Your goals in one place, not all over the place
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Make a list of 100 things about me

- I was born in Logan, UT in the same hospital where my mom worked.
- Out of my seven siblings I am the only one who was born in Logan
- I love autumn. I think it’s the best season
- I am addicted to herbal tea.
- I don’t love wearing shoes but I can’t stop buying them. It’s a struggle.
- I could eat cereal for every meal. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
- I actually have had cereal for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Not mad about that.
- I take a lot of inspiration from Leslie Knope
- I am a mild hypochondriac and I call my mom a lot to tell her about my latest medical crisis.
- When you ask me to write a sentence, I will write a novel.
- I lived in Peru for eighteen months
- I really like beets
- I believe there is an important difference between can and should
- I am really interested in demographics
- I like 1960’s folk music.
- The first book I read and finished for school was To Kill a Mockingbird
- Picking my favorite thing is really hard. It’s not that I’m indecisive, it’s that I just love everything.
- I find doing laundry relaxing
- I love planning parties.
- My goal is to plan the perfect Galentine’s Day.
- I went to therapy for four months last year.
- My therapist’s name was Clark and he was really cool.
- I really like to read but I have trouble finding good books to read.
- I love maps.
- I like listening to podcasts while I work.
- The latest I’ve listened to is Harry Potter and the Sacred Text. It’s really good
- I am good at taking in new information and reevaluating my opinions through that information.
- I love baking and cooking. All things kitchen.
- I want to be as good at baking as my Aunt Ruana.
- I love elephants. They are adorable.
- It makes me sad to see injustice in the world and not be able to do anything about it.
- I believe that small changes lead to big changes for everyone.
- I love Parks and Rec so so so much
- Whenever I am sad I watch the episode when Leslie and Ben get married.
- I love Lil Sebastian, a beautiful mini horse
- I have a sweater with sheep on it. It’s beautiful and is probably one of the best purchases I’ve made.
- I find comfort in people who love ordinary things
- I have a lot of female heroes
- I like old Disney movies like the Happiest Millionaire.
- When I was little I had a sweet purple big wheel. It was beautiful.
- I have seen every episode of Full House at least three times.
- I have a giant stuffed moose named Stanley. I found him by a dumpster.
- I know a great opportunity when I see one.
- I’ve never been an ice cream person.
- My favorite place in the world is the Oregon Coast
- I want to visit all the national parks
- When I was 17 I went to Disneyland to watch the fireworks but I’ve never actually entered the park
- I never identified with any of the characters in Harry Potter until I met Luna Lovegood
- I have watched all the Harry Potter movies in one sitting. It took a long time.
- I would totally do it again if I had the chance.
- I love cities, especially downtowns where there are really interesting buildings.
- I like being around people but meeting new people stresses me out
- I really need praise to feel good about myself.
- I went to Drum Major Camp in high school
- I’ve not had the best luck with boys
- The first guy I ever went on a date with is gay
- I have problems with authority
- If someone is trying to get me to do something, I really don’t want to do it.
- I like non-fiction books.
- My dream is to buy an old, dumpy house in a great neighborhood and fix it up.
- I love Halloween and I’m fairly certain it’s the best holiday.
- My favorite fall thing is driving up the canyon to see all of the trees changing color.
- Sour cream makes me happy, which is odd.
- I learned everything I know about cooking from Alton Brown
- I also learned everything I know about chemistry from Alton Brown
- I am low-key obsessed with Hamilton
- I like to downplay my obsession with Hamilton.
- Conservative estimate, I’ve listened to Hamilton 100 times
- I recently got into bullet journaling.
- I am not good at art or lettering but I am working on both
- I am not good at setting goals
- I have set a goal to be better at setting goals
- I am fully aware that that does not make any sense
- I have only been east of the Mississippi River once
- I don’t know who I am going to vote for.
- I believe very strongly in voting to honor the women who fought and did hunger strikes and endured force feeding and cruelty and derision so I could vote.
- I am cousins with Susan B. Anthony
- I am a feminist
- I find it difficult to connect with people sometimes
- I hate feeling out of control or useless in a situation.
- I have a hard time deciding what my absolute favorite movie
- I have a very long list of movies that I love
- I love learning about old Hollywood
- I love Washington
- I feel a special connection to the Columbia River
- Singing “Roll on Columbia, Roll on” will almost always bring tears to my eyes
- I love comedy especially Saturday Night Live
- I enjoy satire but wonder if it really helps foment change
- I used to watch Footloose and Back to the Future Parts 1-3 every summer with my cousin
- I’ve never been to Europe
- I am fascinated by the idea of high speed trains
- I love to learn but I hate being graded
- I worry that I won’t ever find someone to love
- I recently learned to dance salsa and bachata
- While on my mission I wanted to learn how to bachata more than anything
- On my mission we did some great skits that I was in charge of
- I may be bossy but I like to be in charge of things
- I have a theory that the sleep you got the night before isn’t the most important factor. It’s all about the sleep you got two nights before.
