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🤔 Answer the "50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind" / 🤐 Don't complain about anything for a week / 🤗 Identify 100 things that make me happy / Take a self-defense class / Learn meditation / Don't swear for a whole week / Participate in a charity walk / 🙏🏼 Meditate for 10 minutes every day for a year / Learn to meditate / Do the 40 hour famine / Do a walk for a cause / Do a run for charity / List ten things that made me happy on the last day of every month / Eat a meal blindfolded / Watch a documentary every month / Do a walk for charity / Learn how to meditate / Learn self-defense / Take self-defense classes / Participate in a charity run / Shave my head for charity / Watch a documentary / Visit a concentration camp / Pay homage to the victims of the Holocaust at Auschwitz POLAND / Avoid getting any more speeding tickets / Listen to a podcast on an unfamiliar topic / Attend the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras AUSTRALIA / Write one haiku a day for a year / Run for a cause at the London Marathon ENGLAND / Stop running with scissors / Attend Stockholm Pride SWEDEN / Live homeless for a week / Find out everything you ever wanted to know about leprosy at Bergen's very cool Leprosy Museum NORWAY / Run for a cause at the Rome Marathon ITALY / Run for a cause at the Edinburgh Marathon SCOTLAND / 🏥 Visit the Glore Psychiatric Museum MISSOURI / Sleep in a cardboard box / Attend the Pride Festival in Cape Town SOUTH AFRICA / Attend a charity walk / See the end of homophobia / Visit the New Jersey Vietnam Veterans Memorial and Museum NEW JERSEY / Be more thoughtful before speaking /