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🚙 Go on a road trip / 🌍 Make a list of 50 places I would like to visit in my lifetime / Go to London ENGLAND / 🍁 Take a photo of a place through all four seasons / Go to Europe / 📝 Write a list of 101 things to do in 1001 days! / 👭 Go on holiday with friends / Go on a spontaneous road trip / Take a train somewhere / Visit a new state / Take a trip on a train / Make a list of cities I want to visit / Go on a road trip to at least 6 different states / Go to Scotland / Visit a state I've never been to before / Go to Chicago / Visit a country I haven't been to yet / Go to Mexico / Go on a road trip with no predetermined destination / Throw a dart at a map and go where it lands / Visit all 50 US states / Go to New Orleans / 🏞️ Visit Angel Falls VENEZUELA / Drive across the US / Bathe under a waterfall / Visit Wales / Travel the world / See the Great Wall of China CHINA / Visit three new countries / Do one thing a month I have never done / Go on a train trip / Go to the USA / Listen to a new album each week / Take a trip to Vegas / Take a road trip with no set destination / Go to Texas / Go clubbing in another country / Go on a day trip to a nearby state / Go on a road trip to at least 5 different states / Visit South Korea / Go to Melbourne / Take a roadtrip around the United States / Canoe down a river / Visit at least 25 states / 🌴 Zipline through the rainforests of Costa Rica COSTA RICA / Buy a tent / Complete the A-Z travel challenge / Visit the Alamo in San Antonio TEXAS / 🎉 Visit Brazil during Carnivale / Eat at 5 new restaurants / Go to Toronto / Go to Singapore / Take a trip by train / Go to Hong Kong / Spend New Year's Eve in a different State / Go on a weekend road trip / Visit a city I've never been to / Stand under a waterfall / Travel out of state / Go to Ibiza / Visit every state in the US / 👦🏼 Visit Legoland in Denmark DENMARK / Take a vacation to somewhere new / Visit Valletta MALTA / Visit 6 continents / 🐬 Visit Tokyo DisneySea JAPAN / Go to Tasmania / Visit 10 new countries / Be more adventurous / Stroll through the Southbank Book Market in London ENGLAND / Go cliff diving / Go ice climbing / Roadtrip in a Jeep / 🏊♂️ Go snorkeling in Belize / 🍷 Try a bottle of Chianti ITALY / Visit Da Nang VIETNAM / Take the train from Toronto to Vancouver / Go to Portland / Visit every county in England / 🏰 Visit Caernarfon Castle WALES / Visit San Miguel de Allende MEXICO / 🤿 Scuba dive in New Zealand NEW ZEALAND / 🌍 Travel to every continent on Earth / Visit Sofia BULGARIA / Visit Cartmel ENGLAND / Stroll around the winding streets of Cordoba SPAIN / Visit Bristol ENGLAND / Hire a van and drive around Tassie AUSTRALIA / 🏰 Visit San Salvador EL SALVADOR / Go through a corn maze at night / Go camping with my dog / Visit Maya Bay THAILAND / Visit Japan in Cherry Blossom Season JAPAN / Visit Lofoten Islands NORWAY / Visit Uzbekistan / Spend the day exploring Europa Park in Rust GERMANY / Take a vacation to Japan / Take a different route to work or school / Ride a snow mobile / Go to Helsinki / Take a vacation to Ireland / Visit the Denver International Airport COLORADO / Visit Medicine Hat CANADA / Visit Aberdeen SCOTLAND / Go to Cardiff / Visit