Creative monster devouring all art forms
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7 Things x 2023
My seven answers to the Day Zero alternative New Year's resolutions poll:
My seven answers to the Day Zero alternative New Year's resolutions poll:
- Learn how to German
- Start stargazing with a telescope
- Stop carrying the world on my shoulders
- Take a vacation to Scotland
- Find ways to be creative again
- Try raw vegan
- Be more present
Already eating more raw and creating recipe cards for easy access when I am in the kitchen for quick ideas.
Some seeds I collected have been potted up and are now sprouting. I'll keep collecting as I have been already this year but I consider this goal complete
Had an engineer repair my existing fridge freezer and it's as good as new.
7 Things x 2020
My seven answers to the Day Zero alternative New Year's resolutions poll:
My seven answers to the Day Zero alternative New Year's resolutions poll:
- Learn how to speak conversational German
- Start Tai Chi/Qigong
- Stop carrying the weight of the world
- Take a vacation to Scotland
- Find my creative style
- Try raw vegan
- Be more creative
Got the tent but I won't be camping now till when into next you and after day zero. So not a total failure simply postponed. I've now put this onto my next list of goals.
I had everything ready for this but then as time passed it was no longer something I wanted to do or have in my home. I am going to freecycle all the stuff.
7 Things x 2019
My seven answers to the Day Zero alternative New Year's resolutions poll:
My seven answers to the Day Zero alternative New Year's resolutions poll:
- Learn how to speak conversational German
- Start a Bullet Journal
- Stop being overly self critical
- Take a vacation to Scotland
- Find ways to eat more raw foods easily
- Try to get out more
- Be more vulnerable
7 Things x 2018
My seven answers to the Day Zero alternative New Year's resolutions poll:
My seven answers to the Day Zero alternative New Year's resolutions poll:
- Learn how to German
- Start Yoga
- Stop comparing myself to other artists
- Take a vacation to Scotland
- Find more inner peace
- Try going out more
- Be more open
Over a grand raised towards meeting this goal! https://gogetfunding.com/a-new-computer-to-support-my-mental-health/
7 Things x 2017
My seven answers to the Day Zero alternative New Year's resolutions poll:
My seven answers to the Day Zero alternative New Year's resolutions poll:
- Learn how to speak German
- Start DDP Yoga
- Stop eating sugar for 8 weeks
- Take a vacation to Germany
- Find balance
- Try eating more raw food
- Be more creative
Bought some Chinese medicine cream, finally looks to be healing.
2 down 3 to go 

Signed up for the Future Learn writing course, free online. three hours a week which will support this challenge.
On day five of this challenge and today I've started using the headspace app.
My mum gave me a glass container for a terrarium for Yule. I've ordered some horti grade charcoal and I already have the grit. Now all I need is some more moss which my neighbour has offered to lift for me off his roof.
Growing garlic in winter, along with parsley, turnips, carrots, parsnips, salad. Sprouting indoors in turmeric, ginger, lemon and apricots seeds all in a cold climate.
Note added to goal Send a card or flowers to someone going through a tough time
My aunt was going through a tough time so I sent her a graze box with a card and personal message. She was really chuffed.
New bubble knob for the upcycle project. Trying on for size. Next to sand down the unit.
Currently on day 6 of the 30 day challenge. The subject matter was voted on by family members 

I made one in my last challenge. Then very suddenly I moved home, forgot about it and it died from months of neglect. This is why it's on my new list, I want to have another go at this challenge and keep it alive!
This is proving more difficult than expected. You can only get this done if you pay a sizeable amount of money as it's not available on the NHS, are on dialysis or if you give blood.
I'm restarting this project today. I'm armed with lots of apples, carrots and various other goodies. I now have a new weekly box service from a local organic farm. The juicer is clean and raring to go. This is one juice every day for thirty days instead of snacking.
Note added to goal Live Below The Line: £5 for 5 days From 27th April - 1st May
I've planted comfrey in a large pot which I'll eventually use in a homemade fertiliser once grown. I also have nettle seeds for the same purpose. Waiting for major work to be done on my gardens before I can progress forward.
I'm planning this for 15/02/15 and have already alerted family I won't be available online even reminding them of my landline number ;)
Visited Ronnie Dunbar of Simple Healing: http://goo.gl/HBnSj8
One down, five to go. Kitchen next.
I now have white paint! (plus a colour for the bathroom)
Drill bit bought now to use!
I've already drawn up a plan as well as planted two trees, some bulbs and helexine (MYOB). My goal as part of the plan I've drawn up is to use live willow to create an enclosed dome in the centre where my altar will reside.
The idea of the diary opposed to the journal I've already completed is that I intended for the one month diary to be as visual as it is a narrative of each day which is why I've bought a sketch book for the task.
Created a book jar for choosing which book to read
Nearly at the end of my first week and it's being going great, much easier this time. Have a good, concurrent supply of fruit and veg coming to sustain this. I've being making a batch of juice each time, bottling up the excess and drinking a glass each day and repeating the process.
