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🏕️ Sleep under the stars / 🏕 Go camping / 🌌 See the Northern Lights / 🌠 Watch a meteor shower / 🌌 Learn to identify 10 constellations / 🌙 Take a moonlit walk on the beach / 📝 Write a list of 101 things to do in 1001 days! / 🚗 Take a road trip / 🏕️ Sleep in a tent / 🏕️ Go camping with friends / 🌠 Gaze at the Aurora Borealis / 🌠 See a shooting star / 🌠 See a shooting star and make a wish / 🌠 See a meteor shower / See a falling star and make a wish / 🏕️ Camp out in the backyard / 🌌 Fall asleep under the stars / 🔭 Be able to identify 10 constellations / Write a list of 100 places I would like to visit in my lifetime / Be able to identify 5 constellations / Learn about the constellations / 🔭 Look at the night sky through a telescope / Sleep in a hammock for one night / 🌌 Stay up late and watch a meteor shower / 🌖 See a lunar eclipse / Go to an observatory / Stay up all night to watch a meteor shower / Spend the night on a roof / Learn 10 constellations / Witness the Northern Lights RUSSIA / Spend an entire day outside / Learn to identify 5 constellations / 🏕️ Go camping in my backyard / Buy a telescope / Sleep under the stars for a night / Visit the Griffith Observatory LOS ANGELES / Visit an observatory / See the Icelandic Northern Lights ICELAND / Witness a meteor shower / Witness a star-filled sky in the Mackenzie Basin NEW ZEALAND / 🌵 Visit Joshua Tree National Park CALIFORNIA / Watch a lunar eclipse / See Saturn through a telescope / Visit Big Bend National Park TEXAS / Visit Utah UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Learn the constellations / Visit Cornwall / Have a midnight picnic / Sleep on a trampoline / Be able to identify 20 constellations / Take my kids camping / See the Milky Way / Sleep in a tent in the backyard / Visit Wyoming UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / View Saturn through a telescope / Visit Mungo National Park AUSTRALIA / Go to the Griffith Observatory LOS ANGELES / Visit a desert / Visit Haleakalā National Park HAWAII / Watch a comet shooting across the sky / Go Camping Under the Northern Lights / Visit Blue Ridge Parkway NORTH CAROLINA / Spot the ISS through a telescope / Visit Fiordland National Park NEW ZEALAND / Try sleeping under the stars / 🌲 Visit Great Basin National Park NEVADA / Build a telescope / Stargaze at the Atacama Desert in Chile CHILE / Visit the Atacama Desert CHILE / Look at the stars through a telescope / Go camping in Acadia National Park / Learn the Southern Hemisphere constellations / Own a telescope / Go camping and make s'mores around the campfire / Learn 5 new constellations and observe them in the sky / 🏜️ Visit Wadi Rum JORDAN / Camp in Banff National Park CANADA / Go camping with my dog / Visit Jodrell Bank ENGLAND / Visit Moab UTAH / Visit Aoraki Mt Cook National Park NEW ZEALAND / View the Northern Lights in Iceland ICELAND / Go to Lowell Observatory ARIZONA / Feast and stay with the Bedouin JORDAN / 🌌 Witness the Northern Lights in the Shetland Islands UNITED KINGDOM / Witness the Aurora Australis in Tasmania AUSTRALIA / Visit Mauna Kea HAWAII / 💤 Sleep in a geodesic dome / Witness colossal dunes at the Sossusvlei Desert Camp NAMIBIA / Visit San Pedro de Atacama CHILE / Stargaze through a telescope / Sleep on the beach under the stars / Visit Tenerife CANARY ISLANDS / Visit Stonehenge Aotearoa NEW ZEALAND / Visit the Mauna Kea Observatories HAWAII / Visit Siwa EGYPT / Experience