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Visit Hagia Sophia TURKEY / Visit the Great Cathedral and Mosque in Cordoba SPAIN / 🕌 Visit Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque UNITED ARAB EMIRATES / Visit the Sultan Ahmed Mosque (Blue Mosque) TURKEY / See the largest mosque outside Mecca in Casablanca MOROCCO / 🕌 Visit the Mezquita, the Great Mosque (UNESCO) SPAIN / See the 15th century Green Mosque in Bursa TURKEY / Catch sight of the Mosque of Soliman in Rhodes GREECE / See the Balsica Tower and Renaissance Church Mosque in Ulcinj MONTENEGRO / Visit La Mezquita (Cathedral of Cordoba) SPAIN / See the Fathija Mosque in Bihac BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA / Visit the Grand Mosque of Bobo-Dioulasso BURKINA FASO / Celebrate Ramadan in Riyadh SAUDI ARABIA / See the Great Mosque of Sana'a YEMEN / Visit the 17th century Shahi Jama-e-Masjid Mosque BANGLADESH / Visit one of Cairo's earliest mosques Al-Azhar EGYPT / Visit the Ottoman Mustafa Pasha Mosque NORTH MACEDONIA / Visit the Vendredi Mosque in Moroni COMOROS / See the Al Khulafa Al Rashiudin Mosque in Asmara ERITREA / 🏛️ Visit the world heritage listed city of Djenne MALI / Live as a muslim for a month / Visit the Grand Mosque of Touba SENEGAL / Visit Narayanganj BANGLADESH / Climb the mosque minaret at sunset for a spectacular view of Agadez NIGER / Visit the Hala Sultan Tekke mosque on the edge of Larnaca Salt Lake CYPRUS / Visit the Omar Ali Saifuddien Mosque BRUNEI / See the futuristic An'nur Jamek Mosque MALAYSIA / See the Grande Mosquee in the Kibidwe district BURKINA FASO / Visit Faisal Masjid - one of the largest mosques in the world PAKISTAN / See the Kabudi (Blue) Mosque built in 1465 IRAN / See the Pul-e Khishti Mosque AFGHANISTAN / Visit the Larabanga Mosque GHANA / Visit the Al Haidariya mosque with a dome made up of gold tiles in Najaf IRAQ / Spot the minarets of the Tikiyeh Mosque in Damascus SYRIA / Visit the Bibi Khanym Mosque UZBEKISTAN / Discover the Al-Qartâwiyat and Taynâl mosques in Tripoli LEBANON / Visit the Yamoussoukro Mosque CÔTE D'IVOIRE / See the Djamma el-Kebir Mosque ALGERIA / Visit Jameh Mosque, the largest in Iran IRAN / Visit the lively Le Marche Central near the mosque DJIBOUTI / Visit the Mosque of the Ascension ISRAEL / Visit the Mosque and the Sultanate at Maradi NIGER / Visit the Grand Mosque (Konboro Mosque) MALI / Visit the Islamic Cultural Center QATAR / Visit the Mosque of Djenne MALI /