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Try a new sport

I tried Kung Fu and I love it!


Goals for 2018:
1. Calisthenics (+ ask my friend how to incorporate calisthenics so I don't lose kgs and my current progress..) (February?)
2. Tennis
3. Swimming (April/May)
4. Martial Arts
5. Snowboard (November/December)
1. Calisthenics (+ ask my friend how to incorporate calisthenics so I don't lose kgs and my current progress..) (February?)
2. Tennis
3. Swimming (April/May)
4. Martial Arts
5. Snowboard (November/December)

I was in a psychologie festival and I was volunteer. There I could try yoga which was very cool :) I hope I can do it once again :) It was soo relaxing :)

I mean, how often do you get the chance to try your hand at Curling? I did okay, but fell really hard on the ice once and ended up with a bruised bum and painful elbow. Totally worth it.



Paaldansen september 2013

Paddleboarding - Love it!

Floorball & afrikaanse dans


Rock climbing on Christine's Hen Weekend. 09/04/11
Outdoor Activities Fitness Challenge Health Teamwork Exercise Recreation Socializing Health and Wellness Physical Activity Skill-Building Sportsmanship Athleticism Team Sports New Experiences Athletics Hobbies
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