho (1960)
6. The Breakfast Club (1985)
7. One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975)
8. Modern Times (1936)
9. Back to the Future (1985)
10. A Clockwork Orange (1971)
1. Thai
2. Japanese
3. Cuban/Spanish

Gingerbread house, a bit late, but fun!
1. Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
2. Allard Pierson Museum, Amsterdam
3. Museum Willet-Holthuysen, Amsterdam
4. Stedelijkmuseum, Amsterdam
5. Tassenmuseum, Amsterdam
Okay, actually, I'm gonna switch to a memory notebook since i lost track somewhere in April and a notebook is a little more organized.
Okay, actually, I'm gonna switch to a memory notebook since i lost track somewhere in April and a notebook is a little more organized.
Okay, actually, I'm gonna switch to a memory notebook since i lost track somewhere in April and a notebook is a little more organized.

1.1 Genes and Diversity, 12 SP ✓
1.2 From Molecule to Human, 12 SP ✓
1.3 Research in the Biomedical Sciences I, 6 SP ✓
1.4 Human Developement and Evolution, 12 SP ✓
1.5 Threat and Defense, 12 SP
1.6 Research in the Biomedical Sciences II, 6 SP ✓

Everything went fine, until I was finished. I got lightheaded and pale, so they made me lie down and gave me cookies and cola. Perfectly fine after a few minutes!
justnevergiveup and julia94

Certificate of registration!

Choice: 1 (Which means I give permission to take all my organs after I die)

Chickens and sheep and a hare and rainbows and flowers and a teddybear

The Easter miracle

Gave 40 ml for testing. In 2 months I can expect my first invite to donate 500 ml.
Already bought the eggs, tomorrow I'll paint them with my friend Rosaliie!
My friend Rosaliie (te be found here on DZP) is crazy about owls and I found these gloves on Tumblr, so I'll try and knit them for her


After a wonderfull day out with my friends I finally ordered it for the first time and it was delicious!

Invited for health check, if I pass, I can donate blood in a few weeks!

What makes a pie a Pi pie? Pi!

I lost a bet recently, with an applepie at stake, so today is the day I wil pay my depts.

The Mammoth

Pocket of crypto's (in Dutch)

Perchance these are all in Dutch, some I bought myself, but most of these 14 books have been from my parents -as you can see by the age of the spine of some of them.
And yes, these are just 14 of the ±75 books I listed below.
I've elected the book IV by Arjen Lubach for this goal, since I've heard it's bloodcurdlingly good. It's in Dutch, but /care.
When I was younger, I used to be a major librophile, but I kinda lost the devotion lately. Still, I can't resist buying second hand books so I have a whole pile of books which I haven't read. I will change this.