- I am so excited to meet my nephew
- I am going to Disneyland for the first time soon.
- Out of my seven siblings I am the only one who was born in Logan
- I love autumn. I think it’s the best season
- I am addicted to herbal tea.
- I don’t love wearing shoes but I can’t stop buying them. It’s a struggle.
- I could eat cereal for every meal. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
- I actually have had cereal for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Not mad about that.
- I take a lot of inspiration from Leslie Knope
- I am a mild hypochondriac and I call my mom a lot to tell her about my latest medical crisis.
- When you ask me to write a sentence, I will write a novel.
- I lived in Peru for eighteen months
- I really like beets
- I believe there is an important difference between can and should
- I am really interested in demographics
- I like 1960’s folk music.
- The first book I read and finished for school was To Kill a Mockingbird
- Picking my favorite thing is really hard. It’s not that I’m indecisive, it’s that I just love everything.
- I find doing laundry relaxing
- I love planning parties.
- My goal is to plan the perfect Galentine’s Day.
- I went to therapy for four months last year.
- My therapist’s name was Clark and he was really cool.
- I really like to read but I have trouble finding good books to read.
- I love maps.
- I like listening to podcasts while I work.
- The latest I’ve listened to is Harry Potter and the Sacred Text. It’s really good
- I am good at taking in new information and reevaluating my opinions through that information.
- I love baking and cooking. All things kitchen.
- I want to be as good at baking as my Aunt Ruana.
- I love elephants. They are adorable.
- It makes me sad to see injustice in the world and not be able to do anything about it.
- I believe that small changes lead to big changes for everyone.
- I love Parks and Rec so so so much
- Whenever I am sad I watch the episode when Leslie and Ben get married.
- I love Lil Sebastian, a beautiful mini horse
- I have a sweater with sheep on it. It’s beautiful and is probably one of the best purchases I’ve made.
- I find comfort in people who love ordinary things
- I have a lot of female heroes
- I like old Disney movies like the Happiest Millionaire.
- When I was little I had a sweet purple big wheel. It was beautiful.
- I have seen every episode of Full House at least three times.
- I have a giant stuffed moose named Stanley. I found him by a dumpster.
- I know a great opportunity when I see one.
- I’ve never been an ice cream person.
- My favorite place in the world is the Oregon Coast
- I want to visit all the national parks
- When I was 17 I went to Disneyland to watch the fireworks but I’ve never actually entered the park
- I never identified with any of the characters in Harry Potter until I met Luna Lovegood
- I have watched all the Harry Potter movies in one sitting. It took a long time.
- I would totally do it again if I had the chance.
- I love cities, especially downtowns where there are really interesting buildings.
- I like being around people but meeting new people stresses me out
- I really need praise to feel good about myself.
- I went to Drum Major Camp in high school
- I’ve not had the best luck with boys
- The first guy I ever went on a date with is gay
- I have problems with authority
- If someone is trying to get me to do something, I really don’t want to do it.
- I like non-fiction books.
- My dream is to buy an old, dumpy house in a great neighborhood and fix it up.
- I love Halloween and I’m fairly certain it’s the best holiday.
- My favorite fall thing is driving up the canyon to see all of the trees changing color.
- Sour cream makes me happy, which is odd.
- I learned everything I know about cooking from Alton Brown
- I also learned everything I know about chemistry from Alton Brown
- I am low-key obsessed with Hamilton
- I like to downplay my obsession with Hamilton.
- Conservative estimate, I’ve listened to Hamilton 100 times
- I recently got into bullet journaling.
- I am not good at art or lettering but I am working on both
- I am not good at setting goals
- I have set a goal to be better at setting goals
- I am fully aware that that does not make any sense
- I have only been east of the Mississippi River once
- I don’t know who I am going to vote for.
- I believe very strongly in voting to honor the women who fought and did hunger strikes and endured force feeding and cruelty and derision so I could vote.
- I am cousins with Susan B. Anthony
- I am a feminist
- I find it difficult to connect with people sometimes
- I hate feeling out of control or useless in a situation.
- I have a hard time deciding what my absolute favorite movie
- I have a very long list of movies that I love
- I love learning about old Hollywood
- I love Washington
- I feel a special connection to the Columbia River
- Singing “Roll on Columbia, Roll on” will almost always bring tears to my eyes
- I love comedy especially Saturday Night Live
- I enjoy satire but wonder if it really helps foment change
- I used to watch Footloose and Back to the Future Parts 1-3 every summer with my cousin
- I’ve never been to Europe
- I am fascinated by the idea of high speed trains
- I love to learn but I hate being graded
- I worry that I won’t ever find someone to love
- I recently learned to dance salsa and bachata
- While on my mission I wanted to learn how to bachata more than anything
- On my mission we did some great skits that I was in charge of
- I may be bossy but I like to be in charge of things
- I have a theory that the sleep you got the night before isn’t the most important factor. It’s all about the sleep you got two nights before.
- I am so excited to meet my nephew
- I am going to Disneyland for the first time soon.

