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African Cuisine
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🦁 Go on an African safari / Visit Nairobi KENYA / Travel to Namibia / 🛬 Visit Accra GHANA / Watch a Football Match in South Africa SOUTH AFRICA / Enjoy a cup of spiced-coffee at Zanzibar TANZANIA / 👫 Visit Burkina Faso / Visit Zambia / Visit Botswana / 🛬 Visit Ouagadougou BURKINA FASO / 🏰 Visit Porto-Novo BENIN / Visit Angola / 🛬 Visit Bissau GUINEA-BISSAU / Visit Libreville GABON / Savour a plate of piri piri and zambesi chicken at a local restaurant MOZAMBIQUE / Visit Niamey NIGER / Eat a Burundian feast of plantains, sweet potatoes, cassava, peas and maize BURUNDI / Taste Mopane worms, a local delicacy BOTSWANA / Visit Gambia / Drink a glass of Urwarwa, homemade banana wine BURUNDI / Savour a bowl of Canja and Catchupa at a local restaurant CAPE VERDE / Experience a Sundowner BOTSWANA / Savour the Kalahari truffle BOTSWANA / Participate in the Easter Affair SOUTH AFRICA / Share a plate of Ugali and beans with Tanzanians TANZANIA / Try Nazi, local coconut wine, at Pemba TANZANIA / Share a plate of Matoke with friends UGANDA / Taste Fool and Dura at a local restaurant SUDAN / Taste home brewed Palm wine GHANA / Visit Brazzaville REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO / Visit Bujumbura BURUNDI / 🌴 Visit Conakry GUINEA / Visit Yaounde CAMEROON / Road trip through Botswana / Visit Asmara ERITREA / Visit Jūbā SOUTH SUDAN / Eat a plate of Irio KENYA / Share a plate of Matapa and Wusa with a local MOZAMBIQUE / Try Nyama Choma and a bottle of Serengeti TANZANIA / Share a plate of Morama and Morogo with a local family BOTSWANA / Eat a plate of Ro, Ravitoto and Ramazava at a local restaurant MADAGASCAR / Visit Côte d'Ivoire / Savour a plate of Calulu and Chicken Muamba at a local restaurant ANGOLA / Share a plate of Forofa and Mufete de Cacuso with a local ANGOLA / Eat a plate of Kitcha and Injera at a local restaurant ERITREA / Drink a glass of Palm wine and Kgadi BOTSWANA / Drink a glass of homemade ginger beer BOTSWANA / Drink a glass of home brewed ginger beer, palm wine and banana wine CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC / Savour a plate of Cassava and Barbecued goat meat COMOROS / Savour a plate of fish from the Red Sea DJIBOUTI / Stroll around the Mount Bouet Market GABON / Savour a plate of Zebra meat cooked on a braai at a local restaurant NAMIBIA / Share a plate of Potjiekos with a local NAMIBIA / Go on an African safari - in Africa! / Savour a plate of Foura at a local restaurant NIGER / Savour a plat of Benachin and Domodah at a local restaurant THE GAMBIA / Drink a glass of homebrewed ginger beer and palm wine LIBERIA / Visit Caluquembe ANGOLA / Visit Cangamba ANGOLA / Visit Catumbela ANGOLA / Visit Cazombo ANGOLA / Visit Chitembo ANGOLA / Visit Coutada ANGOLA / Visit Dondo ANGOLA / Visit Jamba ANGOLA / Visit Massango ANGOLA / Visit Mucusso ANGOLA / Visit Nharea ANGOLA / Visit Cuito Canavale ANGOLA / Visit Dori BURKINA FASO / Visit Bimbo CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC / Visit Bozoum CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC / Attend the Marula festival SWAZILAND / Visit Mozambique Island MOZAMBIQUE / Savour a plate of Jollof rice with fish at a local eatery GUINEA-BISSAU / Savour a plate of Foo-foo, plantains made into cakes GUYANA / See the wine boulevards and markets in Faranah GUINEA / Celebrate the Nyem-Nyem Festival with the locals CAMEROON / Savour a plate of Zom at a local restaurant CAMEROON / Taste San Antao liqeuer made from coffee, cinnamon, fig leaf, peppermint and orange CAPE VERDE / Share a plate of N'voufou and Attieke with a local CÔTE D'IVOIRE / Have a Zanzibari cocktail at Livingstone's TANZANIA / Eat Machalari TANZANIA / Sample Bangui (local palm wine) CÔTE D'IVOIRE / Shop for fresh vegetables at the morning markets at Brazzaville DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO / Try Feuille, a regional speciality CAMEROON / Learn about the Somba people at Boukombe BENIN / Sample traditional street food at Mamou GUINEA / Eat a plate of Jollof rice and stuffed chicken with groundnuts, a local speciality GUINEA / Drink a glass of Cana de Cajeu, traditionally brewed cashew rum GUINEA-BISSAU / Eat a plate of chicken served in peanut butter, a local speciality EQUATORIAL GUINEA / Eat a plate of peanut sauce over rice, a Southern Chad speciality CHAD / Discover Bangui CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC / See the Hausa quarter in Bangui CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC / Taste a plate of Muama de Galinha at a local restaurant CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC / Visit Carnot CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC / Visit Bururi BURUNDI / Visit Mokolo CAMEROON / Visit Cuvelai ANGOLA / Visit Damba ANGOLA / Visit Quimavongo ANGOLA / Visit Tchindjenje ANGOLA / Visit Viana ANGOLA / Visit Lucapa ANGOLA / Visit Lumbala ANGOLA / Visit Cuangar ANGOLA / Savour a plate of Braai, a traditional barbecue LESOTHO / Visit Port de Pêche MAURITANIA / Celebrate the end of the rainy season with the Peulh people's lively knees up festival NIGER / Share a plate of Chicken Yassa and Plasas with a local THE GAMBIA / Drink a bowl of Goat soup, a national favourite LIBERIA / Savour a plate of Nyembwe and Manioc leaves, a local speciality GABON / Try local tea at a street stall in Niamey NIGER / Eat in Kenya's 180,000-year-old candlelit Ali Barbour Cave restaurant / Make Nsima / Visit the Kinkole Fish Market DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO / Visit the coffee plantation of Monte Cafe on Sao Tome SÃO TOMÉ AND PRÍNCIPE / Visit Lome Grand Market TOGO / Attend the Swaziland Harvest Festival (Newala) SWAZILAND /