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Don't say anything negative for one day
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Love It!
On 2,126 lists and 230 people have done it.
Trying this tomorrow, wish me luck!
Really, this one was hard. It hasn't just been my fault. Sometimes I got pulled by other people into their negativity. And sometimes, too, there are factual negative things that you can't deny. One of the things I have figured out is getting out of negativity by asking questions: "Right, but is there something we can do about it?", "right, but do we know the reason why?" or just "since how long has it been that way?". I found "understanding", which is a bit like caring, a good way to not stay stuck on what is negative. I really appreciated how this goal helped me be "mindful".
and i still try every day
I tried this TWICE. This Weekend. In NYC. Gibby even gave me 3 'mistakes' and I had a lot of trouble not complaining about the tourists or the rain. New Yorkers are great and so is their city.
Did this on a Saturday when I was working all day & then visiting my elderly aunt in the evening after work.This was actually quite hard which just goes to show you how much negativity is usually flying about. I enjoyed my positive day so much I have resolved to carry on doing one day per week where I don't say anything negative (or respond to other people's negative comments) Positive Saturday's from now on....
Completed March 2, 1015
I will try this on Jan 6,2015. Sounds like a solid goal for the Epiphany.
I will try this on Jan 6,2015. Sounds like a solid goal for the Epiphany.
7/5/14 - It was actually not as hard as I thought it would be (weekends definitely are easier though). The only time it was difficult was going to the grocery store, the woman checking me out was irrationally angry, but I did not let that stop me from being positive.

I was unable to last today though because anything athletic it is VERY tough for me to not be self-depricating. I hope to complete the week without complaining very soon!!!
I had to start over because of a broken ATM. lol

However, I have successfully managed to not say anything (coherent, I've been told a loud UGH! doesn't count) negative for 24 hours. I added an extra hour on the end just to be safe, cause I started a few times, but caught myself. lol
From2:00 am Jan 2nd 2013 to 1:59am Jam 3rd, 2013, nothing negative. Good luck, me, you're gonna need it. Tomorrow is the first workday of the year after an 11 day vacation. lol