100 Things About Me
1. I am totally lazy
2. I play guitar
3. I am obsess on mugs
4. I love EXO
5. I am a Kpoper
6. I have (many) pimples
7. I am a hopeless romantic
8. I know how to play melodica/melodion, guitar, piano, flute, xylophone, a little bit of drums.
9. I want to learn how to play drums, saxophone, violin, and many more. . .
10. I love Seohyun and Girl's Generation
11. I love Zhang Yi Xing (LAY)
12. My favorite color is GREEN
13. I am currently studying Fine Arts Education
14. I am a wannabe dancer and singer
15. I love Taylor Swift
16. I am an OTAKU
17. I am a Wattpad author
18. I am a Fujoshii and supports LGBT
19. I am boyish
20. I love music
21. I love learning about history
22. I have many questions about life and etc. (like all people do)
23. I love GOD (HE rocks!)
24. I am a Dork (and my family totally agree to this)
25. I usually blurts out corny jokes
26. My heaviest weight so far since birth is 49 kl.
27. I have U.T. I. (Urinary Track Infection) when I was in my 1st year high school
28. I experienced Dengue fever when I was 14 years old and was admitted for a week which caused for my math grade to be 78 (I know right?)
29. I have an attention seeker mole in my left hand
30. I love black wrist bands or watches
31. I love simple earrings
32. I love Jogging pants and pajamas
33. I did not experienced wearing shorts (leg length) in my whole life
34. I love plain t-shirts
35. I don't like close-minded people
36. I am childish at times
37. I love skating, skate boarding, biking.
38. I love heights
39. I am an adventure seeker
40. I wear jackets and hoodies even if its hot outside
41. I love cup noodles!
42. I love car racing and role playing games
43. I am stubborn
44. I hate cockroaches (ehhhhh)
45. When I'm alone, I usually have a separation anxiety
46. I really really love my family
47. I love fooooood (who doesn't?)
48. I love to read books books books
49. I have a circle of sisterhood named GatBai
50. I was born at 10 in the evening in 1997, 20th of December
51. I have a bestfriend named Botoy, a family dog who died in the age of 8 years old
52. I have a grandmother who is half-japanese, her name is Mayumi
53. I like people who are true to themselves and to others
54. I don't like to be boss around
55. I am selfish (sometimes?) (if I don't like the person or if they deserve it) (being honest here)
56. I am friendly
57. I think I am an approachable person
58. I love historical romance fiction genre
59. I love to learn new language
60. I don't like 'okra'
61. I am not afraid of the dark
62. I am fascinated by tattoos
63. I am sarcastic (specially with my younger sister, she hates it)
64. I know how to drive a single motor ;)
65. I am a sadist when it comes to my siblings ( we usually hit each other)
66. I have a simple look (shoulder length straight black hair)
67. I don't wear any make-up (I don't have any interest about it)
68. My height is 164 cm
69. I have 6 moles in my face
70. I have not yet tried to ride an airplane
71. I belive in aliens :D
72. I am weird (my older sister says but in a good way) -_-
73. I usually forgets to drink water
74. I once experienced mild heat stroke? yeah.
75. I am skillful on hiding my emotions well
76. I don't sleep when i'm riding a bus
77. I spent my time looking at the mirror just to make faces
78. I have a big memory problem ( I tend to forget the easiest things or yeah)
79. I spent most of my time using internet to read manga
80. I am silent if I am angry (to think about things, it make sense right?)
81. I have a friend who can see ghosts (yep!)
82. I love daydreaming
83. I comb my hair once a day (or once after two days?)
84. I don't usually think about my appearance (which my older sister hates)
85. I believe in spirits
86. I reflect myself
87. I am a good and bad listener
88. I am a musician
89. I usually use alibi (my older sister always arguing to me)
90. I love salty foods
91. I am concerned with my kidney
92. I'm a little bit perfectionist (a little bit)
93. My friends says i'm a peace maker (maybe?)
94. In Grade 1, my highest grade is 75
95. I love Harry Potter series
96. My favorite authors are J.K. Rowling, John Green, Stephanie Perkins, Rainbow Rowell, many more. . .
97. I was thrice mistaken as a boy (wearing a jacket and covering my face, it was hilarious XD)
98. I have a 'chicken' and 'pig' bestfriend
99. I have a loving mother and father
100. I love to give gifts to the people I love and care (if I happen to have money)
