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🎨 Find a personally inspirational quote and work it into a piece of art or home decor / 🧘 Take a Yoga class / 🎶 Write a song / 🤐 Don't say anything negative for one day / 🎶 Make a playlist of 101 of my favorite songs / 🌸 Write a haiku / Learn to read music / 🎺 Listen to a live jazz band / 🎻 Learn to play an instrument / Make a playlist of 26 songs (each starting with a different letter of the alphabet) and listen to them in alphabetical order on a road trip / 🎹 Learn to play a song on the piano / 🎤 Sing a karaoke duet / 😊 Be happy / Make a list of 100 songs that I love / Create a flower arrangement / Write and record a song / 😊 Be kind to someone who does not like me / Make a list of my 50 favorite songs / 🎤 Sing in front of a crowd / Join a Yoga class / Write a love poem / 🎶 Go Christmas caroling / Attend a yoga class / Make a list of my 50 favourite songs / Learn a song on the piano / Learn to sing / Write at least 20 full songs / Learn to fold an origami crane / Learn a new instrument / Send a card/gift/flowers to Mum just because / Learn how to play three guitar chords / Write a song about someone and sing it to them / Take a meditation class / Record a cover of a song / Walk a labyrinth / Learn Tai Chi / Learn to play a song on piano / Learn how to play at least one musical instrument / 🌱 Plant a tree in a special location that I will always be able to visit / Make a playlist of my 101 favourite songs / Learn the basics of sheet music / Find a scent of incense that calms me / Compose a piece of music / Learn how to play a new instrument / Learn to read music well enough to write music / Take a Tai Chi class / Learn how to play a ukulele / Make a list of 101 things that are joyous / Don't say anything negative for a day / Get a matching tattoo with somebody else / Learn how to play the ukulele / Play in an orchestra / Learn to play bass guitar / Build a Japanese rock garden / Attend a jazz festival / Learn to play a song on an instrument / Listen to a new album each week for one month / Learn how to play an instrument / 🍵 Attend a traditional tea ceremony JAPAN / Play in a band / Learn to play three pieces on the ukulele / Compose/write a song with my guitar / Be more forgiving / Sing a duet / Start doing yoga / Learn to play 10 new songs on the piano / Learn how to sing / Practice playing an instrument / Make a zen garden / Find inner peace / Find balance / Learn to play the harp / Learn how to perform a Japanese tea ceremony / Find peace / Go caroling / Sing Christmas carols / Develop a soundtrack for every month for an entire year / Find happiness / Meet the Dalai Lama / 🎤 Have a karaoke night with friends and sing all the old songs / Celebrate Thanksgiving / Learn a new song on guitar every month / Have a song written about me / Learn all the lyrics to a song / Go to a bluegrass festival / Be more loving / Learn to play the ocarina / Learn how to play the harp / Write a song on the guitar / Make a playlist of my 50 favorite songs / Learn to play a Dresden Dolls song on the piano / Learn how to play a Jack Johnson song on the guitar / Play piano every day for a week / See Lady Antebellum in concert / Make a sand garden / Write a song on guitar / Fold an origami crane / Be more tolerant / Paint an abstract painting / Stack and balance rocks / Learn Aikido / Forgive My Enemies / Find contentedness / Learn to play the viola / Learn to play kalimba / Write and perform a song / Give a stranger a hug / Write a song and record it / Sing Christmas carols in public / Learn to play the theremin / Look for symmetry in nature / 🎶 Learn how to yodel / Start learning an instrument / Find a sense of happiness in the status quo / Enter a songwriting competition / Go to the Baha'i House of Worship ILLINOIS / Busk with a barbershop quartet / Practice forgiveness and letting go of grudges / Learn to play clarinet / Learn to play a Beatles song on the guitar / Serenade somebody / Make a rock garden / Learn ikebana / Sing in a barbershop quartet / Reconcile with my family / Write a 100 things I like about my wife / Celebrate the Malay version of the Chinese New Year at Kuala Lumpur MALAYSIA / Join the Rath Yatra in Kolkata INDIA / Compose a movie score / Take a communal nap under a tree / Be as happy as i can be / Learn Yoga! / Name three things that I am greatful for, everyday for 21 days / Play the piano professionally / See the end of homophobia / Listen to every Eurovision song contest song (1993-now) / Hear a choir in one of the great cathedrals / Experience bliss / Memorize the lyrics to a favorite musical soundtrack / Learn to play the panflute / Learn how to play a Beatles song on guitar / Try becoming minimalist / Attend the Vancouver International Jazz Festival CANADA / Partake in a Japanese tea ceremony /