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Religious Festivals
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🎅🏼 See the Parade of Saint Nicholas NETHERLANDS / Visit Bhutan / Attend the Festas dos Santos Populares (Festivals of the Saints) PORTUGAL / Visit the Churches and Convents of Goa INDIA / Take a trip to former capital Antigua Guatemala GUATEMALA / Join in the Ganesha Chaturthi festivities in Mumbai INDIA / Attend the Semana Santa in Seville SPAIN / Attend the Corpus Christi celebrations at Toledo SPAIN / Attend the Tuscan Sacred Music Festival ITALY / Witness traditional rituals at the Thaipusam festival MALAYSIA / Attend the Fiesta de al Candelaria on the shore of Lake Titicaca PERU / Celebrate the Holy Week in Braga PORTUGAL / Participate in the Semana Santa celebrations in Antigua GUATEMALA / Celebrate Easter in San Fernando PHILIPPINES / Celebrate Buddha's birth and englightenment in Borobudur INDONESIA / Participate in the Fiesta de San Isidro SPAIN / Attend the Makha Puja, a Bhuddist festival for purification and candlelit ceremonies THAILAND / Attend the Fiesta de la Candelaria PERU / Celebrate Dia de San Jose with the locals COSTA RICA / Attend the St Stanislaw Procession POLAND / Pay homage to Tu Dao Hanh by attendting the Thay Pagoda festival VIETNAM / Catch one of Myanmar's frequent Buddhist festivals MYANMAR / Participate in Lisbon's festival of St. Anthony PORTUGAL / Attend the Santa Rosa de Lima Feast PERU / Immerse yourself in the celebrations of the colourful Vel Festival SRI LANKA / Attend the Greater Bairam (Feast of Sacrifice) celebrations ALBANIA / Drive to Drametse Goemba BHUTAN / Explore the district of Wangdiphodrang BHUTAN / Attend the orthodox St George's Day celebrations BULGARIA / Celebrate St Mary's Day in Hetta, an old Sami tradition FINLAND / Attend the Festival of the Hungry Ghosts SINGAPORE / Attend the Lord of Miracles Festival PERU / Participate in the Fiesta de San Sebastian PERU / See the ram sacrificing rituals during the Feast of the Sacrifice CÔTE D'IVOIRE / Join in the Tribute to Santo Tomas in Guatemala City GUATEMALA / Attend the Lord of the Earthquakes festival PERU / Celebrate San Juan (John the Baptist's Day) in Iquitos PERU / Attend the Virgen del Carmen Festival PERU / Participate in Mela Chiranghan, the festival of lights PAKISTAN / Participate in the New Years Eve Pahela Baishak celebrations in Dhaka BANGLADESH / Join the town in celebrating the festival of El Sagrado Corazon de Jesus GUATEMALA / Attend the Our Lady of Begoña Festival SPAIN / Attend Qoyllur Rit'i PERU / Attend the Dancing Devils of Yare festival VENEZUELA / Take part in the Songkran festival THAILAND / Attend the Madonna Bruna festival ITALY / Visit Damba ANGOLA / Watch the Corpus Christi procession in Łowicz POLAND / Attend Attukal Pongala festival in Thiruvananthapuram INDIA / Attend the Carnival of Oruro BOLIVIA /