Now have proper blank postcards for this project.
I've selected "Aedh Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven" by Yeats for this challenge.
I have the succulents, now I just need some horticultural activated charcoal as well as a suitable glass terrarium to home them.
Avocado grown from a pip as seen on pinterest
This is the three hundredth and sixty fifth photo!
Photo added to goal Open a cookbook to a random page and make whatever is on it
Ordered the probiotic in order to make this.
Shot two, part way through a third and have two more ready to use.
Not only did it rain but thunder too. I watched an awful lot of Doctor Who!
Just had news from a local swimming pool. Getting a free taster 17th May and they're trying to get me a season ticket at a concessionary rate. :-D
Here’s the list of items I’ve picked from what I’ve pinned:
1. Grow your own sweet potato
2. How to grow ginger
3. Journal made from paper bags
4. Regrow a romaine lettuce from scraps
5. How to grow an avocado
6. Make bunting using paint sample cards, craft punch and cotton
7. Use a free printable
8. Make cakes for the birds
9. Make 365 origami stars then give them away
10. Make tin can lantern
1. Grow your own sweet potato
2. How to grow ginger
3. Journal made from paper bags
4. Regrow a romaine lettuce from scraps
5. How to grow an avocado
6. Make bunting using paint sample cards, craft punch and cotton
7. Use a free printable
8. Make cakes for the birds
9. Make 365 origami stars then give them away
10. Make tin can lantern
I have the board shorts, the rash vest, goggles and even a swimming cap. Now I'm in the process of trying to get season membership so I can get on and swim.
Nearly done! 7 more to go.
The physio has been very beneficial but I've still required crutches at times. It has been determined that I need a new mattress and that swimming would be of great benefit as a physical therapy. I've now been discharged but can access the service at anytime in the future.
I'm going to have to restart this one solely because I managed to get a bad laceration on my thumb meaning I wasn't physically able to make the juices. I'm determined to complete this though. if at first you don't succeed…
I've far and away exceeded this challenge, I'm pleased to say. Well beyond the one month challenge I continue to enjoy a green smoothie everyday for breakfast to energise my day.
I've amended this challenge to the 30-day juice challenge (http://juicerecipes.com/30-day-challenge/). See my tumblr blog for reason why: http://mightylistproject.tumblr.com
As part of this challenge I will be giving the food I would normally have eaten the day I fast to a local food bank. I'm also fasting on a specific date, namely 4th April as part of the End Hunger Fast UK to bring awareness of the growing hungry in this country.
I've subscribed to a creative writing podcast with rave reviews and the RHS gardening podcast.
7 Things x 2014
My seven answers to the Day Zero alternative New Year's resolutions poll:
My seven answers to the Day Zero alternative New Year's resolutions poll:
- Learn how to write creatively using a free online course
- Start meditating everyday
- Stop eating processed of any kind
- Take a vacation to somewhere in Europe
- Find a personally inspirational quote and work it into a piece of art or home decor
- Try to live without my iPhone for a week
- Be more with less
This is all for my one week juice feast!
This is the final book as created in BookSmart. I will be placing an order with Blurb for a copy tomorrow and if I'm happy with the results will order a few more for friends & family as gifts.
Abel & Cole have started supplying a green juice box and to my relief no oranges in sight.
So I have placed an order with them and plan to start my one week juice feast 6th February with the feast to end 12th February.
So I have placed an order with them and plan to start my one week juice feast 6th February with the feast to end 12th February.
The wound has not improved beyond the initial improvements and I've since been prescribed a stronger working cream. I just need to be more consistent with applying it daily as the result so far have been good when I have remembered to use it.
This was donated to me by family. I had a go and its pretty good. Really gets the heart going. Knees feel a little achey, but exercise is exercise after all and your bound to feel something even without my knee condition.
I've managed to loose half a stone and keep it off. I'm hoping that once I have the rebounder and can safely exercise supporting my knee joints I'll soon loose some more weight.
I've managed to obtain, through family, a mini trampoline/rebounder. Should be with be this weekend. Looking forward to getting some good cardio exercise in. The idea behind using the trampoline is that it supports the joints. Can't wait to get started!
Had my fortune told at Bridgewater fair by a Zara Lee. I had little to no expectations or presumptions other than I didn't expect to come away altered how wrong I was. She was beyond a doubt the real thing and knew things about me that it was impossible to know with intimate knowledge. I was very deliberate in not giving her any kind of lead and so what she garnered was certainly nothing she could have manipulated from anything I said as I was mostly mute. It was a very positive experience and has stayed with me since.
The entrance way to Tintagel castle, the legendary birthplace of King Arthur: http://www.english-heritage.org.uk/daysout/properties/tintagel-castle/
I bought a simple paper making craft kit which turned out to be a nasty duff. The frame/deckle is nothing more than a circler embroidery frame and you can't make the square paper they describe in pictures on the box with a circle frame! Suffice to say I intended to send it back and get a refund. My next step is to make my own frame and deckle.
