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Lisbon, Portugal
Member since August 2012
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September 2013. I got in Communication Sciences in the FCSH-UNL, so I moved out of my parent's house to start to live in Lisbon, in a student residence. This is the view from my bedroom window.
2013, in the gardens of Gulbenkian with my friend Rosie.
with Jules, a blogger friend.

with Jules, a blogger friend.
Novembro 2013 - "A Dama do Intendente" in Algés
August, 2013 - I and Rose went to a disco and we stayed there till 7 a.m and then we went to the beach by motorcycle and went back home at 14 p.m. It was awesome.
2013 - M., 22 years-old, not my soul mate, unfortunately
July 12, 2013. I went with M.M. to a cafe, where we lunched and talked about nothing and everything, and then we walked a little and went to a park, where we kissed and did just that for a long time, and we ended up seeing a movie, the monsters in the university, which was very funny. He payed the lunch and the cinema, which I had truly appreciate. It was a good time.

July 6, 2013 - This was my outfit to my prom dress. It was nothing as I imagined, but I still had fun.

So, I made 3 christmas greeting cards:
» that one with a tree trimmed with cotton and the red letters (Bom Natal is Merry Christmas in portuguese)
* the one with a reindeer and two yellow stards and "Merry Christmas" in purple
» and the one with many reindeer and stars
And then I sent the things you can see in the picture to four friends of mine
3. If life is so short, why do we do so many things we don’t like and like so many things we don’t do?

I don't know really. Perhaps because society forces us to do certain things and indeed, is important to do things we don't like, so that we can afford to do what we want. I don't like tests, for example, but for me to be a Reporter (and I want it badly) I've to take a course and I've to do hundreds of tests. Also it is normal we like things that we don't do, 'cause there isn't time for everything (or money). I like traveling, but I have no money to do so, and I like surf, but I don't know how to do it. And to make things I like, before I need to do things I don't like. So when I find myself, I ended up doing more things that I don't like than things I like. Anyway, this thought is sad, but I don't believe there is a way to give back to.
on ritas' birthday (September 25, 2012)
2. which is worse, failing or never trying? » by far: never trying. if you don't take risks (and i don't like to take risks, though), you never know what could have happened and live in uncertainty is one of the saddest thing i can remember now. if you don't try, you lose. if you try, you can win and that possibility is already gold... for me, at least.
"gato que brincas na rua
como se fosse na cama
invejo a sorte que é tua
porque nem sorte se chama

bom servo das leis fatais
que regem pedras e gentes
que tens instintos gerais
e sentes só o que sentes

és feliz porque és assim
todo o nada que és é teu
eu vejo-me e estou sem mim
conheço-me e não sou eu."
» fernando pessoa (portuguese poet)

» weddings make me happy. i took this photo at my cousin's wedding on Sept. 15. she have a beautiful smile - i also have made a post about it on my blog: http://naotemospatria.blogs.sapo.pt/11223.html

September 14, 2012 » with my backpack open and my wallet in one hand, i pat the puppy after i had given money to the musician - i've made a post about this and my day in lisbon on my blog: http://naotemospatria.blogs.sapo.pt/9116.html
» i'm writting about this in my blog.

[link: http://naotemospatria.blogs.sapo.pt/tag/raquel%27s+journey/dzp]
i don't understand this challenge. anyone can explain me?

1# banana split makes me happy (or just the ice cream)

[note: photo taken by me yesterday]
1. how old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?
» i just don't know, really - people of my age say that i'm kinda a old soul, 'cause i have more common sense than most, but my parents seem to think that i'm a child, 'cause i just do whatever i want and it seems i give a shit for anything, and for me that's not true, i'm worried about every single thing, but sometimes i'm just too lazy (and i don't like housework). therefore, may depend on the situation i find myself.
» when i was on the basic school, in EV classes
» so many times, when i was 15, to Pedro S.
» when i was dating António (2011-2012)
» i helped my mum make a chocolate cake to raise money for the volunteer project
August 2012
» with old people
» selling cakes for raising money to build a well in a village of Kenya (a free children&interact project)
» yesterday/today i sang aloud in the disco with my friends
» i'm trying to go with the flow and i sang on the Bruno's car with Daniela
The 7 Things Challenge:
7 Things x 2012

My seven answers to the Day Zero alternative New Year's resolutions poll:
  1. Learn how to surf
  2. Start eating healthier
  3. Stop worriyng so much
  4. Take a vacation to London
  5. Find a lover
  6. Try an exotic food
  7. Be more quiet
» i had english in school since i was a child and i'm 17 now so i speak well, but not fluently yet, almost though
» i had german in first 2 years of high school so i can speak a little and write some compositions but i can't have a real conversation
August 2012 » some floral/ethnic patterns dresses (i love them now)
Super Bock Super Rock 2011, 5 days with 4 friends, it was not that awesome but i want to try again
on the right cartilage ear
August 2009 Cruise
so many times - it's my favourite city of Portugal
(August 2009 Cruise) it's overwhelming and so beautiful on the inside
it's beautiful at night with the lights but not that awesome
i'm leaving in Tavira, so the island beach is already one of my spots
i was born in Evora
when I was a child
February 2012, school trip - it's a wonderful city, but i haven't had time to explore, though
August 2009, 9-days-cruise to Agadir and Casa Blanca (Morocco), Gibraltar, Lanzarote and Funchal (Madeira) with my mom, brother, aunt and 4 cousins
2010, in Tavira (Portugal) with Pedro
Easter 2012, in Santarém (Portugal) with António