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✨ Make a list of 101 quotes that inspire me / Identify 100 things that makes me happy / 🎭 Watch a play at a local theater / 🎭 Watch a Cirque du Soleil show / 🎶 See a musical / 🩰 Go to the ballet / See a Broadway show / 📝 Write a list of 101 things to do in 1001 days! / 🚗 Watch a movie at a drive-in / 🎭 Watch a musical / Go to see an Opera / 🧠 Memorize the "To be or not to be" soliloquy from Hamlet / Watch a play / Go to the opera / See a Play / Write a play / Entertain the elderly at a nursing home / 🩰 Attend a ballet / 🍿 Go to a midnight showing of a movie / 🎶 Go see a musical / 🎭 See an opera / 🩰 Watch a ballet / 🎭 Visit the Sydney Opera House AUSTRALIA / See a show on Broadway / 📖 Read Shakespeare / See a Broadway play / See Cirque du Soleil / Audition for something / Read a play / 🎶 See a Broadway musical / See a Broadway play in New York / Make a list of 100 things I want to do before I die / 🎭 See a play on Broadway / Catch a Broadway Show in New York City NEW YORK / Go see a film on opening day / 🍗 Go to the renaissance festival / 📖 Read a Shakespeare play / 🎟️ Go to a Broadway show / Make a list of 100 quotes that inspire me / See a musical on Broadway / 📚 Read the complete works of Shakespeare / Get a new hobby / 🏛️ Explore Ancient Ephesus TURKEY / See a play/musical / Go to a Renaissance Fair / Go see an opera / Take an acting class / Sneak into a movie / See a musical in London / Send a card/gift/flowers to Mum just because / See a ballet / 💃 Go to a burlesque show / Audition for a play / See a Shakespeare play / Go to a Renaissance Faire / 🎭 See The Nutcracker / Attend a masquerade ball / Read 5 Shakespeare plays / See a Cirque du Soleil show in Las Vegas / Go to a musical on Broadway / 🎭 Attend a performance at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre in Stratford-upon-Avon ENGLAND / Go to a performance of a Shakespeare play / 🎶 See an opera performance / 🎟️ See a Broadway or West End show / Take acting classes / Make a list of the 101 best experiences of my life / Spend one whole day at the cinema / 🎭 See an opera, play or ballet / Go to a play/musical on Broadway / See Phantom of the Opera on stage / Go to a professional ballet / See a production by Cirque de Soleil / 🎤 Watch Rent. And sing along to every single song / Go to the movies once a month / Watch an opera / Read all of Shakespeare / Take an improv comedy class / Take an improv class / Make a costume / Act in a community play / Watch a Shakespere play at The Globe / 💃 Attend the Moulin Rouge Cabaret FRANCE / Watch a Shakespeare play / See a Shakespeare play at the Globe UNITED KINGDOM / See a Broadway Show NEW YORK / Watch a dance performance / See a play at the Globe Theatre ENGLAND / Read all of Shakespeare's plays / Witness Montreal's Cirque du Soleil CANADA / 🍷 Visit Bordeaux FRANCE / Wear a wig for a day / See a high school play / Star in a musical / Watch a Burlesque Show in Paris FRANCE / Have a night at the opera / See a Las Vegas Show / Attend the ballet or opera at Bolshoi or Mariinsky RUSSIA / Attend a show at the Sydney Opera House / Watch an opera in Vienna / See the Rocky Horror Picture Show live / Go to the cinema every month for a year / Go to an opera at the Sydney Opera House / Attend the Oregon Shakespeare Festival OREGON / Have a date night once a month / Be in a show on Broadway / Attend the Edinburgh International Festival SCOTLAND / Attend the Maryland Renaissance Festival MARYLAND / See the Australian Ballet perform AUSTRALIA / See a show in Las Vegas NEVADA / Visit the Globe Theatre ENGLAND / Watch 10 musicals / See Josh Groban in concert / Go to a renaissance festival / Attend the Salzburg Festival (Salzburger Festspiele) AUSTRIA / Visit the Omniplex OKLAHOMA / Visit Fox Theater in Detroit MICHIGAN / Watch a performance of the Royal Winnipeg Ballet troupe CANADA / Hang out in the Gaslamp District CALIFORNIA / Read all of Shakespeare's works / Attend the Melbourne Comedy Festival AUSTRALIA / Watch a classical Greek drama at the amphitheatre in Epidaurus (UNESCO) GREECE / Visit Uppsala SWEDEN / Make a sock puppet / Date night once a month / 🎭 Spend a night at the opera in Vienna AUSTRIA / See an improv show / See Shakespeare at the Globe / Attend the International Opera Festival, the Festival d'Aix-en-Provence FRANCE / See a show or concert at the Kennedy Center WASHINGTON, D.C. / See Eddie Izzard live / Visit Mannheim GERMANY / See the Russian ballet in Moscow RUSSIA / Attend a Renaissance Festival / Read the entire works of Shakespeare / Watch a summer opera at the Floating Opera in Bregenz and the Upper City AUSTRIA / Visit Ford's Theater WASHINGTON, D.C. / See Navy Pier's Shakespeare Theatre ILLINOIS / See an opera in Verona ITALY / Take improv classes / Watch 20 musicals / See a Cirque du Soleil production / Watch two movies at a cinema on the same day / See a stand-up comedian live / Attend a dance performance / Meet David Tennant / Make a puppet / Visit Charlottesville VIRGINIA / Attend a show at the Obraztsov Puppet Theater RUSSIA / Attend the FNB Dance Umbrella SOUTH AFRICA / Attend the Seoul Fringe Festival in Hongdae area SOUTH KOREA / See an opera at the Ivan Franko Opera House UKRAINE / 🎤 See Josie Long live / See a Cirque du Soleil performance / Visit the Lincoln Center NEW YORK / Visit Radio City Music Hall NEW YORK / Attend Oerol Festival NETHERLANDS / Enjoy a movie in one of the few cinemas left on the Gran Via SPAIN / Write and perform a one-person show / See 5 Broadway shows / See a show at Madison Square Garden / See a play at the Old Vic UNITED KINGDOM / See a Team Starkid Performance ILLINOIS / Go see a Shakespeare play / Attend the Bristol Renaissance Faire WISCONSIN / Attend the Ohrid Summer Festival NORTH MACEDONIA / Attend the Romanian National Theatre Festival ROMANIA / Attend the Zomer van Antwerpen festival BELGIUM / See The Mousetrap at St. Martin's Theatre ENGLAND / Visit Fort Lauderdale FLORIDA / See a play on England's West End / Go to the movies ten times / Go to the cinema every month / See Amanda Palmer in concert / Watch the cultural production of a Journey to the Enchanted Kingdom of Thailand THAILAND / Watch a stage play / Read 10 plays by Shakespeare / Watch Swan Lake / See an opera in Italy / Read 10 plays / Learn a burlesque routine / See Billy Connolly live / Go to the World Performing Arts Festival PAKISTAN / Visit the Teatro Nacional in San Jose COSTA RICA / Visit Ashland OREGON / See a show at the Providence Performing Arts Center RHODE ISLAND / Watch a ballet show / Visit Coronado CALIFORNIA / Visit East Haddam CONNECTICUT / See Penn and Teller live / Visit Arlington Drafthouse VIRGINIA / Attend the Spoleto Festival SOUTH CAROLINA / See the Bolshoi perform in Moscow RUSSIA / Attend the Eigse Carlow Arts Festival IRELAND / See a performance of Swan Lake / Attend the Festwochen Wien (Vienna Festival) AUSTRIA / Attend the Carolina Renaissance Festival NORTH CAROLINA / Attend the Medora Musical NORTH DAKOTA / Attend the Alabama Shakespeare Festival ALABAMA / See a Shakespeare play at the American Shakespeare Center in Staunton VIRGINIA / Watch a play at Den Nationale Scene NORWAY / See a film at IMAX Lucerne SWITZERLAND / See a show at the Palace Theater NEW YORK / Attend the International Festival of Arts and Ideas CONNECTICUT / Attend the Summer Arts Festival in Omaha NEBRASKA / Attend the Sterling Renaissance Festival NEW YORK / Attend the Minnesota Renaissance Festival MINNESOTA / Attend the Festival Internacional de Teatro VENEZUELA / Watch traditional plays and dances at Accra's National Theatre GHANA / Attend the Baalbeck International Festival LEBANON / Participate in the Beiteddine Arts Festival LEBANON / Attend the Al Bustan International Festival of Music and the Arts LEBANON / Attend the festival of travelling arts, Namur BELGIUM / Attend the Kunsten Festival des Arts BELGIUM / Attend a performance at Sydney Opera House / Listen to the album of every "Best Musical" Tony Award winner / Participate in the Dubrovnik Summer Festival CROATIA / Attend a midnight premiere of a highly anticipated movie / Visit Teatro Colon ARGENTINA / See a Tony Award winning play / Hear the Detroit Symphony Orchestra MICHIGAN / Have someone follow me on Bucketlist / Attend a Guignol marionette show in Paris / Watch the typical Dutch performing arts at the Holland Festival NETHERLANDS / Attend the Tony Awards / See Cirque du Soleil live / Act in a Shakespeare play / Make a list of 101 things for my swap / Memorize the lyrics to a favorite musical soundtrack / Visit Teatro Amazonas BRAZIL / Get swept away by the Bolshoi Ballet in Moscow RUSSIA / See Aziz Ansari live / 🏰 Visit Bremen GERMANY / Visit Boystown ILLINOIS / Visit Vanier Park CANADA / Watch every season of Glee / Watch a Burlesque Show in Paris / Attend the summer Opera Festival in Savonlinna FINLAND / Have a role in a community theater play / Attend the Nyanga Arts Festival ZIMBABWE / Visit the Arkansas Arts Center ARKANSAS / Go to a performance at the Santiago Municipal Theatre CHILE / Attend a Belarusian Ballet in Minsk BELARUS / Attend the River To River Festival NEW YORK / See Fuerza Bruta / Watch the dress rehearsal of Washington Crossing the Delaware in December in Washington Crossing NEW JERSEY / Attend the Utah Arts Festival UTAH / Catch a show on 6th Street TEXAS / See a musical at Starlight Theatre (KC) KANSAS / See a performance at Slovene National Theatre SLOVENIA / Attend the Utah Shakespearean Festival UTAH / Attend the Fairbanks Summer Arts Festival ALASKA / Attend the Detroit Festival of the Arts MICHIGAN / Attend the Lake Tahoe Shakespeare Festival NEVADA / Attend the Ingenuity Festival OHIO / Attend the Blantyre Arts Festival MALAWI / Attend a concert or show at Teatro Solis URUGUAY / Attend the Budapest Fringe Festival HUNGARY / Attend the Chimanimani Arts Festival ZIMBABWE / Join a theater group / Attend a live performance at the famous Tropicana Cabaret CUBA / Watch a play at TheaterWorks in Hartford CONNECTICUT / Be on stage in front of thousands of people / Experience a live musical / Visit Matadero de Madrid MADRID / Watch a Christmas pastorela at Tepotzotlan MEXICO / Attend the International Theatre Festival TURKEY /