Wexford IRELAND / Do a road trip across America UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Visit Richmond VIRGINIA / Throw a dart at a map and travel to wherever it lands / Wander the cobblestone streets of Tallinn ESTONIA / Visit Saskatoon CANADA / Go to Austin / Take a vacation to anywhere but here! / Take a vacation to somewhere I never thought I would go / Visit Podgorica MONTENEGRO / Visit all Canadian provinces / Visit Vorarlberg AUSTRIA / Visit Kyushu Island / Make a list of places I want to travel to / Have a spontaneous weekend away / Visit Perth SCOTLAND / Walk around the University of Delaware campus DELAWARE / Visit Legoland in Malaysia MALAYSIA / 🚋 Tour on the Asheville Historic Trolley NORTH CAROLINA / 🇹🇬 Visit Togo / Visit Durham NORTH CAROLINA / Visit Tiger Leaping Gorge CHINA / Visit Comino Island MALTA / 🏞️ Visit Albarracin SPAIN / Visit Ban Rak Thai THAILAND / Visit Mù Cang Chải VIETNAM / Take a vacation to Chicago / Go on a spontaneous day trip / Explore the forests of the ‘City of Mists', Jinotega NICARAGUA / Take a vacation to a different state / Witness the Zlatni Rat, Golden Cape on the island of Brac CROATIA / See the Chute de la Lily waterfall MADAGASCAR / See the Tvrdjava Fortress in Banja Luka SERBIA / Visit Union Station in Kansas City MISSOURI / Visit Trim Castle IRELAND / Visit Regina CANADA / Visit all 48 ceremonial counties in England ENGLAND / Visit Edmonton CANADA / Go hiking in the Paklenica National Park CROATIA / Get lost around the narrow cobbled streets and quaint houses of Plovdiv BULGARIA / Take the Winnebago Factory Tour IOWA / Visit Minnehaha Falls MINNESOTA / Visit Madison / Trek around the Tavoro Falls FIJI / Walk around the Biliotheca Alexandrina EGYPT / Wander Trastervere in Rome ITALY / Hike Virgin Falls TENNESSEE / Visit Charlotte NORTH CAROLINA / Visit Guilin and Lijiang River National Park CHINA / Visit Ávila SPAIN / Visit Birmingham ALABAMA / Visit East Haddam CONNECTICUT / 🌅 Visit Sossusvlei NAMIBIA / Visit Tacoma WASHINGTON / Visit the Sendai Daikannon statue JAPAN / Visit the Grand Buddha at Ling Shan CHINA / Visit Leeds ENGLAND / Go to Dallas / Visit Burundi / Visit Bujumbura BURUNDI / Visit N'Djamena CHAD / Visit Sri Jayawardenepura SRI LANKA / Go sea-kayaking in the north of the country CANADA / Hike in the Usumbara Mountains TANZANIA / Take a vacation to America / Visit Anchorage ALASKA / Visit Tallahassee FLORIDA / Visit the Wyoming Frontier Prison Museum WYOMING / Stroll around the famous Botanical Gardens in Kolasin MONTENEGRO / Visit Düsseldorf GERMANY / Visit Worcester MASSACHUSETTS / Go mountain biking in Dalby Forest ENGLAND / Visit the Dark Hedges UNITED KINGDOM / Visit the St. Louis City Museum MISSOURI / Visit Guelph CANADA / Visit Airdrie CANADA / Visit the Isle of Lewis SCOTLAND / Visit Lecce ITALY / Raft along the Li River in Yangshuo CHINA / Visit Bendigo AUSTRALIA / Visit Charleston Light, Sullivan's Island SOUTH CAROLINA / Visit Bengaluru INDIA / Visit Stouffville CANADA / Visit Lethbridge CANADA / Visit Belleville CANADA / Visit Brandon CANADA / Visit Joliette CANADA / Visit Glen Ellyn ILLINOIS / Visit Wichita KANSAS / Visit the Strokkur geyser ICELAND / Visit Polouse Falls WASHINGTON / Walk across the Trift