One day it got so painful I could feel my blood pumping, it was pulsing. I went to the doctors and he prescribed me Elocon cream and in the short time I've been applying it, the wound looks much improved.
As I have a confidence issue here and it's actually why I made this a 101 challenge to overcome it, I've ordered some board shorts and I now just need to get a rash vest. Once I have both I'll go swimming with my brother at his local pool.
Train ticket booked.
Now have a Belkin energy saving timer plug. Applying for funding to get a new energy efficient/cold fill washing machine. Just need an energy monitor now.
I recently located my flower press and lucky me found a four leaf clover in my garden to be the first item to press. I've also bought a hard back notebook for them all to eventually go into.
I have three raised beds now all growing me veg.
NB: I started the journal before putting it on my 101 list, but was having trouble keeping up with it, which is why I put it on the list as a challenge and why this goal is complete before a year is up on the 101 timescale. I have in fact made more than a years worth of entries and will continue with it beyond this challenge.
This was difficult and painful at times. I find it hard to read back over it. It was however therapeutic and worthwhile.
Bucket List
1. Explore Angkor CAMBODIA
2. See Machu Picchu in PERU
3. Sleep under the stars
4. Kiss in the rain
5. See the Northern Lights
6. Visit Japan & Studio Ghibli Museum
7. Learn to drive and own a car
8. Take pictures underwater
9. Visit Paris FRANCE
10. Go on a spa weekend
1. Explore Angkor CAMBODIA
2. See Machu Picchu in PERU
3. Sleep under the stars
4. Kiss in the rain
5. See the Northern Lights
6. Visit Japan & Studio Ghibli Museum
7. Learn to drive and own a car
8. Take pictures underwater
9. Visit Paris FRANCE
10. Go on a spa weekend
10 things that make me happy
1. The sun shining when I wake up.
2. Nature, everything about it, including wildlife, changing seasons, the whole package. This also includes natures sounds, like a good thunderstorm, the sound of the seas rhythm against the sand or the sound of birds on a sunning morning.
3. Hearing laughter especially from a child, its like hearing happiness.
4. Picking fruit, veg or herbs from my garden and using them in a meal.
5. Going to bed tired after a nicely filled day.
6. A good nights sleep, it makes a world of difference to your next day.
7. A satisfying meal I've made myself from all natural ingredients.
8. The planets & stars.
9. Waking up to my cats.
10. Music, it can lift and change any mood.
1. The sun shining when I wake up.
2. Nature, everything about it, including wildlife, changing seasons, the whole package. This also includes natures sounds, like a good thunderstorm, the sound of the seas rhythm against the sand or the sound of birds on a sunning morning.
3. Hearing laughter especially from a child, its like hearing happiness.
4. Picking fruit, veg or herbs from my garden and using them in a meal.
5. Going to bed tired after a nicely filled day.
6. A good nights sleep, it makes a world of difference to your next day.
7. A satisfying meal I've made myself from all natural ingredients.
8. The planets & stars.
9. Waking up to my cats.
10. Music, it can lift and change any mood.
My raised herb bed is now completely full with some year old herbs blooming. The pot herbs are also coming along nicely especially the Dill.
Have so far watched: My Neighbour Totoro, Laputa/Castle in the Sky, Kiki's Delivery Service, Only Yesterday, Whisper of the Heart, Princess Mononoke, Howl's Moving Castle and Spirited Away.
Have so far watched: My Neighbor Totoro, Laputa/Castle in the Sky, Kiki's Delivery Service, Only Yesterday, Whisper of the Heart, Princess Mononoke, Howl's Moving Castle and Spirited Away.
Balloons have been bought and one already blown up for curiosity's sake ;) I got yellow pearl balloons just for fun. Will photograph and share when I actually do this one.
Booked and paid for. If I didn't get the monetary help I simply couldn't have done this one. It's thanks to The Mother's Union Bath and West Diocese who've paid for this that this item is even happening. I'm off to Boscastle in Cornwall with the intention of visiting Tintagel whilst there which would complete another list item.
I have two raised beds going growing garlic, daikon, courgette, cucumber, butternut squash. Kabocha and sweetcorn with more still coming on it the cold frame.
I have a herb bed filled with many herbs and only one gap for another. I also have herbs coming along in pots in my cold frame.
These are the very first three but I'm adding more throughout the day till I have enough in places that I know I'll see each day.
Fun colour post-its bought. Now to start adding some life affirming quotes and motivationals.
Weaveworld by Clive Barker, The Four Agreements, The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield, Harry Potter series by J K Rowling, The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen, The Box of Delights by John Masfield, The Talisman Stephen by King & Peter Straub, Tithe by Holly Black, V for Vendetta by Alan Moore & David Lloyd
Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen, The Box of Delights by John Masfield, The Talisman Stephen by King & Peter Straub, Tithe by Holly Black, V for Vendetta by Alan Moore & David Lloyd
Reached 1,000 photos summer solstice, 2013.
Bought one from a charity shop
Visited the Museum of Somerset with my brother.