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🎨 Find a personally inspirational quote and work it into a piece of art or home decor / 🧶 Learn to knit / 🛍️ Buy something from Etsy / 🏠 Build a gingerbread house / 🧶 Knit a scarf / 💰 Go a week without buying anything / 🎃 Carve a pumpkin for Halloween / 🎁 Give someone a handmade gift / 🙅♀️ Don't spend any money for a week / 🧶 Learn to crochet / 💌 Make a handmade greeting card / 🪴 Plant a window box herb garden / 🧶 Make a quilt / Learn how to change a tire / 🏠 Make a gingerbread house / 🎃 Carve a pumpkin / 🧵 Make a piece of clothing for myself / Learn how to sew / Start a scrapbook / 🎁 Make a handmade gift for a friend / 🌸 Start a pressed flowers notebook / Make play-dough / Make something out of wood / 🍨 Make homemade ice cream / Build something out of wood / Create a photo wall / Make my own pizza / Learn how to change my own oil / Learn how to pick locks / Learn origami / Learn how to knit / 🐦 Make a birdhouse / 🤲 Learn how to make an origami crane / Have a garage sale / Plant a herb garden / Make a scrapbook / Redecorate my room / Decorate a gingerbread house / Start an herb garden / Build a piece of furniture / Make vodka gummy bears / Build a blanket fort / Create a scrapbook / Finish a scrapbook / 🐦 Build a birdhouse / 🧵 Complete a cross stitch project / Paint my room / Learn how to sew a button / Learn how to change a flat tire / 🖼️ Paint a canvas and hang it on my wall / Make homemade jam / 🪁 Build and fly a kite / Give a handmade gift / Learn basic knitting/crocheting / Knit a sweater / 🧶 Crochet a blanket / Build a pinhole camera / Sew myself a dress / Make my own jam / Learn how to do a french braid / Learn how to crochet / 👕 Design my own t-shirt / Make a blanket fort / Make my own dress / Complete a sewing project / Pick 3 things to start and finish on / Get a sewing machine and learn how to use it / Make my own Christmas cards / 🌿 Make homemade pesto / Sew a skirt / 👭 Make friendship bracelets / Make a stuffed animal / Write another list of 101 things to do for the next 1001 days / Buy a sewing machine / Knit a pair of socks / Make a dress from scratch / Sew an article of clothing / Learn to French braid / Knit myself a scarf / Open an Etsy shop / Make a photo collage / Purchase something from Ikea and assemble it myself / Restore a piece of furniture / Get a new hobby / Pick berries / Try and finish 5 ideas from Instructables / Plant my own garden / Crochet a scarf / Learn how to make candles / Draw something in wet cement / Learn a new craft / Build a bookcase / Learn to fold an origami crane / Learn to knit a scarf / Make myself a dress / Make something with my sewing machine / Refinish a piece of furniture / Learn to change my own oil / Make 5 things from / Buy a sewing machine and learn how to use it / Learn how to cross stitch / Learn how to make paper cranes / 📿 Make a necklace / Make my own candles / Make a fairy garden / Learn to knit or crochet / Grow a herb garden / Fingerpaint / Make a patchwork quilt / Learn how to make origami cranes / Clean out the garage / Make my own soap / Knit a hat / Make an item of clothing from scratch / Get a sewing machine / Learn to sew a button / Learn how to make a paper crane / Make Skittles vodka / Make a photo collage on my wall / 🍃 Grow a mini herb garden / Finish a knitting project / Knit something other than a scarf / Learn to braid my own hair / Start a herb garden / Make my own t-shirt / Do a home improvement project / Make a T-shirt quilt / Learn to change the oil in my car / Make a mosaic / Fill a sketch book with drawings, design ideas and cuttings / Learn how to knit or crochet / Repaint my room / Learn how to change the oil in my car / Sew an article of clothing I can actually wear / Complete a knitting project / Make a blanket or box fort / Make my own Halloween costume / Build a compost bin / Make a pair of earrings / Make a custom recipe book from our favorite recipes / Learn to fold 25 different papercrafts / 📅 Make an advent calendar / Make a kite and fly it / Make a pinhole camera / Learn to French braid my own hair / Give at least one handmade gift to close family and friends / Learn how to