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🧶 Learn to knit / 📷 Take a photography class / 📷 Take a picture for each letter of the alphabet / 🧶 Knit a scarf / Complete a 1000 piece puzzle / 📷 Enter a photography contest / 📷 Buy a new camera / Learn to juggle / 🎶 Learn to play the ukulele / Finish a 1000+ piece jigsaw / Learn how to pick locks / 🤲 Learn how to make an origami crane / Make a scrapbook / Complete a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle / Complete a colouring book / 🐦 Build a birdhouse / Finish a 500+ piece jigsaw / 🧵 Complete a cross stitch project / Complete a jigsaw puzzle / Learn a new card game / Knit a sweater / 📷 Buy a proper DSLR camera / Finish a crossword puzzle with no help / Play a new board game / Complete a 1000+ piece puzzle / Learn to juggle with three balls / Learn how to play a song on the piano / Finish a 1000+ piece jigsaw puzzle / Complete a 500 piece puzzle / Complete a 1000+ piece jigsaw puzzle / Learn to juggle 3 balls / 📷 Buy a digital SLR camera / Learn a new craft / Learn to knit a scarf / Learn a new instrument / Learn how to cross stitch / Learn how to make paper cranes / Learn to knit or crochet / Take at least 5 photos a day for a month / Knit a hat / Take at least 1 photo everyday for a month / Learn to throw knives / Finish the books I own and haven't read / Go to the movies once a month for a year / Take a photograph every day / Learn some yoyo tricks / Read 1 book a month / Finish a coloring book / Complete a 5000 piece puzzle / Learn how to make a friendship bracelet / Buy a ukulele / Learn how to throw a knife / Take a picture for each letter of the alphabet over the course of a day / Paint my own pottery / Spend an afternoon taking photos once a month for a year / Learn to play a song on a new instrument / Knit a pair of socks for myself / Go to the driving range / Sign up for Postscrossing and send 5 postcards / Build and fly a model airplane / 📷 Buy a lomo camera / Finish a sketchbook / Complete a 1000 piece jigsaw / Learn how to pick a lock / Complete the 30 day drawing challenge / Make beeswax candles / Make a sock monkey / Learn how to write with a fountain pen / Listen to every CD I own / Learn to play a new instrument / Buy a cheap thrift store guitar and learn to play one song / Learn to play a song on my guitar / Hit golf balls at a driving range / Collect 101 postcards from all over the world / Complete a 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle / Learn to juggle with four balls / Send 20 postcards through / Fold a different origami piece once a day for a month / Try drawing every day for a month / Build a ship in a bottle / Crochet an afghan / Read at least one book every month / Learn how to play at least one song on the guitar / Send 50 postcards through / Color in a coloring book / Go clay pigeon shooting / Learn to juggle three balls / Try painting / Listen to a new album each week for one month / Learn to cross stitch / Record myself playing guitar and put it on YouTube / Learn how to juggle 3 balls / Decoupage something / Blow smoke rings / Paint my own matryoshka / Take my kids fishing / Be able to juggle three balls / Complete a crochet project every month for a year / Learn to play 10 songs on the yukulele / Knit a pair of mittens / Learn to sew my own clothes / 🪀 Play with a yo-yo / Make and sail a model yacht / Pick a lock / Learn a new song on guitar every month / Learn a new song on my ukulele every month / Build a doll house / Start taking pictures everyday / Take a watercolor class / Join a photography club / Create a scrapbook for all my concert tickets / Learn a song on the ukulele / Make a ship in a bottle / Take a pottery course / Learn how to crochet something new / Take ukulele lessons / Take pottery classes / Play piano every day for a week / Build something with my own two hands / Knit an item of clothing / Learn to shuffle cards / Carve a chess piece / Crochet a blanket for someone / Learn to play 3 songs on the ukulele / Buy a sewing machine and learn to use it / Learn to juggle clubs / Build a music box / Play guitar every day for a month / Knit my own scarf / Take a mosaics class / Go to a golf driving range / Learn five songs on guitar / Take a clay sculpting class / Watch 100 movies I've never seen before in 1 year / Play in a bowling tournament / Build an Edwardian doll house / Learn new juggling tricks / Learn how to airbrush / Watch 52 movies in 52 weeks / Start a quilting project / Try basket weaving / Collect a coin from every country I visit / Buy a postcard from each state and make my own map / Make a chess board / Join a pottery class / Read 100 books this summer / Find something using a metal detector / Learn some sweet yo-yo tricks / Learn to finger knit /