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101 Things in 1001 Days
Aug 01, 2018 - Apr 28, 2021
The Impossible List
This list has no specified timeline
101 Things in 1001 Days
Oct 25, 2015 - Jul 22, 2018
Things you want to do someday
Things you have done!
Member since November 2015
Goals completed!
Done (Not on a List)
Read a book with a number in the title
Read a book published this year
Read a book based entirely on its cover
Read a book with bad reviews
Read a book that was originally written in a different language
Finish reading a book in a day
Buy something from eBay
Visit Mecca
Visit Riyadh
101 Things in 1001 Days
Answer the "50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind"
Watch 26 movies I've never seen starting with each letter of the alphabet
Find a personally inspirational quote and work it into a piece of art or home decor
See 10 classic movies I've never seen
Write a letter to myself to be opened when the 1001 days is over
Learn Spanish
Expand my vocabulary by 100 words
Complete a 365 day photo challenge
Grow something from a seed
Write a list of 101 things to do in 1001 days!
Learn 50 new things by clicking the random articles button on Wikipedia
أدّخر ٥٠٠٠ ريال
Read 150 New Books
Less Stuff, Less Stress
Update My blog everyDay For one month
Private Goal
اراجع ١٠ أجزاء من القرآن
Buy a Tory Burch SANDAL
ازوّد وزني ٢ كيلو
'Unplug' for one whole weekend - no cell phone, no Internet, no TV, no computer
Watch 10 documentary films
Watch 10 foreign language films
Watch 10 Movies randomly
Watch 6 TV Shows
٥ مطاعم جديدة أو ١٠ وجبات جديدة
Watch 100 movies I've never seen before
شهر Habitica
give 3 "Just Because" Gifts
Unplug For one Week
Start a savings account
١٠٠ قطعة ملابس
١٠٠ مكياج
Start my own business
كل يوم ريال
اطبخ ١٠ طبخات جديدة من كتاب
read 15 Minutes For month
read 30 Minutes For month
كتاب موقّع ❤️
أصحى قبل ٥:٣٠ لمدة اسبوع
فطور،غداء،عشاء كل يوم لمدة اسبوعين
محفظة بطاقات
انظّف جوالي القديم
Buy a New Bag
اتفرج ١٠ افلام انتجت قبل ١٩٩٠
Complete a 30 day photo challenge
انظّف و ارتب ايميلي الشخصي القديم
ارسل للناس صورهم
اكتب مراجعة لـ٤٠ كتاب
Read 26 books I've never read starting with each letter of the alphabet
اكتب كل ريال صرفته لمدة ٣ شهور
Learn a new movie editing software
Write 5 letters to 5 people who changed my life
Read a popular author's first book
Read a book that came out the year I was born
Declutter Everything
٦ شهور كل سنة بدون شراء
Count & document
Get rid of 100 things
Organize my bookmarks
Sleep under the stars
Do some volunteer work
Read 28 books I've never read starting with each letter of the alphabet (Arabic)
Complete a 1000 piece puzzle
Buy something from Etsy
Eat a meal blindfolded
Complete a 'Walk To Mordor' challenge
Get rid of another 100 things
write 300 words everyday for month
Let my hair grow long
Do a 30x30 Challenge (30 minutes of physical activity for 30 days)
No fast food for a month
Stop drinking soda for a month
Choose 10 countries and read a book by an author from each
Say "yes" to something I would not normally do
Write down 5 positive things that happened during the day before going to bed for one month
Make a list of my fears and what I can do to face and defeat them
Stop procrastinating
Create a budget and stick to it
Write all my bad memories on paper, burn this paper afterwards
Document a "day in my life" in photographs
جلسة صحية لمدة أسبوع متواصل
Read a banned book
Read a book with a one-word title
Watch the Oscar-nominated movies from the year I was born
Read a book at the bottom of my to-read list
Watch an entire season of a television show in a weekend
Complete the 30 day drawing challenge
Private Goal
Make a video about a typical day of my life
Go to bed before 11pm every night for a month
اتفرج ١٠ مغامرات قديمة ❤️
ارتب وافضي الذواكر
اقرأ اشهر ٢٠ كتاب لسنة ٢٠١٥
Go 4 months without buying anything that isn't a necessity
Identify 30 things which make me happy, or smile, and photograph them
Read 10 classic books
٢٠ مادة جديدة
Drink 1400 ml of water every day for at least one week
Private Goal
Private Goal
The Impossible List
اجلس في الحر لمدة ساعة بدون مكيف او مروحة
101 Things in 1001 Days
Base all my decisions on the flip of a coin for a day
Listen to a new artist a month for a year
Make a list of 100 things that I am grateful for
Make a dish from a different country every month for a year
Plant a tree
Buy a new book every month for a year
Make a playlist of 26 songs (each starting with a different letter of the alphabet) and listen to them in alphabetical order on a road trip
Write with my left hand for a day
Don't drink coffee for a week
Read a book more than 100 years old
Read a book written by an author with my same initials
Read a book with nonhuman characters
Learn how to make an origami crane
Clean out my closet
Read 3 books from the banned books list
Identify 100 things that make me happy
Complete the 52 week money challenge
Document my music taste over a year
Go a month without buying anything that isn't a necessity
Look up a new word in the dictionary every day for a year
Read a book a week for a year
Spend an afternoon taking photos once a month for a year
Make a new friend from another country
Watch a silent film
Read a book over 1000 pages long
Learn origami
Read 200 books
Save $500 in an emergency fund
Buy a present for someone without a reason
Learn a poem by heart
Eat 3 things I've never tried before
Complete a 1000 piece puzzle by myself
Do a random act of kindness for a stranger
Write down something new I learned each day for a month
Give up soda for 3 months
Put an entire paycheck into savings
Go a day with no technology
Read a play
Make an Indian dish
Get rid of 150 things
Develop an alternative source of income
Write a new list for the next 1001 days
Take a free online class
Make a new friend
Read a book based on or turned into a TV show
Read a book that became a movie
Have a little black dress
Wear a skirt or dress every day for a week
Eat no sweets for a week
Make my bed every day for a month
Make a cleaning schedule and stick to it
Read a book out loud to someone else
Listen to an audiobook that has won an Audie Award
Blog at least once a week for a year