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🤗 Identify 100 things that make me happy / 💰 Buy a lottery ticket / 🎨 Find a personally inspirational quote and work it into a piece of art or home decor / 🎨 Complete a coloring book / 👩🎨 Draw a self portrait / 🎨 Fill a sketchbook with drawings / Take an art class / 📔 Fill a sketchbook / Buy a piece of art / Complete a colouring book / Entertain the elderly at a nursing home / Color an entire coloring book / Make a comic strip / Create a piece of art / Completely fill a blank sketchbook / Get a caricature done of myself / Buy a piece of original art / Fill a sketch book with drawings, design ideas and cuttings / Finish a coloring book / Have an exhibition of drawings/paintings/photographs / Buy an original piece of artwork / Draw a portrait / Start an art journal / Complete a sketchbook / Fill a Moleskine sketchbook with drawings / Finish a sketchbook / Complete the 30 day drawing challenge / Take art classes / Fill an entire sketch book with ideas for paintings / Fill an entire sketchbook / Start drawing a weekly comic strip / Buy a piece of art created by a local artist / Sketch everyday for a month / Illustrate a children's book / Color in a coloring book / Paint or sketch something / Complete a colouring in book / Start a sketchbook / Decorate a mug with a sharpie / Own an original piece of artwork / Run an art class for children / Make a coloring book / Teach an art class / Fill a page of a sketchbook every month / Enter art in an exhibit / Learn Illustrator / 🖍️ Play with sidewalk chalk / Go to a life drawing class / Learn Zentangle / Play with an Etch A Sketch / Visit New Britain Museum of American Art CONNECTICUT / Do a chalk drawing on the pavement or a wall / Build something with my own two hands / Draw myself as an anime character / Sketch every day for a month / Take an art course in Palazzo Spinelli ITALY / Make a stipple portrait of someone / Learn to draw myself as a cartoon / Make a charcoal drawing / Do a chalk drawing on the pavement / Learn to hand draw a map of the USA / Draw my own mandala / Draw the Statue of Liberty / Draw every Disney Princess / Make a list of 101 things for my swap / Learn to hand draw a map of Europe / Learn to hand draw a map of South America / Make illustrations to my favourite books / Have portrait drawn/painted / Become a cartoon character /