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Eat with chopsticks for a week / Learn how to perform a Japanese tea ceremony / Explore the unknown on the Torres Strait Islands AUSTRALIA / Watch traditional displays of Fijian fire-walking FIJI / Explore the Koroyanitu National Heritage Park FIJI / Attend the Omizutori Water Drawing Ceremony JAPAN / Visit one of Seoul's street fortune tellers for a reading of your future SOUTH KOREA / Watch the Hyena Men feed hyenas with their mouth ETHIOPIA / Visit Pu'uhonua o Honaunau National Historical Park on the Big Island HAWAII / Learn about traditions and culture by signing up for the Bahamas' People-to-People scheme BAHAMAS / Learn about different indigenous cultures at the Centro Neotropico Sapapiqui COSTA RICA / Greet the summer solstice in Arctic Bay, the northernmost point of Baffin Island CANADA / Pick tea leaves with the locals at the Coorg tea estates INDIA / Learn Kung Fu / Visit the tribal villages of Dalat VIETNAM / Learn about Maasai culture by doing a homestead tour at the Amboseli National Park KENYA / Explore the monasteries of Erdene Zuu and Gandan MONGOLIA / Learn about tribal customs and desert survival techniques from the Himba Kraals in Kaokoland NAMIBIA / Bathe in a Turkish bathhouse / Harvest seaweed with the locals in the tidal flats of Bwejuu TANZANIA / Chew qat at Djibouti DJIBOUTI / Celebrate T'boli culture with the people of Lake Sebu PHILIPPINES / Go fishing with the locals along the coast ALGERIA / Catch one of Myanmar's frequent Buddhist festivals MYANMAR / Witness sacred Mayan rituals being practiced by tribes in El Altiplano GUATEMALA / Have your fortune told by a Tibetan astrologer NEPAL / Experience Basotho lifestyles in the rural areas of Basothi LESOTHO / Learn about the Macushi tribe at Surama GUYANA / Witness Zaydism being taught at the al-Hadi Mosque YEMEN / 🏞️ Visit the Alaska Native Heritage Center in Anchorage ALASKA / Visit the Budj Bim heritage areas AUSTRALIA / Tour the monasteries in Tibet TIBET / Visit Belau National Museum PALAU / See Chinese villagers throw molten iron at a wall / See the ram sacrificing rituals during the Feast of the Sacrifice CÔTE D'IVOIRE / Learn about the culture of indigenous people at the Musee des Cultures Guyanaises FRENCH GUIANA / Go ice-fishing with a bottle of Kossu (vodka), a Finnish tradition FINLAND / Fish with the locals on River Ogooue GABON / Learn about the Mandinka tribe at Bakau THE GAMBIA / Observe Ghanaian tribal rituals during an ancestral remembrance festival GHANA / Learn more about Inuit culture by living with them GREENLAND / Learn about the Dene culture during an educational tour CANADA / Spend time with an Indigenous Mayan group at El Altiplano GUATEMALA / See the floating gardens at Inlay Lake MYANMAR /