1. I am totally lazy
2. I play guitar
3. I am obsess on mugs
4. I love EXO
5. I am a Kpoper
6. I have (many) pimples
7. I am a hopeless romantic
8. I know how to play melodica/melodion, guitar, piano, flute, xylophone, a little bit of drums.
9. I want to learn how to play drums, saxophone, violin, and many more. . .
10. I love Seohyun and Girl's Generation
11. I love Zhang Yi Xing (LAY)
12. My favorite color is GREEN
13. I am currently studying Fine Arts Education
14. I am a wannabe dancer and singer
15. I love Taylor Swift
16. I am an OTAKU
17. I am a Wattpad author
18. I am a Fujoshii and supports LGBT
19. I am boyish
20. I love music
21. I love learning about history
22. I have many questions about life and etc. (like all people do)
23. I love GOD (HE rocks!)
24. I am a Dork (and my family totally agree to this)
25. I usually blurts out corny jokes
26. My heaviest weight so far since birth is 49 kl.
27. I have U.T. I. (Urinary Track Infection) when I was in my 1st year high school
28. I experienced Dengue fever when I was 14 years old and was admitted for a week which caused for my math grade to be 78 (I know right?)
29. I have an attention seeker mole in my left hand
30. I love black wrist bands or watches
31. I love simple earrings
32. I love Jogging pants and pajamas
33. I did not experienced wearing shorts (leg length) in my whole life
34. I love plain t-shirts
35. I don't like close-minded people
36. I am childish at times
37. I love skating, skate boarding, biking.
38. I love heights
39. I am an adventure seeker
40. I wear jackets and hoodies even if its hot outside
41. I love cup noodles!
42. I love car racing and role playing games
43. I am stubborn
44. I hate cockroaches (ehhhhh)
45. When I'm alone, I usually have a separation anxiety
46. I really really love my family
47. I love fooooood (who doesn't?)
48. I love to read books books books
49. I have a circle of sisterhood named GatBai
50. I was born at 10 in the evening in 1997, 20th of December
51. I have a bestfriend named Botoy, a family dog who died in the age of 8 years old
52. I have a grandmother who is half-japanese, her name is Mayumi
53. I like people who are true to themselves and to others
54. I don't like to be boss around
55. I am selfish (sometimes?) (if I don't like the person or if they deserve it) (being honest here)
56. I am friendly
57. I think I am an approachable person
58. I love historical romance fiction genre
59. I love to learn new language
60. I don't like 'okra'
61. I am not afraid of the dark
62. I am fascinated by tattoos
63. I am sarcastic (specially with my younger sister, she hates it)
64. I know how to drive a single motor ;)
65. I am a sadist when it comes to my siblings ( we usually hit each other)
66. I have a simple look (shoulder length straight black hair)
67. I don't wear any make-up (I don't have any interest about it)
68. My height is 164 cm
69. I have 6 moles in my face
70. I have not yet tried to ride an airplane
71. I belive in aliens :D
72. I am weird (my older sister says but in a good way) -_-
73. I usually forgets to drink water
74. I once experienced mild heat stroke? yeah.
75. I am skillful on hiding my emotions well
76. I don't sleep when i'm riding a bus
77. I spent my time looking at the mirror just to make faces
78. I have a big memory problem ( I tend to forget the easiest things or yeah)
79. I spent most of my time using internet to read manga
80. I am silent if I am angry (to think about things, it make sense right?)
81. I have a friend who can see ghosts (yep!)
82. I love daydreaming
83. I comb my hair once a day (or once after two days?)
84. I don't usually think about my appearance (which my older sister hates)
85. I believe in spirits
86. I reflect myself
87. I am a good and bad listener
88. I am a musician
89. I usually use alibi (my older sister always arguing to me)
90. I love salty foods
91. I am concerned with my kidney
92. I'm a little bit perfectionist (a little bit)
93. My friends says i'm a peace maker (maybe?)
94. In Grade 1, my highest grade is 75
95. I love Harry Potter series
96. My favorite authors are J.K. Rowling, John Green, Stephanie Perkins, Rainbow Rowell, many more. . .
97. I was thrice mistaken as a boy (wearing a jacket and covering my face, it was hilarious XD)
98. I have a 'chicken' and 'pig' bestfriend
99. I have a loving mother and father
100. I love to give gifts to the people I love and care (if I happen to have money)