Adams, Douglas - The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Adams, Douglas - The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
Adams, Douglas - Life, The Universe and Everything
Adams, Douglas - So Long, and Thanks for all the Fish
Adams, Douglas - Mostly Harmless
Adams, Richard - Watership Down
Andersen, Hans Christiaan - De Sprookjes van Andersen
Andersen, Hans Christiaan - Sprookjes en Vertellingen
Andrews, Lyn - Take These Broken Wings
Arion, Frank Martinus - Dubbelspel
Austen, Jane - Pride and Prejudice
Bateman, Colin - Orpheus Rising
Beaufort, Simon - Murder in the Holy City
Beijnum, Kees van - De Oesters van Nam Kee
Biegel, Paul - Kinderverhalen van Paul Biegel
Bomans, Godvried - Groot Sprookjesboek
Bomans, Godvried - Groot verhalenboek
Burnett,  Frances Hodgson - The Secret Garden
Campert, Remco - Het leven is vurrukkulluk
Carroll, Lewis - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Carroll, Lewis - Through the Looking-Glass
Dickens, Charles - Complete Ghost Stories
Fitch, Janet - White Oleander
Fleming, Ian - Veel liefs uit Moskou
Fleming, Ian - Doctor No
Fry, Stephen - Moab is my Washpot
Fry, Stephen - Making History
Fry, Stephen - The Liar
Grisham, John - Bleachers
Grisham, John - Winterzon
Grisham, John - De Deal
Grisham, John - Het Dosier
Grunberg, Arnon - Onze Oom
Haasse, Hella S. - Oeroeg
Havank - Griezelverhalen
Havank Ross - Caribisch Complot
Hayder, Mo - Ritueel
Holden, Wendy - Bad Heir Day
Homerus - De Odyssee
Hugo, Victor - De Klokkenluider van de Notre Dame
Japin, Arthur - De Grote Wereld
Jong, Oek de - Hokwerda's Kind
Levin, Ira - Een kus voor je sterft
Ludlum, Robert - The Bourne Supremacy
Ludlum, Robert - The Tristan Betrayal
Martel, Yann - Life of Pi
Niffenegger, Audrey - The Time Traveler's Wife
Orwell, George - Animal Farm
Picoult, Jodi - My Sister's Keeper
Poe, Edgar Allan - Selected Tales
Pullman, Phillip - De tijger in de put
Pullman, Phillip - Het raadsel van de robijn
Pullman, Phillip - De schaduw in het noorden
Rankin, Ian - Watchman
Rendell, Ruth - Het Stille Huis
Ross, Thomas - Beestachtig
Rymer, James Malcolm - Sweeney Todd
Shakespeare - Hamlet
Sheehan, James - De Burgemeester van Lexington Avenue
Shelley, Mary - Frankenstein
Siebelink, Jan - Suezkade
Simenon, George - Maigret en het lijk bij de sluis
Simenon, George - Maigret en het wespennest
Stoker, Bram - Dracula
Tolkien - De Silmarillion
Tolkien - De Hobbit
Tolkien - De Reisgenoten
Tolkien - De Twee Torens
Tolkien - De Terugkeer van de Koning
Velde, Jacoba van - De grote Zaal
Verhoef, Esther - Erken Mij
Verne, Jules - Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
Wallace, Edgar - Het Spook van Garre Castle
Wyndham, John - Science-fictionverhalen 4
Wyndham, John - De Triffids komen
Zavón, Carlos Ruiz - De Schaduw van de Wind
The Poison Diaries
1. Dr. No (1962 - Sean Connery)
2. From Russia With Love (1963 - Sean Connery)
3. Goldfinger (1964 - Sean Connery)
4. Thunderball (1965 - Sean Connery)
5. You Only Live Twice (1967 - Sean Connery)
6. On Her Majesty's Secret Service (1969 - George Lazenby)
7. Diamonds Are Forever (1971 - Sean Connery)
8. Live and Let Die (1973 - Roger Moore)
9. The Man with the Golden Gun (1974 - Roger Moore)
10. The Spy Who Loved Me (1977 - Roger Moore)
11. Moonraker (1979 - Roger Moore)
12. For Your Eyes Only (1981 - Roger Moore)
13. Octopussy (1983 - Roger Moore)
14. A View to a Kill (1985 - Roger Moore)
15. The Living Daylights (1987 - Timothy Dalton)
16. Licence to Kill (1989 - Timothy Dalton)
17. GoldenEye (1995 - Pierce Brosnan)
18. Tomorrow Never Dies (1997 - Pierce Brosnan)
19. The World is Not Enough (1999 - Pierce Brosnan)
20. Die Another Day (2002 - Pierce Brosnan)
21. Casino Royale (2006 - Daniel Craig)
22. Quantum of Solace (2008 - Daniel Craig)
23. Skyfall (2012 - Daniel Craig)

Start off with an empty jar and fill it with notes about good things that happen
NY 2011?
Rome 2011?
EuroTrip 2012
This is my most important goal. Years ago I used to be a nailbiter, then one day I decided to quit. Unfortunately I replaced nailbiting by biting the surrounding skin. This looks horrifying and I'm really desperate to quit. I often try, but I seem to do it unknowingly, so sometimes I discover my hands covered in blood and have to find out which finger is the source THIS time.

I'm so sick of it.