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African Travel
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🥾 Hike the Mountains of the Moon UGANDA / 🦁 Track down the big five at the Kruger National Park SOUTH AFRICA / Travel on a local bus TANZANIA / Catch a sunset while on a boat on the Nile SUDAN / Visit Serengeti National Park TANZANIA / Visit Lalibela ETHIOPIA / See the source of the Nile at the Owen Falls Dam UGANDA / Go camel trekking on the Sahara from Tamanrasset ALGERIA / Visit Kigali RWANDA / Go pony trekking through the Simien Mountains ETHIOPIA / See the Namib Desert believed to be the world's oldest desert NAMIBIA / 🏛️ Visit Arch 22 THE GAMBIA / See Leatherback turtles nesting on the Gabonese Coast GABON / Harvest coffee with the locals in foothills of Kilimanjaro TANZANIA / Watch the sailing dhows in the Old Harbour at Mombasa KENYA / Spot the big 5 in the Limpopo National Park MOZAMBIQUE / Take a train ride on the Benguela railway ANGOLA / Take a boat to the Xakanaxa lagoon BOTSWANA / Windsurf on wheels in the desert areas near Lake Assal DJIBOUTI / Swim in Lake Malawi MALAWI / Canoe down Kwando River NAMIBIA / See River Ubangi CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC / Visit the Vendredi Mosque in Moroni COMOROS / Explore the Snake Museum in the Collège de la Salle BURKINA FASO / Visit Lake Assal surrounded by dormant volcanoes and lava fields DJIBOUTI / Hike Mt Mulanje (Mulanje Massif) MALAWI / See the Al Khulafa Al Rashiudin Mosque in Asmara ERITREA / See the Black Rocks at Pungo Andongo (Pedras Negras de Pungo Andongo) ANGOLA / Visit the Katchikali Crocodile Pool THE GAMBIA / Try dune buggy racing at Swakopmund NAMIBIA / Visit the Grand Mosque of Touba SENEGAL / Ride the Red Lizard Train TUNISIA / Visit Capelongo ANGOLA / Take a long-distance boat trip on the River Gambia THE GAMBIA / Visit Lambarene GABON / See the wine boulevards and markets in Faranah GUINEA / Take a boat to Sheikh Said Island ERITREA / Visit Dosso NIGER / Explore Moyeni on horseback LESOTHO / Go horseback riding in Mohales Hoek LESOTHO / Go pony-trekking in Ketane and Maletsunyane LESOTHO / Witness the Calandula Waterfalls in Malanje ANGOLA / Hire a dug-out canoe or motorboat on Nakoue Lagoon BENIN / Getaway for the weekend to the Grand Bassam beach CÔTE D'IVOIRE / Go diving in Lake Bosomtwi GHANA / Join a caravan in the Sahara / Ride in a Dalla-Dalla TANZANIA / Try using the Nomad's Toothbrush for a day ETHIOPIA / Visit Gabela ANGOLA / Visit Chissamba ANGOLA / Visit Selebi-Phikwe BOTSWANA / Visit Muyinga BURUNDI / Visit Ruyigi BURUNDI / Visit Ngozi BURUNDI / Visit Kayanza BURUNDI / Visit Conda ANGOLA / Visit Cuimba ANGOLA / Visit Cuvelai ANGOLA / Visit Dongo ANGOLA / Visit Quibala ANGOLA / Visit Quimavongo ANGOLA / Visit Soyo ANGOLA / Visit Sumbe ANGOLA / Visit Tchindjenje ANGOLA / Visit Techamutete ANGOLA / Visit Xa-Muteba ANGOLA / Visit the Mosque of Djenne MALI / Windsurf at Lake Langano ETHIOPIA / Bask in the sun at Congo's outlet to the sea in Pointe-Noire REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO / Take a trip along the Nile to the Jebel Aulia dam SUDAN / See the Djamma el-Kebir Mosque ALGERIA / Cycle in the Sahara ALGERIA / See camel caravans at Tamanrasset ALGERIA / Stroll around the Palace in Yamoussoukro CÔTE D'IVOIRE / See the plantations of the President in Yamoussoukro CÔTE D'IVOIRE / Visit the Yamoussoukro Mosque CÔTE D'IVOIRE / Witness the scenic sacred fish pond of La Mare aux Poissons Sacres de Dafra BURKINA FASO / Go mountain- biking around Bobo Dioulasso BURKINA FASO / See the Livingstone Memorial at Lobatse BOTSWANA / Swim in the waters of Ghoubet al Kharab Beach DJIBOUTI / Bask on the white sandy Arena Blanca beach on Bioko Island EQUATORIAL GUINEA / See the tomb of Said Mustafa wad Hasan in Akordat ERITREA / Discover the Grande Corniche in Bangui CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC / See Niger's economic centre at Maradi NIGER / Visit the Tomb of Said Abu Bakr el Mirgani and the Mariam de Arit ERITREA / Water-skii in Port Gentil at the mouth of the River Ogooue and Libreville GABON / Visit a gold mine at M'Bigou GABON / Visit Kotu Beach THE GAMBIA / Visit Cassongue ANGOLA / Visit Catabola ANGOLA / Visit Caungula ANGOLA / Visit Cela ANGOLA / Visit Linzolo REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO / See Nyiragongo Volcano DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO / Visit Bakara Market SOMALIA / Visit Cafunfo ANGOLA / Visit Lake Sonfon SIERRA LEONE / Travel on the Barberton Steam Locomotive SWAZILAND / Visit Iona National Park ANGOLA / Visit Loufoulakari Falls REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO / Climb Pico de São Tome SÃO TOMÉ AND PRÍNCIPE /