1. I am very nosy and hate to miss out on things in the pram
2. Dummy is my favourite thing
3. Not so keen on large groups or being naked
2. Dummy is my favourite thing
3. Not so keen on large groups or being naked

59 already ! only 41 and i'll start publishing it on my tumblr ^^

31. I struggle with Math.
32. I enjoy History when there's a good teacher.
33. I'm a member of Phi Theta Kappa: Omega Nu Chapter.
34. I'm playing with the idea of moving for school.
35. Gold Peak Tea = amazing.
32. I enjoy History when there's a good teacher.
33. I'm a member of Phi Theta Kappa: Omega Nu Chapter.
34. I'm playing with the idea of moving for school.
35. Gold Peak Tea = amazing.


1. I have naturally dark brown/black hair
2. My eyes are a weird blue-green-gray that tends to change colors
3. I enjoy doing cheer-leading/dance
4. I like doing yoga
5. My favorite color is forest green
6. I love Harry Potter
7. I love reading
8. Hunger Games is one of my favorite trilogies :)
9. (...more)
2. My eyes are a weird blue-green-gray that tends to change colors
3. I enjoy doing cheer-leading/dance
4. I like doing yoga
5. My favorite color is forest green
6. I love Harry Potter
7. I love reading
8. Hunger Games is one of my favorite trilogies :)
9. (...more)