open a bottle with a lighter / Learn how to change a tyre / Create a herb garden / Build a teepee / Design and make my own dress from scratch / Learn how to make a friendship bracelet / Try to do one creative project every month / 👗 Make my own skirt / Grow an indoor herb garden / Make a daisy chain / Build something useful with your own two hands / Sew my own skirt / Paint the kitchen / Make a handmade gift / Eat a salad made from your own garden / Paint my own pottery / Make a Christmas wreath / Spend a night in a blanket fort / Build a dollhouse / Make five things from instructables / Create handmade Christmas cards / Make my own paper / Build a tree house / Knit a pair of socks for myself / Learn how to fishtail braid my hair / Learn how to change my oil / Build a scarecrow / Throw an ugly sweater party / Make christmas ornaments / Knit a jumper / Knit a sweater for myself / Learn to knit socks / Start a pressed flower notebook / Raise my own chickens / Make a piñata / Cut paper snowflakes to hang in the bedroom window / Build a deck / Build your own computer / Make and fly a kite / Don't buy anything for a week / Build a dog house / Learn some basic sewing skills / Make and use a pinhole camera / Make a tie dye t-shirt / Learn to make jewellery / Renovate the bathroom / Plant a tree in our backyard / Learn how to pick a lock / Paint the bathroom / Grow my own herb garden / Crochet a baby blanket / Make homemade cheese / Make an origami crane / Build a coffee table / Make beeswax candles / Learn to fishtail braid / Make a quilt for someone special / Make a sock monkey / Build an outdoor pizza oven / Open an Etsy store / Paint the house / Embroider something / Create a photo collage / Make my own peanut butter / Learn to sew by hand / 🐦 Make a bird feeder / Plant a container garden / Make an origami animal / Make a costume / Make my own curtains / Make a gingerbread house from scratch / Learn to sew buttons and hem pants / Build a terrarium / Make a balloon animal / Make a homemade beauty product / Knit a rainbow scarf / Make a cushion / Refurbish a piece of furniture / Fold a different origami piece once a day for a month / Finish a quilt / Build a ship in a bottle / Weave a basket / Make homemade pickles / Learn how to make 5 different knots / Make a flower headband / Make a calendar with my favorite photos / Decorate a blank t-shirt / Crochet an afghan / Don't buy anything for a month / Grow my own strawberries / Take a woodworking class / Learn to make paper flowers / Make my own earrings / Sew a skirt for myself / Make Piñata Cookies / Take a scrapbooking class / Learn how to paint my nails / 🧵 Make a friendship bracelet / Try a new hairstyle at home / Complete a colouring in book / Make or buy a necklace hanger / Paint something at a ceramic place / Host a homemade pizza party / Make homemade peanut butter / Write a list of 101 things to do in 1001 days / Refinish an old piece of furniture / Do a craft project every month for a year / Learn to cross stitch / Make a rope swing! / Make my own laundry detergent / Make a family scrapbook / 🍋 Learn to make Limoncello / Build a new computer / Make jello shots / Make homemade dog treats / Make pickled onions / Decoupage something / Build a greenhouse / Make something out of paper mache / Learn how to fold a fitted sheet / Knit a pair of mitts / Make a hat / Make a wind chime / Grow fresh herbs / Build a canoe / Make mosaic art / Decorate a mug with a sharpie / Make a rug / Learn how to curl my own hair / Knit a baby blanket / Participate in Gimmie Your Stuff / Build a climbing wall / Learn to screen print / Make a quilt with Mom / Make a kite and take it for a ride / Learn how to make chainmail / Build a bookshelf / Paint my own matryoshka / Make a quilt from old t-shirts / Paint a matryoshka doll set / Take a knitting class / Learn to hem pants / Make my own beef jerky / Knit a cardigan / Make a coloring book / Build a pillow fort / Make a rope swing / Build a chicken coop / Make a teddy bear / Create melted crayon art / Complete a crochet project every month for a year / 🧚♀️ Build a fairy garden / Make a blanket fort and sleep in it / Learn to fold a fitted sheet /