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Navigate the Yangtze River CHINA / Take a trip on a gondola in Venice / Ride in a gondola / Ride a gondola / Take a Gondola Ride at the Venetian NEVADA / 🚢 Ride through the Panama Canal PANAMA / Ride the Falkirk Wheel SCOTLAND / Marvel at the highest hydraulic lift lock in the world on the Trent Canal in Peterborough CANADA / Take a gondola ride in Venice ITALY / Take a riverboat tour on the Mississippi MISSISSIPPI / Visit the Grand Canal ITALY / Take a cruise to Siem Reap CAMBODIA / Take an Erie Canal boat cruise NEW YORK / Travel on a boat to the underground waterway in the Jeita Caverns LEBANON / Learn about the mechanics of the Panama Canal PANAMA / Visit the Falkirk Wheel SCOTLAND / Attend the Thames Diamond Jubilee Pageant ENGLAND / Take a cruise on the Bama Belle ALABAMA / Take a boat tour of the River Thames ENGLAND / Paddle through a Medieval Town / Cruise the Yangtze River CHINA / Take a long-distance boat trip on the River Gambia THE GAMBIA / Take a river tour of the Hudson NEW YORK / Sail down the Volga RUSSIA / Take a ferry across the Congo River DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO / See the Batang Rejang River MALAYSIA / Explore the marshes along the Shatt El-Arab waterway by boat IRAQ / Kayak through otherworldly scenery at Caddo Lake TEXAS / See the Canal Laussat in Cayenne FRENCH GUIANA / Visit the Canal Du Midi FRANCE / Float along the Canal Saint-Martin PARIS / Ride the Lake Express ferry from Muskegon to Milwaukee MICHIGAN / Catch a ferry /