1. My middle name is Sylvie
2. I love the April89 breakfast @ Cora's (my month and year)
3. Favorite color: purple
4. Biggest weakness: going to restaurants a lot
5. I have 3 jobs (March 2011)
6. Even though I work at St-Huberts, I am obsessed with it!
7. I am pretty flexible!
8. I have a sweet tooth, looooove candies
9. I can be lazy, but the gym is making me more active
10. I love sleeping in, don't take that away from me on the weekends
11. I can write well in French, some people don't believe that!
12. I don't like big dogs
13. I like to pretend I am mad, then say JK!
14. I am impulsive
15. I have an obsession with PartyLite that's why I sell it!
16. I can now drive standard!
17. Finding Nemo is my favorite movie
18. I love music from Rihanna and Pitbull
... to be continued!
2. I love the April89 breakfast @ Cora's (my month and year)
3. Favorite color: purple
4. Biggest weakness: going to restaurants a lot
5. I have 3 jobs (March 2011)
6. Even though I work at St-Huberts, I am obsessed with it!
7. I am pretty flexible!
8. I have a sweet tooth, looooove candies
9. I can be lazy, but the gym is making me more active
10. I love sleeping in, don't take that away from me on the weekends
11. I can write well in French, some people don't believe that!
12. I don't like big dogs
13. I like to pretend I am mad, then say JK!
14. I am impulsive
15. I have an obsession with PartyLite that's why I sell it!
16. I can now drive standard!
17. Finding Nemo is my favorite movie
18. I love music from Rihanna and Pitbull
... to be continued!