Bridge above the Swiss Alps SWITZERLAND / Buy a plane ticket for the first flight out, and go wherever it takes me / Hike Mount Warning AUSTRALIA / Swim in the pools of the Sahwartik Waterfalls MICRONESIA / Visit all provinces in the Philippines PHILIPPINES / Visit Toulouse FRANCE / Hike in Perucica Forest BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA / Visit Chattanooga TENNESSEE / Visit Buffalo NEW YORK / Take a vacation to BC / Visit Knoxville TENNESSEE / Visit 10 US States / Stroll down the side streets of Valle de Bravo MEXICO / Buy a VW van / Visit Mbabane SWAZILAND / Visit Abuja NIGERIA / Go to Reykjavik / Visit Baton Rouge LOUISIANA / Visit the Statue Of Unity in Gujarat INDIA / Visit Copan HONDURAS / Visit Södermalm SWEDEN / Visit Louth IRELAND / Visit Westmeath IRELAND / Visit Chelan WASHINGTON / Visit Winn Parish LOUISIANA / Visit Mena ARKANSAS / 🏊♂️ Swim through Durdle Door ENGLAND / Visit Armley Mills ENGLAND / Visit all five boroughs of New York NEW YORK / Visit Sunbury AUSTRALIA / Visit Laois IRELAND / Visit Shenzhen CHINA / Visit Leesburg FLORIDA / Visit Thousand Island Park NEW YORK / Visit Fargo NORTH DAKOTA / Visit Lexington KENTUCKY / Visit Newark NEW JERSEY / Visit Oklahoma City OKLAHOMA / Visit Anaheim CALIFORNIA / 🌲 Visit Portland MAINE / Visit Santa Clarita CALIFORNIA / Visit Little Rock ARKANSAS / Visit Huntsville ALABAMA / Visit Augusta GEORGIA / Visit Port St. Lucie FLORIDA / Visit Chula Vista CALIFORNIA / Go on a road trip that lasts at least a week / Visit Dumfries SCOTLAND / Visit Moreno Valley CALIFORNIA / Visit Overland Park KANSAS / Visit Shreveport LOUISIANA / Visit Brownsville TEXAS / Visit Ensenada MEXICO / Visit El Castillo NICARAGUA / Visit the Genghis Khan Equestrian Statue MONGOLIA / Visit Nuremberg GERMANY / Visit Freiburg GERMANY / Visit Bonnechere Caves CANADA / Visit Irvine CALIFORNIA / Visit Lincoln NEBRASKA / Visit Boise IDAHO / Kayak around Ometepe Island on Lake Nicaragua NICARAGUA / Visit Montgomery ALABAMA / Kayak in the Chesapeake Bay / Visit Des Moines / Visit the Scilly Isles ENGLAND / Visit Campinas BRAZIL / Climb Mount Bogong AUSTRALIA / Discover Sigua, Tarzan and Namo Falls GUAM / Discover the Boali Waterfalls CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC / Cycle around the Mljet National Park CROATIA / Visit Bata EQUATORIAL GUINEA / Visit Burano ITALY / Visit Sioux Falls SOUTH DAKOTA / Visit Toulon / 🏰 Visit Bremen GERMANY / Visit the LA Arboretum LOS ANGELES / Visit every nearby town around my home city / Drive a scooter in South Korea SOUTH KOREA / Bike the Rock Island Rail Trail ILLINOIS / Abseil down a waterfall / Visit Chapel Hill NORTH CAROLINA / Visit Brantford CANADA / Visit Kitchener CANADA / Visit Oshawa CANADA / Visit Wangaratta AUSTRALIA / Visit Barrie CANADA / Visit Saint-Jerôme CANADA / Visit Bolton CANADA / Visit Victoriaville CANADA / Hike Hawksbill Mountain VIRGINIA / Visit Somers NEW YORK / Visit Tulsa OKLAHOMA / Visit Steavenson Falls AUSTRALIA / Visit Benito Juarez MEXICO / Visit Salcombe, Devon UNITED KINGDOM / Visit Touggourt ALGERIA / Visit Ambriz ANGOLA / Visit Calenga ANGOLA / Visit Camaxilo ANGOLA / Visit Narayanganj BANGLADESH / Visit Orsha BELARUS / Visit Muyinga BURUNDI / Visit Ruyigi BURUNDI /