Mt Isa AUSTRALIA / Visit Aoraki / Mount Cook NEW ZEALAND / See the stars at Cherry Springs State Park PENNSYLVANIA / Visit Flagstaff ARIZONA / Visit the Sydney Observatory AUSTRALIA / Go camping on a beach / Go for a walk in the moonlight / Sleep outside in a hammock / Take the time to observe a meteor shower / Visit Broken Hill AUSTRALIA / Take a jeep trip through the Negev desert ISRAEL / Visit Marfa TEXAS / Visit the Kielder Observatory ENGLAND / Camp at Great Basin National Park NEVADA / Sleep in a tent on a rooftop / Visit Lake Tekapo NEW ZEALAND / Spend a night doing astrophotography / Visit Valle del Elqui CHILE / Go camping for a night / Sleep outside for a week / Go camping in a yurt / Camp in a National Park / Sleep under the stars in a hammock / Visit Palo Duro Canyon TEXAS / Photograph the milky way / Sleep under the stars on the beach / Visit the Dordrecht Observatory NETHERLANDS / Visit Coober Pedy AUSTRALIA / Visit the Keck Observatory HAWAII / Go stargazing in the desert / Join an astronomy club / Experience Mount Isa AUSTRALIA / Camp at Elijah's Basin on Mt. Sinai EGYPT / Learn to identify five constellations / Stay up and watch a meteor shower / Sleep in a sleeping bag on the beach / Go camping in our backyard / Witness a lunar eclipse / Observe a meteor shower / Watch the International Space Station fly overhead / Spend a week camping / Visit the Kitt Peak National Observatory ARIZONA / Watch midnight dhow fishing in Tanga TANZANIA / Visit El Tololo Observatory CHILE / Visit the H.R. MacMillan Space Centre CANADA / Watch a sunrise and sunset from the Grand Canyon / Visit Observatory at Clackamas Community College OREGON / See the Moon through a telescope / See International Space Station with naked eye / Visit the Hampstead Observatory ENGLAND / Go on a Romantic Camping Trip / Visit Central Kalahari Game Reserve BOTSWANA / Camp in Cherry Springs State Park PENNSYLVANIA / Visit Glasgow Planetarium SCOTLAND / See the northern lights over Lake Superior MICHIGAN / Visit the Observatory of Helsinki FINLAND / Learn the Northern Hemisphere constellations / Visit Kielder Observatory ENGLAND / Visit Yerkes Observatory WISCONSIN / 🏜️ Explore the Atacama Desert CHILE / Go on a luxury safari in Tanzania / Visit La Serena CHILE / Stargaze at the Headlands International Dark Sky Park in Emmet County MICHIGAN / Stay at a dude ranch in Montana MONTANA / Visit the Guadalupe Mountains TEXAS / Visit Haliburton Forest CANADA / Visit Copper Breaks State Park TEXAS / Visit Kodachrome Basin State Park UTAH / Visit Ascension Island / See a comet/big meteor shower / Observe the moon through a telescope / Go on a astronomy trip / Visit Caprock Canyons State Park TEXAS / Visit the McDonnell Planetarium MISSOURI / See the rings of Saturn through a telescope / Visit the Sweden Solar System SWEDEN / Camp overnight in the wilderness / Camp overnight at Assekrem ALGERIA / Camp in the desert around Tamanrasset ALGERIA / Visit Mt. Graham International Observatory ARIZONA / Visit the Hyde Observatory NEBRASKA / Tour the LodeStar Astronomy Center NEW MEXICO / Visit the Vestal Street and Loines Observatories MASSACHUSETTS / Visit Navajo National Monument ARIZONA / Visit Parashant National Monument ARIZONA / Visit Tonto National Forest ARIZONA / Visit Lake Havasu State Park ARIZONA / Visit Dakhlah WESTERN SAHARA / Admire the stars in the Yorkshire Dales / Visit Aoraki/Mount Cook National Park NEW ZEALAND / Visit Uluru National Park AUSTRALIA /