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Horseback Riding
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🐴 Ride a horse / 🌍 Make a list of 50 places I would like to visit in my lifetime / 📝 Write a list of 101 things to do in 1001 days! / Go horse riding / Go horseback riding on the beach / Make a list of 100 things I want to do before I die / Learn to ride a horse / Buy a pair of cowboy boots / Get a new hobby / Go to a Renaissance Fair / Ride a horse on the beach / Go to a rodeo / 🇲🇽 Travel to Mexico / 🏇 See a live horse race / Go horseback riding along the beach / Go horse riding on the beach / Ride a horse bareback / Visit Utah UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Visit and explore Colorado / Visit Maui HAWAII / Visit Wyoming UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Go to the Calgary Stampede CANADA / Visit Idaho UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Visit West Virginia UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Buy a cowboy hat / Take horse riding lessons / Go horseback riding in the Grand Canyon / Attend a rodeo / Go on a horse trek / Visit all 58 US National Parks / Learn how to ride a horse / Horseback ride in the Grand Canyon / Visit Mongolia / Go pony trekking / Ride a horse bareback across a Caribbean beach / Visit Jackson Hole WYOMING / Visit the Kentucky Horse Park KENTUCKY / Visit Black Hills National Forest SOUTH DAKOTA / Catch a rodeo in Wyoming WYOMING / Go to a polo match / Go to Mongolia / Visit Brown County State Park INDIANA / See the famous Lipizzaner stallions perform in Vienna AUSTRIA / Visit the Assateague Island National Seashore MARYLAND / Travel to Mongolia / Visit Estes Park COLORADO / Ride a horse on a beach / 🐎 Ride Horseback through the Masai Mara - Kenya / Ride an Icelandic horse over a lava field ICELAND / Ride Monument Valley ARIZONA / Visit Fairmont Hot Springs CANADA / 🐎 Ride Horseback in Andalucia SPAIN / Ride Horseback in the Darhat Valley - Mongolia / 🏰 Visit San Salvador EL SALVADOR / 🦌 Visit Custer State Park SOUTH DAKOTA / Visit Viñales CUBA / Go on a horse-riding trek amid the mountains around Salta ARGENTINA / Join a cattle drive in The Outback AUSTRALIA / Visit Uruguay / Visit Uppsala SWEDEN / Attend the Calgary Stampede CANADA / Have a picture taken with a scarlet-clad Mountie CANADA / Visit Amelia Island FLORIDA / Stay on an outback cattle station AUSTRALIA / Go horse-riding in Pampas ARGENTINA / Visit Kyrgyzstan / Drive cattle across Montana MONTANA / Visit Viñales Valley CUBA / Visit Mendoza ARGENTINA / Tour the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Museum in Saskatchewan CANADA / Visit Trakai LITHUANIA / 🐎 Attend the Jerez Horse Fair (Feria de Caballo) SPAIN / Travel to Botswana / Sleep in a stable on a haystack / Visit Assateague Island UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Visit the Biltmore NORTH CAROLINA / Get a pair of cowboy boots / Visit Telluride COLORADO / See the Pony Express National Historic Trail COLORADO / Horsepack the Gila Wilderness NEW MEXICO / Visit the Bob Marshall Wilderness Complex MONTANA / Visit Sable Island CANADA / 🏇 Watch a polo match at Windsor Great Park ENGLAND / Visit the Catskills NEW YORK / Visit Steamboat Springs COLORADO / Go horseback riding on a beach / Ride an Icelandic horse / Ride a hucul, a rare pony from the Carpathian Mountains POLAND / Gallop along a beach at sundown BARBADOS / Go horse-riding in the Polish countryside POLAND / Get bucked off a bucking bronco / Go pony trekking through the Simien Mountains ETHIOPIA / Ride a horse along the beach / Climb Mount Aragats on horseback ARMENIA / Horseback ride with nomads in Mongolia MONGOLIA / Hike the Smoky Mountains TENNESSEE / Visit the Llanos COLOMBIA / Attend the Houston Rodeo TEXAS / Spend a night in a yurt on the Mongolian steppes MONGOLIA / Drink airag in Mongolia MONGOLIA / Go horseriding on the beach / Climb the doramant Baru Volcano on horseback PANAMA / Go horse-riding in the Danube Valley BULGARIA / Go horseback riding in Casa de Campo DOMINICAN REPUBLIC / Visit Palo Duro Canyon TEXAS / Gallop through the tobacco fields around Trinidad CUBA / See a herd of wild horses / Visit Hilton Head SOUTH CAROLINA / Go horse-riding through the sugarcane fields around the Valle de Ingenios CUBA / Spend the weekend in the Casa de Campo resort DOMINICAN REPUBLIC / Go horse-riding at the mountain resort of Bakuriani GEORGIA / Try horse riding in Puszta, part of the Great Hungarian Plain HUNGARY / Go horse-riding on Mount Aragats ARMENIA / Look for Inca ruins in Sacsayhuaman on horseback PERU / Witness the Mount Isa Rodeo AUSTRALIA / Watch a Chilean Rodeo CHILE / Hit the beach with a Lusitano thoroughbred PORTUGAL / Visit Pike National Forest