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Travel by train / Take a train somewhere / Go somewhere by train / Take a trip on a train / 🚅 Take a trip on the Shinkansen (Bullet train) JAPAN / Go on a train trip / Take a train ride / Take the train from Toronto to Vancouver / 🚂 Visit the Glenfinnan Viaduct, made famous by the Harry Potter films SCOTLAND / Visit Union Station in Chicago ILLINOIS / Ride a bullet train / Ride the Trans-Siberian Express across Asia / Ride a luxury train SOUTH AFRICA / Visit the Nyugati Train Station HUNGARY / Visit Matjiesfontein SOUTH AFRICA / Visit the Saskatchewan Railway Museum CANADA / Ride the Wuppertal Schwebebahn GERMANY / Ride the famous Flåm Railway NORWAY / Ride the toy train to and from Ooty INDIA / Visit the Alberta Railway Museum / Visit Glennfinnan Viaduct SCOTLAND / Take the Tokaido Shinkansen from Tokyo to Osaka JAPAN / Take the Qinghai-Tibet railway from Xining to Lhasa CHINA / Take a country tram from Gotha to Friedrichroda GERMANY / Ride the Settle-Carlisle steam train ENGLAND / Visit the train museums, ride a steam train, and sleep in a caboose in Strasburg PENNSYLVANIA / Visit the Boise Train Depot IDAHO / Take the train between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem / Ride on an Amtrak UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Make love on a train / Visit America's Historic Roundhouse ILLINOIS / Take a ride on the Big South Fork Scenic Railway KENTUCKY / Take a steam train from Gernrode through the Selketal GERMANY /