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🦒 Visit the Giraffe Manor in Nairobi KENYA / 🐎 Ride Horseback through the Masai Mara - Kenya / Visit Swaziland / Try a new recipe every month for 6 months / Visit Sao Tome and Principe / Visit Sudan / Visit Kinshasa DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO / Visit Bangui CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC / Watch traditional dancing in Bukoba TANZANIA / Visit São Tome SÃO TOMÉ AND PRÍNCIPE / Visit Mirontsi COMOROS / Witness Comoran dances in Mitsamiouli COMOROS / Stroll around the Mount Bouet Market GABON / See Pico Cão Grande (Great Dog Peak) SÃO TOMÉ AND PRÍNCIPE / Drink a glass of Bil-Bil, a Cameroonian homemade beer CAMEROON / Take a quad bike across the Makgadikgadi Plains BOTSWANA / Drink a bottle of traditional Bojalwa beer BOTSWANA / Visit Lilongwe MALAWI / Visit Kirundo BURUNDI / Pay a visit to the Fetish Temple in Abomey BENIN / Shop for crafts at the Msasani Slipway TANZANIA / Visit Caiengue ANGOLA / Visit Caxita Cameia ANGOLA / Visit Dombe Grande ANGOLA / Visit Lumeje ANGOLA / Visit Luxilo ANGOLA / Visit Marimba ANGOLA / Visit Muginga ANGOLA / Visit Mulondo ANGOLA / Visit Uku ANGOLA / Visit Xangongo ANGOLA / Visit Maun BOTSWANA / Visit Abeche CHAD / Explore the National Museum of Anthropology ANGOLA /