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2021 Goals
Jan 01, 2021 - Dec 31, 2021
Things you want to do someday
Things you have done!
Member since August 2017
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Sleep under the stars
Answer the "50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind"
Leave an inspirational note inside a book for someone to find
Don't complain about anything for a week
Fall in love
Go to a concert
Go on a road trip
Buy a car
Dye my hair
Write a short story
Have dinner by candlelight
Spend a day at the beach
Write a message in a public bathroom
Get my driver's license
Say "yes" to something I would not normally do
Bake cupcakes
Take a dance class
Learn a poem by heart
Watch a meteor shower
See a lunar eclipse
Be more financially responsible
Have a bonfire on a beach
Hold a door open for a stranger
Stop being jealous of others
Get a really short haircut
Learn how to manage my time
Have a Star Wars marathon
Compliment someone I don't know
Kiss under a waterfall
Adopt a pet that needs rescuing
Give someone a handmade gift
Learn how to write my name in Japanese
Go to college
Visit the Czech Republic
Buy something from an antique store
Go without alcohol for a month
Grow my hair out
Ride on a rollercoaster
Get a hammock
Keep a journal for a year
Learn basic Korean
Eliminate non-fitting clothing from my wardrobe
Try a new flavor of ice cream
Try 10 new cocktails
Blog for 7 days in a row
Change my hair colour
Write ten poems
Don't wear black for a week
Help someone in need
Go a week with no caffeine
Make a home-made movie
Stay awake for 24 hours
Sing karaoke in public
Learn to scuba dive
Find a new job
Stay in bed for a whole day
Host a board games night
Sing karaoke at a bar with friends
Eat a meal cooked by a famous chef
Read a book with a color in the title
Sit outside during a thunderstorm
Paint a picture on canvas
Try running
Watch the sunrise on a beach
Finish a book in a day
Write a list of things that make me happy
Play a game of beach vollyball
Visit Wrocław, the city of 100 bridges
Watch all six Star Wars movies
Complete a Sudoku book
Buy a better camera
Listen to a new artist every month
Go a day without seeing daylight
Learn how to change a flat tire
Spend an entire day reading by the ocean
Go for a week without Facebook
Give up chocolate for a month
Love myself
Dye my hair a crazy color
Start eating better
Learn how to use a bow and arrow
Do some volunteer work
Get a massage
Find out my blood type
No fast food for a month
Improve my posture
Write all my bad memories on paper, burn this paper afterwards
See a movie in 3D
Stop biting my nails
Sing karaoke at a bar
Get engaged
Learn Hangul (Korean alphabet)
Learn basic HTML
Learn how to open a bottle with a lighter
Learn to tie a tie
Learn how to make latte art
Learn Sudoku
Learn to eat with chopsticks
Learn speed reading
Go to a wedding
Fall in love again
Go to a sauna
Take self-defense classes
Be a better friend
Learn CSS
Meet an online friend in person
Dye my hair blue
Walk 10,000 steps every day for a month
Watch all films by Miyazaki
Sing in public
Visit Prague
Learn how to ballroom dance
Write 5 letters to 5 people who changed my life
Read a book with a main character that has a mental illness
Keep a diary for a year
Read a poem a day for a month
Visit Budapest
Spend an entire day watching films
Eat from a food truck
Learn how to make an origami crane
Visit Hamburg
Move out of my parent's house
Watch a foreign film
Grow my hair long
Visit Paris
Visit the Musée d'Orsay
Visit the Louvre
Visit 5 different countries
Give a homeless person food
Go to 5 different museums
Buy a lottery ticket
Read 100 books
Learn German
Learn French
Learn Japanese
Learn to play piano
Get driver's license
Take a First Aid course
Learn to swim
Learn how to use formulas in Excel
Learn how to sharpen a knife
Learn to shoot a handgun
Go fishing
Cut someone's hair
Take an archery class
Learn to play poker
Go somewhere by train
Dance in the snow
Spin a basketball on my finger
Make a piece of clothing for myself
Learn to use a chainsaw
Write on 20 creative writing prompts
Take a French class
Create a room you love
Learn how to change the oil in my car
Cut paper snowflakes to hang in the bedroom window
Make crepes
Eat at ten new restaurants
Try sleeping under the stars
Attend a football match
Win a game of chess
Go bike riding on the beach
Stop procrastinating
Bake cupcakes from scratch
Make homemade chicken noodle soup
Go on a roadtrip with my best friends
Have a sugar-free month
Learn a card trick
Stay up all night talking
Read a book with a love triange
Learn how to dance
Read all of Shakespeare
No coffee for a month
Take a romantic walk on the beach
Go to the dentist for a check up
Write a song
Buy a nice pair of sunglasses
Deliberately wear odd socks
Reconnect with a long lost friend
Bake cookies
Cook an entire meal for my family
Get a helix piercing
Take a boat ride
Get down to my ideal weight
Kiss on a ferris wheel
Learn 3 poems by heart
Take a road trip by myself
Watch the sunrise and sunset in one day
Go to a masquerade party
Develop a better skin care routine
Watch all the Star Wars films in one day
Read 20 classic books
Leave an inspirational note for someone to find
Move out of home
Make a list of things that make me happy
Write a letter in calligraphy
Organize my music collection
Cook an entire meal by myself
Wear pyjamas for an entire day