1.I like butterflies
2.I can type 70 wpm
3.I am a CNA
4.I can't drive a stick-shift
5.I ? unicorns
6.I am a closet Hannah Montana fan
7.I like the color pink
8.I've been married 17 years
9.I have Bipolar
10.I have 2 sons; teenagers
11.I am slightly overweight
12.My middle name is Sue
13.I can be obsessive
14.My father was 16 when I was born
15.I ? 80's music
16.I often start things I don't finish
17.I own at least 25 purses
18.I ? getting mail
19.I've known my husband for 25 years
20.My husband taught me how to drive
21.My husband taught me how to shoot a gun
22.I once lost 100 pounds
23.I like writing journal entries in green ink
24.I can't balance a checkbook
25.I have to wear glasses to drive at night
26.I have 3 dogs and 2 cats
27.I think I want a boob lift
28.I can't sew a straight line
29.I've had 32 poems published
30.I have a diploma in Freelance Writing
31.I admire Kirstie Alley
32.I like to crochet
33.I CANNOT knit
34.Tinkerbell is my girl
35.I ? to read
36.I want to be a writer when I grow up
37.I can't cook, sing, or dance
38.I ? Dunkin Donuts coffee
39.Escorts are my favorite car
40.I get euphoric over a new book or journal
41.I graduated high-school in 1989
42.I have 5 tattoos
43.I ? to buy jewelry
44.I hardly wear said jewelry
45.I want a trinity diamond for my 20th anniversary
46.I don't like the smell of lilacs
47.My kitchen is "apple" themed
48.I don't smoke
49.I ? making lists
50.I take bad pictures
51.I ? Quizno's broccoli/cheese soup
52.I ? Coffee Pot's(sandwiches)
53.I don't smile for pictures
54.I've volunteered at a 2 hospitals and 3 nursing homes
55.I adore Hidden Object games
56.I have good intentions
57.I've known my girlfriend Liz since I was 14
58.I've never been in jail
59.I want a chihuahua
60.I swear a lot
61.I get lost easily
62.I was born in New Jersey
63.Both of my grandfathers are gone
64.My little sister has Leukemia
65.My favorite movie is "the Last Unicorn"
66.I'm an impulse buyer
67.I can sing every song from "the Last Unicorn" and "Charlie & the Chocolate Factory" by heart
68.I CAN'T save money
69.I have a black thumb
70.I'd rather get mad then cry
71.I've had electro-convulsive therapy
72.I've worked at McDonald's twice; once for 3 days and once for 3 weeks
73.I have panic attacks in large crowds
74.I ? my BlackBerry
75.I wish my BlackBerry was pink
76.I could eat a pound of bacon in one sitting
77.I was married once before
78.Sometimes I am very insecure
79.I've had my ears pierced since I was 5
80.I want an L.L.Bean Swift River Sweater
81.I dislike riding over bridges
82.I prefer Pepsi over Coke
83.I interrupt myself when I am talking
84.I can't walk on high heels
85.I don't like fiddleheads
86.I'm constantly comparing my body to other women's (and coming up short)
87.I ? Fraggles
88.My eyes are bigger than my stomach
89.I saw the Red Sox play in the 80's (they lost)
90.I can't parallel park
91.I panic if my feet aren't touching the ground when I am in the water
92.I am claustrophobic
93.I'm partial to pistachios
94.I want to take a self-defense course
95.I went to DisneyWorld when I was a teenager
96.I have 1 sister, 1 half sister and 3 half brothers (2 named Donnie)
97.I've only been to 2 funerals in my life
98.I collect crystals and healing stones
99.I used to collect key-chains
100.I can't use make-up correctly
2.I can type 70 wpm
3.I am a CNA
4.I can't drive a stick-shift
5.I ? unicorns
6.I am a closet Hannah Montana fan
7.I like the color pink
8.I've been married 17 years
9.I have Bipolar
10.I have 2 sons; teenagers
11.I am slightly overweight
12.My middle name is Sue
13.I can be obsessive
14.My father was 16 when I was born
15.I ? 80's music
16.I often start things I don't finish
17.I own at least 25 purses
18.I ? getting mail
19.I've known my husband for 25 years
20.My husband taught me how to drive
21.My husband taught me how to shoot a gun
22.I once lost 100 pounds
23.I like writing journal entries in green ink
24.I can't balance a checkbook
25.I have to wear glasses to drive at night
26.I have 3 dogs and 2 cats
27.I think I want a boob lift
28.I can't sew a straight line
29.I've had 32 poems published
30.I have a diploma in Freelance Writing
31.I admire Kirstie Alley
32.I like to crochet
33.I CANNOT knit
34.Tinkerbell is my girl
35.I ? to read
36.I want to be a writer when I grow up
37.I can't cook, sing, or dance
38.I ? Dunkin Donuts coffee
39.Escorts are my favorite car
40.I get euphoric over a new book or journal
41.I graduated high-school in 1989
42.I have 5 tattoos
43.I ? to buy jewelry
44.I hardly wear said jewelry
45.I want a trinity diamond for my 20th anniversary
46.I don't like the smell of lilacs
47.My kitchen is "apple" themed
48.I don't smoke
49.I ? making lists
50.I take bad pictures
51.I ? Quizno's broccoli/cheese soup
52.I ? Coffee Pot's(sandwiches)
53.I don't smile for pictures
54.I've volunteered at a 2 hospitals and 3 nursing homes
55.I adore Hidden Object games
56.I have good intentions
57.I've known my girlfriend Liz since I was 14
58.I've never been in jail
59.I want a chihuahua
60.I swear a lot
61.I get lost easily
62.I was born in New Jersey
63.Both of my grandfathers are gone
64.My little sister has Leukemia
65.My favorite movie is "the Last Unicorn"
66.I'm an impulse buyer
67.I can sing every song from "the Last Unicorn" and "Charlie & the Chocolate Factory" by heart
68.I CAN'T save money
69.I have a black thumb
70.I'd rather get mad then cry
71.I've had electro-convulsive therapy
72.I've worked at McDonald's twice; once for 3 days and once for 3 weeks
73.I have panic attacks in large crowds
74.I ? my BlackBerry
75.I wish my BlackBerry was pink
76.I could eat a pound of bacon in one sitting
77.I was married once before
78.Sometimes I am very insecure
79.I've had my ears pierced since I was 5
80.I want an L.L.Bean Swift River Sweater
81.I dislike riding over bridges
82.I prefer Pepsi over Coke
83.I interrupt myself when I am talking
84.I can't walk on high heels
85.I don't like fiddleheads
86.I'm constantly comparing my body to other women's (and coming up short)
87.I ? Fraggles
88.My eyes are bigger than my stomach
89.I saw the Red Sox play in the 80's (they lost)
90.I can't parallel park
91.I panic if my feet aren't touching the ground when I am in the water
92.I am claustrophobic
93.I'm partial to pistachios
94.I want to take a self-defense course
95.I went to DisneyWorld when I was a teenager
96.I have 1 sister, 1 half sister and 3 half brothers (2 named Donnie)
97.I've only been to 2 funerals in my life
98.I collect crystals and healing stones
99.I used to collect key-chains
100.I can't use make-up correctly