COLORADO / Visit San Isabel National Forest COLORADO / Go on a camel trek in the Gobi Desert MONGOLIA / Cycle across Cuba CUBA / Visit Tipperary IRELAND / Visit Malibu Creek State Park CALIFORNIA / Visit Northern Kyrgyzstan KYRGYZSTAN / Attend Buffalo Bill's Wild West Days WYOMING / Attend the Cody Stampede WYOMING / Attend the Pendleton Roundup OREGON / Visit the Cowtown Rodeo in Pilesgrove NEW JERSEY / Visit Pichilemu CHILE / Visit Askania Nova UKRAINE / Attend Helldorado Days in Tombstone ARIZONA / Attend the Woodchopper's Jamboree & Rodeo WYOMING / Attend the National Western Stock Show COLORADO / Visit Black Hills National Forest (WY) WYOMING / Attend the Rodeo of the Ozarks ARKANSAS / Visit St. Landry Parish LOUISIANA / Visit Maremma ITALY / Take part in the Common Ridings SCOTLAND / Go horse-riding on the banks of Lake Khovsgol MONGOLIA / Learn to jump on horseback / Ride a horse down the cobbled streets of Trinidad (UNESCO) CUBA / Visit Myakka River State Park FLORIDA / Visit Grizzly Jack's Grand Bear Resort and Enchanted Forest ILLINOIS / Adopt a horse / Visit Hoosier National Forest INDIANA / Take a dressage lesson in Estremadura PORTUGAL / Go horse-riding around the Zona Sur region of La Paz BOLIVIA / Take a horse ride around the Tierrandentro National Park COLOMBIA / Watch the ritual warfare (Pasola) that marks Nusa Tenggara's harvest festival INDONESIA / Explore the Shai Hills Game Reserve on horseback GHANA / Witness a RCMP sunset ceremony at the Saskatchewan CANADA / Go horse riding at Lake Song-kol KYRGYZSTAN / Explore Moyeni on horseback LESOTHO / Visit Keeneland KENTUCKY / Visit Charmingfare Farm NEW HAMPSHIRE / Visit Tonto National Forest ARIZONA / Visit Coronado National Forest ARIZONA / Visit Kickapoo State Park ILLINOIS / Go horse-riding at Manari Ranch in the Rupununi Savannah GUYANA / Stay at an estancia, a traditional farm in Pampas ARGENTINA / Go pony-trekking in Ketane and Maletsunyane LESOTHO / Travel to north of Khentii aimag to witness the home of Ghengis Khan MONGOLIA / Learn to ride and care for horses / Explore the Camargue FRANCE / Attend the National Finals Rodeo / Visit Caprock Canyons State Park TEXAS / Stay at a dude ranch in Montana MONTANA / Visit Chincoteague VIRGINIA / Visit San Luis Potosi MEXICO / Visit Kodachrome Basin State Park UTAH / Visit California Country Park CALIFORNIA / Go on a horseback riding tour in the Sacred Valley PERU / Visit the Genghis Khan Equestrian Statue MONGOLIA / Go horseback riding in the Andes CHILE / Learn how to lasso / Ride a pony / Attend the Bryce Canyon Country Rodeo UTAH / Attend the Wolf Point Wild Horse Stampede MONTANA / Have a pair of nice cowboy boots / Visit Croft State Park SOUTH CAROLINA / Ride a horse off into the desert sunset / Visit Boyaca COLOMBIA / Become an elephant rider at the circus / Bond with a horse / Spend a week at a dude ranch in Wyoming WYOMING / Attend Nebraska's Big Rodeo NEBRASKA / Attend the Reno Rodeo NEVADA / Attend the Mandan Rodeo Days Celebration NORTH DAKOTA / Attend the Black Hills Stock Show and Rodeo SOUTH DAKOTA / Attend the Scottsdale Arabian Horse Show ARIZONA / Attend the Caldwell Night Rodeo IDAHO / Picnic a polo match at the Newport Polo Club in Portsmouth RHODE ISLAND / Attend the Crosby Rodeo TEXAS / Visit Caprock Canyons State Park and Trailway TEXAS / 🌴 Visit Maldonado URUGUAY / Visit Tacuarembo URUGUAY / Visit Natal BRAZIL / Ride a horse in a rodeo / Attend a traditional gaucho festival ARGENTINA / Visit Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest MONTANA / Visit Mohican State Park OHIO / Stay at a dude ranch in Montana / Attend a live polo match / Visit Santa Fe ARGENTINA / Camp in Khovsgol National Park MONGOLIA / Go camping in Altai Tavan Bogd National Park MONGOLIA / Attend the Nomads Day Festival MONGOLIA / Visit the American Saddlebred Museum KENTUCKY / Visit Lake Barkley State Resort Park KENTUCKY / Embark on a pony trek through the great falls at Ribaneng LESOTHO / Go horse-riding to the summit of the Guazapa volcano EL SALVADOR / Attend the festival of national horseback games KYRGYZSTAN / Attend the “Kyrgyz Kochu” festival KYRGYZSTAN / Attend the Chabana (cowboy) Festival KAZAKHSTAN / Visit Museo del Indio y del Gaucho URUGUAY / Attend Fiesta Gaucha in Tacuarembo URUGUAY / Visit Lake Issyk-Kul KYRGYZSTAN / Ride a thoroughbred in Mysore INDIA / Take a horse riding class in Kuwait City KUWAIT / Celebrate the Dia de la Tradicion in San Antonia de Areco ARGENTINA / Celebrate Tabaski and attend the cavalry procession NIGERIA / See the Romeria del Rocio at El Rocio, Andalucia SPAIN / Go horse-riding along inland trails BARBADOS / Play polo at a Barbadian club BARBADOS / Travel on horseback to Quetzaltepeque through San Luis Jiltepeque GUATEMALA /