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Buy a homeless person a meal
On 8/13/13, I was traveling home from work and I decided to complete this item. I saw a homeless guy at SW 104th St in Kendall and I asked him if he was hungry. He said he was, so I drove to the closest Flanigan's, ordered a cheeseburger with french fries and gave it to him. The most nerve-wracking part was worrying that he would not be there by the time I got back from the food. He said thank you, God bless, and that was it. A small but significant moment.
12-4-11 - A "Hungry, Homeless, Vet" standing in the cold, wet, rainy weather on Alpine & 3 Mile.
Bought someone water because it was hot out... I'll say this is in progress but not complete yet.
Community Empathy Kindness Support Compassion Philanthropy Volunteerism Charity Community Service Generosity Giving Back Social Responsibility Altruism Helping Others Outreach Giving Solidarity Humanity Goodwill
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