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Brew my own beer / Tour a brewery / Make cheese / Make my own wine / Go on a winery tour / Make my own beer / Make homemade wine / Tour a brewery/distillery / Make sourdough bread / Make homemade pickles / Make ginger ale / Make homemade yogurt / Learn to make sourdough bread / Brew a batch of beer / Make pickled onions / Stomp grapes / Make mead / Learn to brew beer / Brew my own cider / Make kombucha / Bake sourdough bread / Make my own yogurt / Bake artisan bread / 🍲 Make miso soup from scratch / 🥃 Go on a whisky distillery tour in Scotland SCOTLAND / Make mozzarella cheese / Make a sourdough starter / Stomp on grapes to make wine / Make apple cider / Brew my own kombucha / Tour Ontario's microbreweries CANADA / Learn to make yogurt / Make my own mead / Taste Chicha, homebrewed wine BOLIVIA / Discover how rum is made in a guided tour of the Grenada Sugar Factory distillery GRENADA / Try fermented banana & millet beer called Mbege at the Chagga region TANZANIA / Visit Brooklyn Brewery NEW YORK / Make homemade cider / Ferment something / Make and maintain sourdough starter / Taste Chicha, a homebrewed spirit made from fermented corn ECUADOR / Taste home brewed Palm wine GHANA / Drink a bottle of Huari beer BOLIVIA / Drink a glass of Urwarwa, homemade banana wine BURUNDI / Taste Eesti Kali, a Slavic fermented drink made from bread ESTONIA / Taste Chang, a traditional home-brewed beer BHUTAN / Drink a bottle of Three Horses lager MADAGASCAR / Drink a cup of Swa, beer brewed from local grain ERITREA / Make my own yogourt / Tour a tequila factory / Make blackberry wine / Learn to brew my own beer / Visit 10 microbreweries / 🍑 Make umeshu / Make my own sourdough bread / Try kombucha / Can/preserve something / Drink a glass of homebrewed ginger beer and palm wine LIBERIA / Attend the Boston Beer Summit MASSACHUSETTS / Taste Chicha de jora (an alcoholic drink made of fermented maize) PERU /