26. I have been on one cruise.
27. My husband spoils me like crazy.
28. I favor McAlister's for a quick dinner, as opposed to McDonald's or other more popular "fast food" options.
29. I love pink roses.
30. I like Anarchy for Women by Axe, and it's male counterpart.
27. My husband spoils me like crazy.
28. I favor McAlister's for a quick dinner, as opposed to McDonald's or other more popular "fast food" options.
29. I love pink roses.
30. I like Anarchy for Women by Axe, and it's male counterpart.

30ish something already ^^

21. I have been to England, Ireland, & Wales.
22. I get a throat infection at least once a year.
23. Sweet Tea is a favorite, just like a true Southern Girl.
24. Not having Facebook/my iPhone might kill me during my cruise.
25. I rarely wear dresses, but am going to try to wear them more!
22. I get a throat infection at least once a year.
23. Sweet Tea is a favorite, just like a true Southern Girl.
24. Not having Facebook/my iPhone might kill me during my cruise.
25. I rarely wear dresses, but am going to try to wear them more!

16. I want to own a home with a huge kitchen, bathroom, and backyard.
17. I hate to garden, but I long for a beautiful one.
18. I am obsessed with Pinterest. So many wonderful ideas!
19. Amaretto & Pineapple is easily my favorite mixes drink.
20. I use a ridiculous amount of Post-it's at work.
17. I hate to garden, but I long for a beautiful one.
18. I am obsessed with Pinterest. So many wonderful ideas!
19. Amaretto & Pineapple is easily my favorite mixes drink.
20. I use a ridiculous amount of Post-it's at work.

11. I love to read. I could easily read multiple books in a day, if I had the time to.
12. I love Cherry Pepsi.
13. I prefer wine to hard liquor.
14. I use way too much hand sanitizer.
15. My favorite stores are Bath and Body Works, Macy's, & Kirkland's.
12. I love Cherry Pepsi.
13. I prefer wine to hard liquor.
14. I use way too much hand sanitizer.
15. My favorite stores are Bath and Body Works, Macy's, & Kirkland's.

6. I have had multiple pets, including dogs and goldfish.
7. My chihuahua, Jasper, is like my baby.
8. I work for an ENT.
9. Belle is my favorite Disney Princess.
10. Pink is my favorite color.
7. My chihuahua, Jasper, is like my baby.
8. I work for an ENT.
9. Belle is my favorite Disney Princess.
10. Pink is my favorite color.

1. I have brown hair.
2. My eyes change from blue to green to gray, but they mostly stay green.
3. I am married.
4. I was born in 1988.
5. I want to be a first grade teacher, but I could settle for second or third.
2. My eyes change from blue to green to gray, but they mostly stay green.
3. I am married.
4. I was born in 1988.
5. I want to be a first grade teacher, but I could settle for second or third.
Art Music Education Creativity Mindfulness Sports Personal Growth Self-Improvement Communication Gratitude Teamwork Movies Self-Care Inspiration Motivation Meditation Self-Discovery Empathy Time Management Health and Wellness Technology Self-Expression Productivity Innovation Kindness Spirituality Environment Self-Reflection Authenticity Resilience Positivity Volunteerism Accountability Generosity Risk-Taking Humor Relationships Travel Experiences Organization Leadership Politics Problem-Solving Games Entrepreneurship Self-Love Community Involvement Hobbies Cultural Identity Social Media Skills Adaptability Self-Acceptance Charity Work Habits Dreams Goals
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