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🚲 Buy a bike / 🥚 Dye Easter eggs / 🌽 Go through a corn maze / Try ice skating / Study 6 different cultures per year; have a themed weekend for each with food, music, culture and geographical info for the family / 📅 Make an advent calendar / Build a teepee / Go on a family holiday / Go ice skating outdoors / Walk a dog / 🐘 Visit Brookfield Zoo ILLINOIS / Visit the Lost World Caverns VIRGINIA / 🎡 Attend a county fair and eat funnel cake / Visit Shelburne Farms VERMONT / Visit the Ashfall Fossil Beds NEBRASKA / Make a slip and slide / Visit the South Carolina State Museum SOUTH CAROLINA / Visit the parks in Medellin COLOMBIA / Go sledding at White Sands National Monument NEW MEXICO / Visit Ringling Brothers Museum FLORIDA / Ride the dodgems at County Hall by Waterloo Station ENGLAND / Visit Patuxent Research Refuge MARYLAND / Explore Warwick Castle ENGLAND / Visit Rockcliffe Park CANADA / Teach my kids how to cook, bake, do laundry and basic life & survival skills / Visit Fort Massac State Park ILLINOIS / Camp in the Olympic National Park / Tour the Biltmore Estate NORTH CAROLINA / Visit 10 Woodland Trust sites UNITED KINGDOM / Hike at Silver Creek Falls OREGON / Visit Wollaton Hall ENGLAND / Visit The Mini Time Machine Museum of Miniatures, Tuscon ARIZONA / Visit Great Falls Park VIRGINIA / Visit Peak District National Park ENGLAND / Visit the National Mustard Museum WISCONSIN / Visit Clown-Museum Leipzig GERMANY / Visit Cheekwood Estate TENNESSEE / Attend National Tom Sawyer Days MISSOURI / Visit Croft State Park SOUTH CAROLINA / Make a popcorn string for the Christmas tree / Visit Rend Lake State Fish and Wildlife Area ILLINOIS / Visit White River Gardens INDIANA / Visit Swope's Cars of Yesteryear Museum KENTUCKY / Visit SnowWorld (Landgraaf) NETHERLANDS / Celebrate Autumn Festival in Hong Kong HONG KONG / Canoe at Cross Ranch State Park NORTH DAKOTA / Visit Angel Mounds State Historic Site INDIANA / Celebrate Independence Day in Granada NICARAGUA / Participate in the Independence Day festivities BAHRAIN / Visit Ferne Clyffe State Park ILLINOIS /