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🧠 Memorize the "To be or not to be" soliloquy from Hamlet / Go to England / Travel to England / 📖 Read a Shakespeare play / 💕 Read Romeo and Juliet / Go to a Renaissance Faire / Travel to the UK UNITED KINGDOM / 🎭 Attend a performance at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre in Stratford-upon-Avon ENGLAND / Attend the Verona in Love festivities ITALY / Watch a Shakespere play at The Globe / 🏰 Visit the Casa di Giulietta (Juliet's House) in Verona ITALY / Visit Verona ITALY / See a Shakespeare play at the Globe UNITED KINGDOM / Read all of Shakespeare's plays / See a play at the Globe Theatre ENGLAND / Attend the Oregon Shakespeare Festival OREGON / Soak up the romantic sights of Verona ITALY / Visit the Globe Theatre ENGLAND / Visit Stratford-upon-Avon UNITED KINGDOM / Visit the birthplace of Shakespeare ENGLAND / Meet David Tennant / See Navy Pier's Shakespeare Theatre ILLINOIS / Follow in the fictional footsteps of Hamlet to Elsinore DENMARK / Read King Lear / Read 10 plays by Shakespeare / 🏰 See a Shakespeare play at the Globe Theatre ENGLAND / Visit Ashland OREGON / Attend the Alabama Shakespeare Festival ALABAMA / Visit the City of Verona ITALY / Visit Stratford CANADA / See a Shakespeare play at the American Shakespeare Center in Staunton VIRGINIA / Visit Kronborg Castle DENMARK / Visit Furness Library at University of Pennsylvania PHILADELPHIA / Read Julius Caesar / See Juliet's wall in Verona / Attend the Lake Tahoe Shakespeare Festival NEVADA / Attend the Utah Shakespearean Festival UTAH /