Your goals in one place, not all over the place
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Write a list of 101 things to do in 1001 days!
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On 456 lists and 249 people have done it.
First goal on the list completed and £1 added to the 101 things to do in 1001 days fund. Also managed to read a book off my book shelf whilst compiling this list called 100 days of kindness <3
Seriously underestimated how much time it would take me to think of 101 things worthy to go on my list but two weekends later, some inspiration from the website and an idea of what I want to achieve in a new year kind of way I am very happy with my list and already feel achieved and excited to start ticking things off!
I believe I have now managed to compile a list that I'm happy with - one that is challenging but hopefully doable.
All written up in my journal xx
10 euro in spaarpot
I guess this is the place to start! This will be my goal for this evening.
As time has gone on with this project, as I've grown and as my life has changed, I've realised that the goals I set way back when may not actually still be applicable to me anymore. Reaching 490 days remaining, less than half the time, and only having completed a quarter of the goals, change is needed. With some goals, I just didn't estimate the length of time they'd take to complete. Others my 21 year old self was desperate to do but my 22 year old self is not so bothered about.

So I've decided that I'm going to have a goal overhaul. I'm going to realistically look at this list, get more proactive about those I can achieve, substitute any I feel are no longer relevant and really find the mindset to pursue this through to the end.
Took lots of time and creativity to think 101 thing I would like to do in the following almost 3 years, but I did it!!!
Adding the things to the list - it is so overwhelming that I'll have to achieve all of this in just 1001 days!
I'm so excited to try to complete the things on my 101 things to do in 1001 days! Some of these are things I've wanted to do for a long time! Hopefully this list will inspire me to have the courage to follow through on some of these things! :-D
List completed and organised - time to start ticking things off it!
My list of 101 things to do in 1001 days :)
This goal wasnt as simple as it first seemed. What I thought would take an hour took about 3 days to complete....mainly because I wanted to include not only the things I want to get done, but also to expand my horizons, improve my mind and my self image as well as having a little fun enjoying the simple things in life in my backyard and far and wide. Go me! I think it's going to be a fun journey!!! And I love crossing things off a list! Thanks to Becky and Julia for implanting this idea in my head!
Completed June 5, 2012
Fait le 2 avril 2012
Some people may not realize just how difficult to actually create a list of 101 things to do in 1001 days.
Do I get extra credit for adding 104 items to my list?
baigaa pauze bija :D mjaa shvaki iet
hmm, pagaidām 87 lietas. Jātaisa pauze, lai nesarakstās pārāk daudz nejēdzīga BS. Varētu pabeigt līdz nākamajai nedēļai un sākt darīt po pirmdienas.
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