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Get in the best shape of my life
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My goal here is to gain some weight and have a better muscle mass.

Currently, I want to focus on pole dance, strength training + calisthenics, and triathlon.

My goal for 2024 is to become an intermediate pole dancer, a better (faster) runner, and I want to swim with ease before my next vacation.

I noticed that I don't really have problems with my motivation to train regularly... The problem is with proper nutrition. I need to find a way to eat more and more regularly.
My appetite is awful, and I don't want to force myself to eat all the time. 🙄
Target date: 01/07/2015

Get more muscular and trimmed, lose more or less 5 kg and fit into my high waist skirt again.

1. Started doing HIIT five days a week on 28/12/2014.

2. Doing the grocery shopping by foot instead of taking the car since 30/12/2014.

3. Going for a 1-hour (minimum) walk once a week since 04/01/2015.

4. 2 hours and 45 mins of dancing every week again since 06/01/2015.

5. Switching the HIIT up with some heavy lifting (3x HIIT, 2x LHT a week) since 19/01/2015.
Starting point for getting in better shape. Shit starts here.
July 2013. I think it's actually time to tick this off. Yes, there will always be further goals, but it remains true that I'm fitter and stronger than ever, working out more, and slimmer than I've been in years - as indicated by having to replace walking trousers and summer wardrobe essentials, all of which were hanging off me!
On Week 2 Day 4 P90X. I'm making the connection - as Oprah used to say.
Want to start...

1. More sleep
2. 2 miles a day
3. Better nutrition
4. Food diary
5. Bike ride once a week
1. Lifting weights
2. Push ups
3. Situps
4. Walking a mile a day
5. Yoga
6. Diet changes
7. Vitamin c, b12, and iron

Currently doing these things.
P90X Round #2 starting 22JAN!
Oct. 26 - started my workout