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African Heritage
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🐪 Visit the Pyramids at Giza EGYPT / Visit Zimbabwe / Visit Maputo MOZAMBIQUE / Visit Senegal / Visit Kampala UGANDA / Visit Lalibela ETHIOPIA / Visit Sao Tome and Principe / See the ethnographic and archaeological exhibits of the National Museum at Nairobi KENYA / Visit the former gold-mining town, Pilgrim's Rest SOUTH AFRICA / Visit Khartoum SUDAN / 🏰 Visit Porto-Novo BENIN / Visit the Bushmen revered Tsodilo Hills BOTSWANA / 🌴 Visit Luanda ANGOLA / Visit Dodoma TANZANIA / Visit Bangui CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC / Attend the Morija Arts and Cultural Festival LESOTHO / Visit the largest monolithic church of Bete Medhane Alem ETHIOPIA / Visit Abu Simbel EGYPT / Watch the moon rise over Mombasa's old harbour KENYA / Learn about Maasai culture by doing a homestead tour at the Amboseli National Park KENYA / Visit Gambia / Attend Likumbi Lya Mize ZAMBIA / Attend Las Llamadas – Mardi Gras URUGUAY / See the Monastery of Debre Bizen ERITREA / See the Uganda Museum at Kampala UGANDA / See the Pyramids of Meroe SUDAN / See the Al Khulafa Al Rashiudin Mosque in Asmara ERITREA / Visit Adda-Doueni COMOROS / Visit the Kabaka Tombs on Kasubi Hill UGANDA / See traditional dances by the Wasukuma tribe at the Sukuma Museum TANZANIA / Celebrate Youth Day in Soweto SOUTH AFRICA / 🌊 Visit Banjul THE GAMBIA / Visit Asmara ERITREA / See the historic meeting place of Stanley and Livingstone outside Bujumbura BURUNDI / Visit Hargeisa SOMALIA / Visit Rumbek SOUTH SUDAN / Visit King Sobhuza II Memorial Park SWAZILAND / Visit Cacolo ANGOLA / Visit Tlemcen ALGERIA / Visit the Osun-Osogbo Ancient Grove NIGERIA / Visit Burcao SOMALIA / Visit the Nyanza Kicukiro Memorial Site RWANDA / Visit the Kigali Memorial Site RWANDA / Climb the mosque minaret at sunset for a spectacular view of Agadez NIGER / Visit Mbaïki CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC / Visit the Jos Museum of Traditional Nigerian Architecture NIGERIA / Walk around the pre-historic and ethonological museums at Kinshasa University DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO / Explore the old Swahili city at Lamu Island KENYA / Watch a historic recreation of good vs evil in the Festival de los Diablos y Congos PANAMA / Visit Capelongo ANGOLA / See the Wassu stone circles THE GAMBIA / Visit the exhibition of the slave trade at Albreda and Jufureh THE GAMBIA / Visit Kaya BURKINA FASO / Visit Parakou BENIN / Visit Chibemba ANGOLA / Visit Chibanda ANGOLA / Visit Tentativa ANGOLA / Explore St. Mariam's Cathedral in Tualud ERITREA / Visit Bingerville CÔTE D'IVOIRE / Join in the Africa Day festivities in Luanda ANGOLA / See traditional African villages on the Nimba Range GUINEA / Visit the National Museum at Banjul THE GAMBIA / Attend the Nyanga Arts Festival ZIMBABWE / Dance with an African tribe / Eat in Kenya's 180,000-year-old candlelit Ali Barbour Cave restaurant / Visit Cuchi ANGOLA / Visit Malanje ANGOLA / Visit Matala ANGOLA / Visit Francistown BOTSWANA / Visit the House of Slaves SENEGAL / Attend the Shimunenga ceremony ZAMBIA / Attend the Nc'wala Ceremony ZAMBIA / Visit the Zimbabwe Museum of Human Sciences ZIMBABWE / Visit the National Museum in Libreville GABON / Explore the Presidential Palace in Libreville GABON / Attend the Festival National des Arts et de la Culture (FENAC) CAMEROON / See the houses on stilts in Ganvie BENIN / See the Hausa quarter in Bangui CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC / Visit the City Museum at Maputo MOZAMBIQUE / Visit Samunona ANGOLA / Visit Quipungo ANGOLA / Visit Quimbele ANGOLA / Visit Quimavongo ANGOLA / Visit Pinheiro ANGOLA / Visit Noqui ANGOLA / Visit Negage ANGOLA / Visit Munhango ANGOLA / Visit Mungo ANGOLA / Visit Mulondo ANGOLA / Visit Muginga ANGOLA / Visit Mucumbo ANGOLA / Visit Menongue ANGOLA / Visit Lucala ANGOLA / Visit Lombe ANGOLA / Visit Kuito ANGOLA / Visit Huambo ANGOLA / Visit Galo ANGOLA / Visit Caungula ANGOLA / Visit Catacanha ANGOLA / Visit Cassanguide ANGOLA / Visit Waku Kungo ANGOLA / Visit Ukuma ANGOLA / Visit Uku ANGOLA / Visit Tumba ANGOLA / Visit Tombua ANGOLA / Visit Ouahigouya BURKINA FASO / Visit Mochudi BOTSWANA / Visit Abomey BENIN / Visit Lokossa BENIN / Visit Kandi BENIN / Visit Bohicon BENIN / Visit Koumra CHAD / Visit Bambari CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC / Visit Muramvya BURUNDI / Visit Cangumbe ANGOLA / Stroll the colonial Portuguese Ilha de Mocambique MOZAMBIQUE / Witness the burial mounds at Bouar CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC / Wander N'Djamena's historic quarter CHAD / Visit the National Museum of Kinshasa DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO / Walk around the Jimoh Buraimoh's African Heritage Gallery NIGERIA / Visit the grave of the Rastafarian diety, Haile Selassie I ETHIOPIA / Visit the Mosque of Djenne MALI / Attend the Festival au Desert MALI / Visit the Bamako Hills and Caves MALI / Visit Thaba-Bosiu LESOTHO / Visit Ad-Dakhla WESTERN SAHARA / See where the Basotho made a last heroic stand against the Boers in Thaba Bosiu LESOTHO / Watch a Borreh match, traditional wrestling THE GAMBIA / Visit the Rutovu monument which marks Burundi's claim to the source of the Nile BURUNDI / See the Livingstone Memorial at Lobatse BOTSWANA / Visit the National Museum in the Lycee Bogodogo BURKINA FASO / See the Moro-Naba Palace in Ouagadougou BURKINA FASO / See the Grande Mosquee in the Kibidwe district BURKINA FASO / See Fort Sao Miguel near the coast ANGOLA / Visit the Ifon and National Museums in Abidjan CÔTE D'IVOIRE / Visit Berbera SOMALIA / Visit Linzolo REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO / Visit Bimbe ANGOLA / Visit Baia Farta ANGOLA / Visit Bailundo ANGOLA / Visit Andulo ANGOLA / Visit St John's Maroon Church SIERRA LEONE / Visit the Sierra Leone National Museum SIERRA LEONE / Visit Bunce Island SIERRA LEONE / Visit Togoville TOGO / Visit Bassari Country SENEGAL / Visit the Barberton Museum SWAZILAND /