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✨ Make a list of 101 quotes that inspire me / Throw a party / Fly on a plane / Move into my own apartment / Learn how to pick locks / Write a love poem / Create an emergency fund / Back up all my music and pictures / Change all of the passwords for my online accounts / Make a list of 101 things I'm thankful for / Buy life insurance / Backup all computer files and photos / Make a list of 101 things that are joyous / Learn how to pick a lock / Throw a house party / Backup computer on the first weekend of every month / Meet the president / Open a Swiss bank account in Switzerland / Build a fence / Pick a lock / Party in a private booth at a nightclub / Change all my passwords / Visit the Denver International Airport COLORADO / Make a master list of all my usernames and passwords / Change the password to all my accounts / Create a Twitter account / Visit the Diefenbunker CANADA / Send something to Post Secret / Find a secure method of storing all my passwords / Sleep in a police station / Make an emergency fund / 🔥 Buy a fireproof safe / Visit the Fabrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre SPAIN / Create and build my dream home / Backup all computer files / See the US President's entourage / Visit North Korea's DMZ NORTH KOREA / Crowd surf at a rock concert / Visit San Francisco International Airport CALIFORNIA / Visit Lori ARMENIA / See the ten acre fortified zone in the centre of Baghdad called the Green Zone IRAQ / Visit Erbil IRAQ / Tour the Bureau of Printing and Engraving (The U.S. Mint) / Know how it feels to be loved /